

Ask the Broker: Rents, Home Price Downturn?

Newly listed home sales down as sellers explore options: Realtor.com economist – YouTube

Realtor.com economists are typically cheer-leaders for an endlessly rising market. But this video with Realtor.com Chief Economist Danielle Hale talking about a market turnaround came out today. If you google “housing market” or use that as a youtube search term, you will get lots of recent real estate crash warnings.

Ethiopian Ensemble QWANQWA Performs at Next Stage Arts on November 18th

Next Stage Arts presents an evening with Ethiopian ensemble QWANQWA on Friday, November 18 at 7:30 pm at Next Stage Arts.

“The legacy of Ethiopian music has a rich history,” says Keith Marks, Executive Director of Next Stage Arts. “It’s amazing to watch the musicians of Ethiopia carrying and building upon that rich tapestry of cultural music coming out of Eastern Africa. Qwanqwa exemplifies the virtuosity and talent in current Ethiopia – we’re excited to host them at Next Stage.”

Brought together by a shared passion for the power of Ethiopian music, this group shines an experimentalism based in the virtuosity of rooted traditions. With swirling mesenko (one-stringed fiddle), punk krar solos (electric lyre), wah-wah-violin, bass krar boom, and the unstoppable rhythm of heavy kebero (goat-skin drum) beats, powerful traditional lead African diva vocals, Qwanqwa keeps the people wrapped in celebratory attention. After making a splash at world renowned festivals Roskilde and WOMEX, and after 2 European tours under their belt, this world traveling ensemble is hitting the road in 2018 and beyond.

“Here We Are” with Fenibo Kalaiwo

From Nigeria to Brattleboro, Fenibo Kalaiwo discovered music along the way through Bach, Jimi Hendrix and David Byrne. He also worked with adolecscents at the Brattleboro Retreat. Fenibo shares some great stories of his explorations and the deep connections that have influenced his music and his life.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – AP Triton, Charter Commission, and Bikes

selectboard october 18, 2022

The new bike ordinance was almost adopted by the Brattleboro Selectboard, but it looked strange upon a second review, and was delayed until the next meeting.

Reps from AP Triton said they, too, would not be giving much weight to community input gather by their own community survey on EMS feasibility. They will present four options, but not a preferred choice, and will leave it to the board to come to their own conclusions. They are also 75% done with their work, but would love to hear from the public at their Wednesday night meeting.

The board bought their simulation machine, and started a Charter Review Commission at the last moment possible, despite earlier requests to get the process going multiple times in the past few years.

Oct 18 Select Board Meeting & Oct 19 Public Forum on EMS

This study has been described a way to assess the feasibility of a Fire/EMS service within the
Brattleboro Fire Department. It might be noted that $25k of the money set aside for this study was approved as part of the Town Budget on a vote of 100-6 (5 abstentions) by members at a March 19, 2022 Representative Town Meeting. At that time the line item for the appropriation was for a ”strategic plan” to help with “community expectations, concerns, positive feedback, help identifying critical issues, service gaps as well as give … guiding values and principles on how we move forward ….” 2021-2022 Annual Report, p. 48

There was no mention of Fire/EMS at that time.

The Truth No Longer Matters

We live in a time in which the truth has less and less bearing on how the world operates. This is something that has evolved over a long period of time but it feels like we are, more acutely, feeling the effects of allowing ourselves to be influenced by those who are willing to lie to get whatever they want.

It may seem like this is something new, but the world of politics has witnessed this phenomenon for as long as the political game has been played.

The difference today is that the years of not stopping the lies forcefully enough have finally caught up with us and there are now millions of people around the world who are easily convinced that lies have somehow been magically converted into the truth because someone in power has told them to believe them.

Recent News Combined w/ Google Research Proves Politics Just Got a Little Dirtier! Get The Mud Rag Out!

“GlobalFoundries secured $30 million in federal funding to accelerate development of chips that will allow devices to … power electric vehicles….
U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt….secured the funding in the Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2022.”

We pay our taxes to the I.R.S. and then the U.S. Congress (House & Senate) votes to give our tax dollars away as subsidies to corporations to make products which they will sell internationally and they will keep the profits for themselves even though we paid for their subsidies. Where is our share?

Wild Animals Disappearing

“A vast new study finds there are 70 percent fewer wild animals sharing the earth with us than there were in 1970. Read that again. And again.”

Courtesy: Bill McKibben via Tim Stevenson

Vernon Street Closure on Thursday

On Thursday, October 20, the Town of Brattleboro and Green Mountain Power will be working on Vernon Street near the intersection of Vernon Street and Bridge Street.  The work will take place between 9:00am and 11:00am.  During this work, Vernon Street will be closed from Main Street to Royal Road.  Motorists should seek alternate routes.

BCTV Schedules Week of October 17, 2022

BCTV Channel 1078 schedule for the week of 10/17/22

Monday, October 17, 2022

4:00 am Brattleboro Literary Festival – Ancestor Trouble with Maud Newton and Rebecca Donner 9/9/22
5:00 am Dummerston Apple Pie Festival – Behind the Pie 7/23/12
5:35 am All Things LGBTQ – Interview Show – Lydia Stryk and Nate Buck
6:30 am Sustainable Woodstock – Green Drinks Series – All-Electric Lawn Care
7:30 am BCTV Open Studio – Bollywood Spotlight Series 9/23/22

Guilford Voters: Another New JP Ballot

Guilford voters will be receiving a new ballot in the mail for the Justice of the Peace election. The ballot will be mailed to every registered voter in town by Guilford town clerk, Penny Marine, following meetings this past week of the town’s Board of Civil Authority and Selectboard. Voters should be receiving the new ballots within a few days. All previously submitted JP ballots — only the JP ballot, not the main ballot for all other offices — will not be counted and will be destroyed.

This action is a result of an error in the preparation of the main General Election ballot, which failed to include the Justice of the Peace candidates. With the approval of the Vermont Election Division of the Secretary of State’s office, the town clerk initially remediated the omission by sending new ballots to voters who requested them. A number of townspeople, however, questioned the fairness of this system.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – October 18, 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard will approve the purchase of a simulation machine at their next regular meeting.

They’ll also update the bike section of the Code of Ordinances, hear a presentation on preliminary findings of feasibility of a Fire/EMS service within the Brattleboro Fire Department, and will begin a Charter review process. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.