BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 5/4/15

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 5/4/15 

Monday, May 4, 2015

12:00 am Vermont War Memorials, Statuary, and Cemeteries

1:15 am TED Talks: Pia Mancini: How to Upgrade Democracy for the Internet Era

1:30 am BTT: Spring Forward Extravaganza 3/6/15

3:00 am Ethan Allen Homestead: Robert Mello on Moses Robinson, A Founder of VT

4:00 am Vietnam Anniversary Screening and Panel – BUHS 4/2/15

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 4/27/15

BCTV Ch. 8 schedule for the week of 4/27/15 

Monday, April 27, 2015

12:00 am Community Meeting on Decommissioning VT Yankee 3/18/15

4:30 am UVM Power from the North Conf: The Past – How We Got Here

6:20 am Poets and Their Craft – Lecture 1: Sydney Lea at the Norwich Book Store

7:10 am BTT: Gwendolyn Hallsmith – 2015 Annual Mtg Guest Speaker

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 4/2015

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 4/20/15 

Monday, April 20, 2015

12:00 am NSA The Law And Snowden

1:40 am UVM Power from the North Conf: The Past – How We Got Here

5:15 am TED Talks: Andy Yen: Think your email’s private? Think again

5:30 am BOOKSTOCK 2014: US Laureate Charles Simic

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 4/13/15

BCTV Ch. 8 Schedule for the week of 4/13/15

Monday, April 13, 2015

12:00 am NSA The Law And Snowden

1:35 am Brattleboro Food Co-op Shareholders Forum 3/15/15

4:15 am The Benefits of Acupuncture at Morningside Shelter

4:30 am An Untrodden Route to India

6:00 am Abydos Egypt – Uncovering Egypt’s Ancient Past

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 4/6/15

BCTV ch.8 schedule for the week of 4/6/15

Monday, April 6, 2015

12:00 am Road to Recovery: Substance Abuse Among Youth

1:00 am An Untrodden Route to India

2:30 am DCC: How Nature Models Sustainability, Pt 3 – 2/17/15

4:00 am True North Reports: The Chain of Environmental Command

4:30 am Nuclear Free Future: The Impact of the Nuclear Age on the Earth

5:45: 4/3/15

Join 5:45 Live for a special spring Gallery Walk edition live from downtown Brattleboro, with an episode that includes headlines from the Co-ops lawsuit, Bernie’s attempt to restore $90 Billion in Pell Grant cuts, and some notable retirements in the BPD and BFD–plus exclusive footage from this week’s Coffee with a Cop event.

Bursting the Bubble

Recently I was being hauled up-mountain in the Bluebird chair at Mount Snow. Except for the fact of this locale being where the encounter happened, it’s not an essential detail to the story. The chair is also known as the bubble lift, and when the top is down and the chair is underway it’s as much of a moving cone-of-silence as you’re likely to come across. That part is somewhat relevant. On second thought, everybody in their car is probably equally ensconced in bubbles as we go about our day—but I digress.

In this chair, besides myself, is a father and teenage son. We are chatting amiably as the lift ascends. About three quarters of the way up, a beeping sound, a notification, goes off, and the man begins a dialog with his digital assistant. “Text From Droden, what would you like me to do?” “Read it”. The message is read in the vaguely british female automaton voice we have all come to know so well. “What would you like me to do? Respond to Text, Delete Text, Save Text?” “Respond to Text”.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/30/15

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 3/30/15

Monday, March 30, 2015

12:00 am Bill McKibben – A Report from the Front Lines of the Climate Fight

1:05 am Ethan Allen Homestead – The Haldimand Negotiations 1780 – 1782

2:10 am Tiokasin Ghost Horse at Guilford Community Church

4:00 am Norwich Bookstore: Mimi Baird – He Wanted the Moon

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/23/15

BCTV Ch 8 Schedule for the week of 3/23/15

Monday, March 23, 2015

12:00 am Heartbeat: Israeli-Palestinian Youth Musicians Concert at Goddard College

2:00 am At Landmark: Dorothea Brauer, ‘Queering Education’ 3/2/15

3:30 am VT Council on Rural Development: Climate Change Summit 2/18/15 Pt 2

5:00 am Tiokasin Ghost Horse at Guilford Community Church

… and WVEW Is Back On The Air

A circut (or some kind of wiring) that delivers WVEW’s signal to the transmitter boogied to our music a little too hard and got completely fried. It’s all fixed and our over the air broadcasts are back.

Today (as with most days) our all volunteer community radio station has a very full schedule of programming for you to enjoy. If you live within the range of our (over the air) broadcasts, you can get a show on the station too. Check out our website for more information – www.wvew.org.

WVEW’s Over The Air Broadcast Down Tonight (March 17th)


Since early this aftternoon, WVEW-lp’s over the air broadcast has been experiencing a problem at our transmitter and antenna site. We hope to have it resolved sometime tomorrow morning (Weds. March 18th).

In the meantime, the webstream of our broadcasts has not bee affected. It may be accessed at our website, wvew.org, or by clicking on the following link: 

Thank You.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/16/15

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 3/16/15

Monday, March 16, 2015

12:00 am TAP: Putting on Our Finery 11/14/14

1:10 am TED Talks: Ilona Szabó de Carvalho: Taking a Stand Against Drugs and Gun Violence

1:30 am Vermont Music Showcase: Full Program 3/2/2015

3:00 am Heartbeat: Israeli-Palestinian Youth Musicians Concert at Goddard College

5:00 am Green Mountain Vets for Peace: Police Militarization Pt 2

5:45 Live: 3/13/15

Vernon’s big recount, burglary ring updates, and Brattleboro’s visits from Lt Gov Phil Scott and Rep Peter Welch headline this edition of BCTV’s weekly media round-up. .

Vermont PBS Would Like To Hear From The Local Community

This letter was shared with Community Council members of Vermont PBS, and has now been made open to the community by Bill Holiday of the Brattleboro Historical Society (and a member of the Community Council of VT-PBS). All questions about this notice may be direct to Bill at holiday@svcable.net. Vermont PBS would like to hear about issues and events of concern in our corner of the state.

Dear Council Members:

5:45 Live: 3/6/15

Get ready for a post-town-meeting-day/election-night edition of 5:45 Live packed with plenty of footage from Brattleboro’s election night results and 4-hour select board meeting, Vernon drama galore, PAYT across Windham County, and much much more. .

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/9/15

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 3/9/15

Monday, March 9, 2015

12:00 am Vote for Vermont – Gun Control Legislation – 3/2/15

12:30 am Burlington’s 150th Birthday Celebration 2/21/15

2:00 am Sierra Leone’s Refugee All-Stars Concert

4:12 am TED Talks: Nadine Burke Harris: How Childhood Trauma Affects Health for a Lifetime

4:30 am West Brattleboro Economic Development: 2/23/15 Forum

Train Derailment News from Aljoumhouria, A Lebanese Newspaper:

“A train carrying 15 tanker cars of liquefied propane derailed in Essex junction, Vermont, late on Thursday, but no flammable gas was leaked and there was no danger to the public, according to a local news website on Friday.

All safety systems also operated as designed, burlingtonfreepress.com reported, citing New England Railroad spokesman Mike Williams.

BCTV Channel 8 & 10 Schedules for the Week of 3/2/15

BCTV Ch.8 schedule for the week of 3/2/15

Monday, March 2, 2015

12:00 am Ethan Allen Homestead: Reflecting on the Past

1:06 am The Last Pipe Keeper

1:30 am Valley Homegrown: Bay Rd 2/10/14

2:30 am VT Council on Rural Development: Climate Change Summit 2/18/15 Pt 1

4:00 am Road to Recovery: Join the Voices for Recovery

5:45: 2/27/15

The Fairpoint workers strike is finally resolved on a Friday edition of 5:45 Live that includes more from the NRC with Thursday’s NDCAP meeting, lots of town meeting prep and much more. .