

Union Street Closure on Monday June 27

For Immediate Release:
The lower half of Union Street, near Elliot Street Terrace will be closed to traffic with a detour provided on Monday, June 27th, 2022 from 8:00am to 8:00pm due to sewer pipe maintenance work.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Free Ambulance Offer Accepted

selectboard june 21 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard agreed to the Golden Cross contract addendum of a free 90-day extra staff and ambulance offer, which the Fire Chief explained came at his suggestion.

They also held a first reading about fines and penalties for rental housing violations, heard public comments about cameras, announced a possibility of a downtown police substation, learned about Tri-Park’s current situation, and more.

The Sundog Poetry Center Presents a Summer Afternoon of Art, Music and Poetry at Next Stage Arts on Sunday, July 3rd

The Sundog Poetry Center is thrilled to announce a summer afternoon of art, music and poetry, our signature AMP event, featuring poetry by Rage Hezekiah, Kerrin McCadden, and Partridge Boswell, music by Los Lorcas, and visual art by Liz Hawkes deNiord.

Rage Hezekiah is a Cave Canem, Ragdale, and MacDowell Fellow who earned her MFA from Emerson College. She is a recipient of the Saint Botolph Emerging Artist Award and she serves as Interviews Editor at The Common. Her forthcoming collection, Yearn, is a 2021 Diode Editions Book Contest winner. She is the author of Unslakable (Paper Nautilus Press, 2019) and Stray Harbor (Finishing Line Press, 2019). Rage’s poems have appeared in the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-Day, The Cincinnati Review, The Colorado Review, and many other journals and anthologies. You can find more of her work at ragehezekiah.com.

Upper West River to be Studied this Summer

The water quality of the upper West River and some of its tributaries is getting closely examined this summer. Fitzgerald Environmental Associates has been hired through the State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to conduct a Stream Geomorphic Assessment (SGA), which is a way of assessing, understanding, and evaluating the condition of the river system.

According to Marie Caduto, Vermont DEC Watershed Planner for the southeastern portion of Vermont which includes the West River and its tributaries, “this project has been in the works for several years.  The local communities are concerned that the recreational use of Townshend Lake and the West River has been impacted by all the sediment moving down the river since Tropical Storm Irene.  What we are looking to study is where this sediment is coming from and to find on-the-ground projects that can be done to help stabilize the erosion.”

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Summer 2022

What have you noticed around Brattleboro recently? The little things that aren’t worthy of a full story, but caught your eye?

NECCA circus tent is back up. It’s been up for a couple of weeks now, and again I say that this really marks the location well. Nothing like a circus tent to say “circus!”
Brooks Memorial Library has their new tool-sharing shed and sign up, located between the library and the municipal center.

BCTV Schedules – Week of June 20, 2022

Monday, June 20, 2022

4:00 am Racism in America – Chinese in America 5/19/22
6:00 am Around Town with Maria – Bill McKibben in Brattleboro 5/27/22
7:05 am Ethan Allen Homestead Enrichment Program – Thomas Jefferson and the American Maple Sugar Industry
8:00 am Democracy Now! – Democracy Now! Daily Broadcast

New Hydrant for Elliot Street Tuesday

On Tuesday, June 21, the Utilities Division will be installing a new hydrant in the area of 195 Elliot ST.  Elliot ST will be closed in the area beginning at 7:00 am through approximately noon.  Stewart Place and Elliot ST addresses up to #186 can be accessed from the east end of Elliot ST and addresses #190 and higher can be accessed from the west end of Elliot ST. 

Motorists should plan to use alternate routes during this time.

Next Stage 2022 Artist-in-Residence Amirah Sackett and MR MiC present “BeatBox MEETS Popping” on July 2nd at SIT

International artists Sackett and Ahmed Zaghbouni aka MR MiC join forces to bring a fun and energetic performance entitled “BeatBox MEETS Popping.” Amirah is a hip-hop dancer, choreographer, and educator based in Chicago, IL. Her signature style is the funk style dance known as ‘popping’. As a proud Muslim American, she combines Islamic themes with her dance to share the universal beauty of her faith with audiences of different faith backgrounds to promote unity and understanding. Ahmed Zaghbouni is an international beatboxer and filmmaker from Sousse, Tunisia. His performance always entertains the audience with disbelief by the sounds he creates only using his mouth and voice as an instrument. He is proud of his Muslim heritage and the Sufi faith traditions native to his home of Tunisia. These two Muslim artists, bonded by faith and their love of hip-hop, offer a counter narrative to the media’s portrayal of Muslims. Both Ahmed and Amirah are dedicated to preserving and sharing hip-hop culture with the next generation and audiences around the world, as well as being examples of using art for social change.

A World Without Guns

June 20, 2055- After more than 30 years of grassroots activism a constitutional amendment has been passed in the United States that will make it illegal for most citizens to possess firearms. The 28th amendment is short. It states that, “No citizen, with the exception of military, law enforcement and certified hunters shall be allowed to possess and use firearms. Hunters must be subject to a federal certification process requiring background checks and verification by one mental health professional of suitability to hunt.” The amendment also describes provisions for removing guns from circulation.

The organization No More Dead Children was created in the wake of deaths of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas in 2022. Chapters of the organization formed in communities throughout the U.S. and became the voice for gun reform. Many of the leaders of these organizations were survivors of mass shootings at schools.

Slow Response to Housing Crisis

Brattleboro officials notice the housing crisis: 500 units are needed — NOW. But recent proposals for construction of a dozen or so units are a pathetic response.

The selectboard and committees are fixated on new construction, as if that is the only way.

Brattleboro Common Sense (BCS) proposed rent controls and just-cause eviction controls (JCE) two years ago, and town government has done nothing. BCS is also proposing emergency measures to create new housing by increasing occupancy limits and allowing RV’s to be rented as bedrooms and mini-houses in private driveways.

Cris Ericson On The Nov. 8, 2022 Election Ballot!

Hello! My name is Cris Ericson and I would like to publicly thank more than 500 local Vermonters in southeastern Vermont who signed my petitions to allow me to be on the Nov. 8, 2022 general election ballot as an Independent candidate for United States Senator.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to be another voice in this election when so many people are a little bit frustrated with their usual political affiliations with Democrats and Republicans and they are willing and ready to hear my newest ideas. 


Juneteenth is a federal holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved African Americans. It marks the anniversary of an announcement by the Union Army on June 19, 1865, proclaiming freedom for enslaved people in Texas.

The holiday has been celebrated annually on June 19th in various parts of the United States since the 1860s, broadly celebrating African-American culture.

The day was first recognized as a federal holiday in June 2021, when President Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – June 21, 2022

Golden Cross is back on the agenda with a limited-time offer that will only cost $50,000 a year after the initial 90 day free trial. The Brattleboro Selectboard will, by approving this, “expand the second AEMT provider to 24 hours per day and situate a third ambulance (to be housed at Station 2.)”

They will also discuss liquor licenses, fines for rental housing inspection program violations, Waste Water Treatment Plant and water pump improvements, and more. You can bring up other issues not on the agenda during public participation.