Two Months Left To Prepare For The Big Total Solar Eclipse Which Hasn’t Happened In 99 Years!

June 21, 2107 So much for my previous astrological prediction of some kind of news announcement today. Oh well, they did announce an electrical outage for a short period at the State House. That didn’t stop their tongues from flapping on the roofs of their mouths, they just brought in a generator. U.S. News & World Report, 6 hours ago, MONTPELIER, VT (AP) “Power has been restored to the VT Statehouse following about an hour-long outage as legislators were…” So, while I was still waiting for some news on marijuana legalization, I studied other seriously important astrological issues, combined with real life Space astronomy, that yield amazing new predictions!

Brattleboro Gets Rain

Just noting for the record the rather spectacular rainfall we just experienced in Brattleboro. This was some of the hardest rain I’ve seen in quite a while. “Buckets!” as they like to say.

Free Film Screening: SEED, The Untold Story

Please join us at Brooks Memorial Library on Wednesday, June 28th at 6
pm for a free showing of the movie: SEED, The Untold Story, brought to you by Brooks Memorial Library and the Radical Lending Library at the Root Social Justice Center!

In Like A Lion Still Works

We may be experiencing unusual temperatures at unusual times of the year, but March’s famed “In Like A Lion…” is holding true today, right on schedule. High winds are blowing about everything that is untethered in Brattleboro and southern Vermont.

Snow Day 2017

This morning Brattleboro is being treated to a very nice snow storm. It’s a heavy, constant snow, covering up all the dirt and grime of the previous storm. For a moment, it looks like a calendar, or snow globe.

We’ve had four or five inches so far, and more is falling. Is the snow falling to the ground, or the ground rushing up to meet it?

When I first looked out this morning, I saw flakes that were hovering in mid-air over the street, just bouncing along at a height of about 8 feet with no intention of dropping. Others were choosing to drop, but a certain class of flakes would have nothing of it.

Storm Damage

Last night between 3 and 4:30 AM or so I counted 13 breaking branches or falling trees.  There were other sounds, too, that I couldn’t identify but might well have been other trees.  Does anyone have photos of the damage?  I was a bit surprised to wake at 7 and find the grid still up.

That Which Accounts for the Blueness of the Sky

Has anyone told you, you have beautiful eyes today? No? Why don’t you try on hazel eyes for a day and let me be the first?

The beauty of hazel eyes adds a bit of a mystery on the human eye-color chart. Less than 7% of the world’s population has hazel eyes, which make hazel eyes rather rare.

The science of the observable characteristics of hazel eyes is, like all eye colors, determined by genetic traits “influenced by up to sixteen known genes, passed to you that you inherit.” Science no longer thinks that your hazel eyes “(or any other eye color) happened because of a dominant gene.”

Drive, Walk, and Ride Safely

Brattleboro is getting a first dose of real winter weather, and conditions for walking, biking, and driving are poor. Take your time, go a bit slower, and get to your destination safely.

Just this morning I was walking near Western Ave and Cedar and BANG – two cars collided. (Another guy and I were close enough to check on everyone. We also directed traffic for a moment until the police arrived.) Both drivers were safe, but they are both looking at lots of car repair.

If you don’t need to go out, by all means stay in. And watch the forecasts. More snow and rain is expected this week, along with cold temperatures.

The Casual Observer – November’s Beaver Moon

Earth’s moon is the largest planetary satellite relative to the size of its planet. Throughout its orbit it always shows the same face and this weekend it will shine down on us in one of its rare closest approach. The forecast indicates that this Saturday and Sunday will be sunny and clear, so hopefully viewing the Moon will be unimpeded at night.

The face of the Moon is arguably the most visual motif for countless subjects represented in the arts, literature and culture throughout all civilizations. According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Algonquin tribes and American colonists called the November full moon the Beaver Moon because it was the time to “set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs.”

Menopause – The Climacteric Cause of Female Life Extension and the Freedom of Newfound Sexuality

My sister-in-law told me that when she was menstrual and having babies she had little to no interest in sex. It was more obligatory to please my brother than necessary for her.Yet, after her divorce, and when she reached menopause, she said that she was really horny all the time, but because she was older and in her opinion, less attractive and post mid-forty, her opportunities to meet men to satisfy the newly acquired sexual urges were diminished. She complained that the sexual frustration was difficult to bear. I found her candor fascinating and I immediately understood that she was not alone.