Honey, There’s a Bobcat Stuck in the Window…

I couldn’t resist sharing this-

Leanne Kalabis, who lives in Nelson, British Columbia, was quite surprised to come home and find a bobcat in her basement. The poor, confused animal probably got in because a door was blown open while she was out. Once in, though, it couldn’t find a way to get out again, and became agitated, lunging at a window…”Initially I just saw the front of its face and thought, ‘oh, it’s just someone’s cat,’ but then I saw the rest of it,”

Rest of story here: http://www.treehugger.com/natural-sciences/honey-theres-bobcat-stuck-window.html

Wind Chill Advisory Through Wednesday Morning

The NWS says there is a Wind Chill Advisory in effect until Wednesday morning:

“A wind chill advisory means that very cold air and strong winds will combine to generate low wind chills. This will result in frost bite and lead to hypothermia if precautions are not taken. If you must venture outdoors…make sure you wear a hat and gloves.

Winter Solstice 2013

The winter solstice this year is on December 21st st 12:11 PM EST. Although some might think it came early, the date and time shown is when it officially starts.  The only thing I like about winter besides Christmas is the night sky with all the bright stars and constellations that can be seen like Orion and Sirius the Dog Star, for example.

Fox Screams Heard on Chestnut St. Last Night

We were woken a little after midnight by a hoarse barking sound under our window. It went on at intervals of maybe 2 or 3 seconds between each bark. There was an answering bark in the middle distance as well.

The barking moved from yard to yard pretty quickly, but seemed to come back to our yard several times before moving off for good.

Paddlng In The Retreat Meadows

In an effort to get me to stop talking about the beach, Chris bought us a canoe this summer, well used but sturdy and appropriately green.  I’m not an expert paddler but I love to float around in boats, so I was appeased by this gesture.  Even so, it was almost September before we had mastered our knots (for tying it to the car) and assembled our gear.  But all the preparation turned out to be worthwhile once we pushed off into the Retreat Meadows.

Please Join SeVWA On The Morning of Oct. 5th For The 17th Annual CRWC Source to Sea Cleanup!

Please join SeVWA for Connecticut River Watershed Council’s (CRWC’s) 17th Annual Source to Sea Cleanup!

On the morning of October 5th help us clean-up some of our most favorite local swimming holes and recreational sites along the West River in Brattleboro, Dummerston and Newfane – be a part of making these locations cleaner and safer for those of us that visit and enjoy these sites, for the wildlife too, and to protect the river’s water quality.

Source To Sea Clean Up Day – Oct. 5th

Wantastiquet Hellgrammites Volunteer for the Connecticut River Watershed Council

The Windham Regional Commission (WRC) is organizing a volunteer opportunity for those who are eager to help clean up the shorelines of our regional resource of beauty and recreation, the Connecticut River. The Wantastiquet Local River Subcommittee of the Connecticut River Joint Commissions is pulling together a group of volunteers to clean up the island under the Hinsdale Bridge in Brattleboro/Hinsdale.

Meet up at our base camp on Oct. 5th at 9:15 am at the Amtrak Vermonter Train Stop parking lot, 36 Bridge Street, Brattleboro. Look for a big tent. Please join the community of volunteers that day. Gloves, trash bags, and refreshments will be provided.

Mystery Rock

For years, I’ve been looking at this stone which I collected off the shoreline of the West River, up towards Williamsville.  I’ve not been able to figure out what it is.  Do any of our amateur (or professional) geologists know?

Although not obvious from this photo, the stone has a strong blue-green cast and is crystalline in nature.  The broken area at the top shows the crystal form somewhat, if you look closely.  There are a lot of stones of this type in the river around the area where I found this one, and I thought now would be as good a time as any to enlist the expertise of the community to finally identify it.

SeVWA’s E. coli Monitoring of Local River Sites is Finished for 2013

August 28th was the last river sampling day of Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance’s (SeVWA’s) 2013 river monitoring program. In 2013 there were 24 river and stream sites that SeVWA monitored. Those sites were in the West River and Williams River watersheds and along the Saxtons River and Whetstone Brook. This summer the river monitoring program began on Wednesday, June 19th and this past Wednesday, August 28th was SeVWA’s sixth and final monitoring day of the 2013 season!

August 14th Was SeVWA’s Fifth, and Next-to-Last, River Monitoring Day for the 2013 Season

Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance’s (SeVWA’s) water quality monitoring program was begun about 10 years ago. At that time, the organization was known as West River Watershed Alliance (WRWA). In 2013 there are 24 river and stream sites that SeVWA is monitoring and those sites are in the West River and Williams River watersheds and along the Saxtons River and Whetstone Brook.  21 volunteers sample at those sites every 2 weeks during the summer, with 7 additional volunteers filling-in for the “regulars” on occasional days during the


What do you get when you cross a Teddy Bear with a Housecat?

You get a 2-pound, big-eyed, tree-dwelling carnivore from South America and it is called an olinguito.

The Smithsonian Institute the first such species to be discovered in the American continents in 35 years. It is a native of the cloud forests of Ecuador and Colombia.

Hunting for Beauty, and Finding It Here

To those of you fellow citizens who awoke to a grey sky this morning. . .

if you had been up at 5:30, you would have seen the glorious sky known as the “pink – blue sky” to the east, above Wantastiquet.

It only lasts a short time, but it is a good sight for the eyes that have just come out of the dark and from sleep into the day.

It also reminds me of an idea I had for a photo excursion. In the winter, I frequently suffer from the blahs; the dark crowds in on me, and the cold saps me some. I have taken to going out, when I am in a bad mood, and trying to find beauty. Just the activity of trying to find moments and scenes of beauty, is restorative to my feeling of well being.

July 31st – SeVWA’s Fourth River Monitoring Day of the 2013 Season

Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance’s(SeVWA’s) water quality monitoring program was begun about 10 years ago. At that time, the organization was known as West River Watershed Alliance (WRWA).The 2013 river and stream monitoring program began on Wednesday, June 19th and this past Wednesday was SeVWA’s fourth 2013 river sampling day. 

Turtles to Toads – Live Animal Program at the Brooks Memorial Library

Turtles to Toads – LIVE ANIMAL PROGRAM at the Brooks Memorial Library 
Explore the worlds of repitles and amphibians through an interactive slideshow, touchable artifacts and live animals.

Saturday, August 3, 10:30 AM
Main Room

Presented by the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum as part of the Dig into Reading Summer Reading Program. 

Space is limited. Register by calling 254-5290 ext 110.

A Wood Thrush Sang In Forest Square

Through most of late June and early July, it was impossible to live anywhere near the town woods and not hear the eerie call of the wood thrush.  They seemed to be everywhere.  For a while, believing they were rarer than they are, I thought it might be just one or two who got around a lot.  But I heard them so regularly and in such scattered places — Cedar Street, Forest Street, the Retreat trails — that I decided there must be more than a few.  

July 17th – SeVWA’s 3rd River Sampling Day of 2013‏

Southeastern Vermont Watershed Alliance’s (SeVWA’s) water quality monitoring program was begun about 10 years ago. At that time, the organization was known as West River Watershed Alliance (WRWA). This past Wednesday, July 17th, was our third 2013 river sampling day.

Thankfully the weather had calmed down a bit in comparison to our last sampling day two weeks before – though the temperatures have been extremely high. The hot, dry spell has the rivers back to more normal levels and it has also influenced most of our sampling locations’ E. coli numbers to be at acceptable levels for swimming and/or boating. There were a few sites on the Williams and Saxtons Rivers that were just above the 235 E. coli per 100 ml. standard.

Turtles to Toads – Live Animal Program at the Brooks Memorial Library

Turtles to Toads – LIVE ANIMAL PROGRAM at the Brooks Memorial Library

Explore the worlds of repitles and amphibians through an interactive slideshow, touchable artifacts and live animals.

Saturday, August 3, 10:30 AM
Main Room

Presented by the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum as part of the Dig into Reading Summer Reading Program. Register by calling 254-5290 ext 110.