Brattleboro Meets With Rescue, Asks for Uncompensated Mutual Aid

Rescue Inc Press Release: “Brattleboro – The Brattleboro selectboard sent a request to the Rescue Inc trustees asking for a meeting to discuss mutual aid on May 19th. This was the first communication between the Town and Rescue Inc. since the September 2021 consortium meeting which was attended by then Town Manager Peter Elwell and the Selectboard Chair Elizabeth McLoughlin. The Rescue corporate officers agreed to an early June meeting and replied to the request on May 20th. A June 6th meeting date was confirmed.

Brattleboro’s request for help covering ambulance calls comes after the selectboard unilaterally chose to terminate a 56-year relationship with our nonprofit, community-based organization. This decision was made without any discussions about, or actual consideration of, the impact on the surrounding communities. The Town presented its position during a February 9th meeting when Rescue was told the Town would not pay an assessment fee and that Rescue should provide service for free. The response from Rescue Chief Drew Hazelton rejecting those terms in March has been cited as the reason for the sudden closed door meeting that led to the change in EMS providers.

Brattleboro Selectboard Instructed Town Manager to Take On EMS; Board Warned of Pandora’s Box By Manale

When I asked him about his goals back on Jan 20, Town Manager Yoshi Manale spoke of creating more open spaces downtown, being open and transparent, and being flexible while solving problems. No mention of wanting to alter EMS services. Yet the impression one might get from official communications is that a new town manager came to town, took aim at EMS, and is walking away.

But that’s not the full story. First off, the Brattleboro Selectboard told him to take on Rescue.

Both the current and former Chair of the Brattleboro Selectboard have confirmed that Town Manager Manale was not acting solo when it came to Rescue Inc actions and decisions.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – June 7, 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard will emerge from another Executive Session to do something that isn’t done very often – update the boundaries of the voting districts in town, which will change representation at Representative Town meeting. This update is to conform with adjustments recently made by the state.

The board will also take up the Utility Fund, Parking Fund Budget, raises, and the Depot Street parking lot project. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Your Handy Brattleboro Fire – EMS – Rescue Timeline 2021-2022

It is sometimes helpful to look at information in a timeline format. Thanks to everyone who assisted in piecing this together this list of Brattleboro Fire, Rescue, and EMS items from the past year or so.**

Please note any additions or corrections you feel would clarify in the comments if you’d like. This is an in-progress project and will likely be updated. I’ll note any edits to the main timeline list in the comments.


March 22 – Elizabeth McLoughlin becomes Chair of the Selectboard.

Brattleboro Town Manager Yoshi Manale Severance Agreement and General Release

Here’s the full text of the Severance Agreement and General Release for Brattleboro Town Manager Yoshi Manale.



This Severance Agreement and General Release Agreement (“Agreement”), made the 19th day of May 2022, between Octavian Yoshi Manale, an individual, hereinafter referred to as “Manale”, and the Town of Brattleboro, a Vermont municipality, hereinafter referred to as “Brattleboro”, is an agreement which includes a general release of claims.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda – Town Manager’s Resignation and Severance Agreement

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, May 31 , 2022, at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Brattleboro Municipal Center at 230 Main Street. Directly after the conclusion of the meeting, the Board is expected to meet in executive session to discuss contracts, labor relations with employees and the appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or employee.  Everyone will be required to  maintain social distance. The public is encouraged to participate in the meeting over Zoom. The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  Closed Captions will be available.

Brattleboro Memorial Day Closings

In observance of Memorial Day, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on Monday, May 30, 2022, with the exception of emergency services. Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday, May 29 and Monday, May 30, 2022. All other violations will be enforced.

Brooks Memorial Library will be closed on Sunday, May 29 and Monday, May 30, 2022.

Trash, recycling and curbside compost will NOT be picked up on Monday, May 30. All collections for the week will be delayed by one day.

Main Street Milling and Paving Rescheduled

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 26, beginning at 6:00 pm, Highway crews will be milling and paving Main ST between High ST and Grove ST.  The work will take place overnight and is expected to be completed by Friday morning at 7:00 am.  There will be no on street parking during this project and motorists should expect delays in the area and seek alternate routes.  

High Street Paving Rescheduled

Tomorrow, Thursday, May 26, beginning at 6:00 pm, DMI Paving (a contractor of the town) will be paving High ST from Main Street to Green Street.  The work will take place overnight and is expected to be completed by Friday morning at 7:00 am.  There will be no on street parking during this project and motorists should expect delays in the area and seek alternate routes.  

Brattleboro Abstract Grand List and Grievance Hearings

Pursuant to title 32, Vermont Statutes Annotated, section 4111(g), “A person who feels aggrieved by the action of the Listers and desires to be heard by them, shall, on or before the day of the grievance meeting, file with them his or her objections in writing and may appear at such grievance meeting in person or by his or her agents or attorneys. Upon the hearing of such grievance the parties thereto may submit such documentary or sworn evidence as shall be pertinent thereto.”

Brattleboro Selectboard Chair Suggests Mutual Aid Agreement With Rescue, Inc.

Dear Ms. Hege,
After some initial staff level discussion on the issue of mutual aid between the Town of Brattleboro and Rescue Inc., Chief Hazelton made clear his preference for direct Board to Board communication. We are happy to honor his request. It is our view that a mutual aid agreement between our two organizations is in our shared best interest. I hope that you agree.

Town of Brattleboro Statement on Town Manager Resignation

Brattleboro Town Manager Yoshi Manale has submitted his resignation effective Friday, June 3, 2022. Selectboard Chair Ian Goodnow accepts this resignation with regret, “I understand that Yoshi would prefer to return to work in larger municipalities and we wish him the best with his future endeavors.”

Yoshi Manale Resignation Statement

Statement from Brattleboro Town Manager Yoshi Manale

I have submitted my resignation to the members of the Brattleboro Selectboard, and they have accepted it. My last day will be June 3rd.

Brattleboro is a beautiful town that I was excited to work in. People here are warm, friendly, gracious, and welcoming. There are fantastic recreational opportunities, great local food, and outstanding cultural offerings. And, of course, it is located in a beautiful setting of mountains, ponds, and rivers.

May 20, 2022 Brattleboro Cemetery Committee Meeting


The Brattleboro Cemetery Committee is established for the purpose of advising the Selectboard in matters of care and maintenance of all Town owned cemeteries.

It establishes policies, rules and regulations for operation of the cemeteries; sets prices for services provided; lays out plots, drives and paths and prices for burial plots.  No policy making decision of the Committee is valid unless approved by the Selectboard.

Milling and Paving of Main Street

On Thursday, May 19, beginning at 6:00 pm, Highway crews will be milling and paving Main ST between High ST and Grove ST.  The work will take place overnight and is expected to be completed by Friday morning at 7:00 am.  There will be no on street parking during this project and motorists should expect delays in the area and seek alternate routes.  

The rain date for this project is Thursday, May 26th.