My garden is doing...
- pretty darn good! 40%, 6 votes6 votes 40%6 votes - 40% of all votes
- great! 20%, 3 votes3 votes 20%3 votes - 20% of all votes
- well, you know, I haven't really gotten to it recently... 13%, 2 votes2 votes 13%2 votes - 13% of all votes
- other 13%, 2 votes2 votes 13%2 votes - 13% of all votes
- lousy 7%, 1 vote1 vote 7%1 vote - 7% of all votes
- it's okay 7%, 1 vote1 vote 7%1 vote - 7% of all votes
- I didn't garden this year 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 15
July 30, 2024
Snow-wise, I'm certain that
- there will be more; expect a major snowstorm in March or April 73%, 16 votes16 votes 73%16 votes - 73% of all votes
- we're done with snow; on to mud season! 18%, 4 votes4 votes 18%4 votes - 18% of all votes
- other 9%, 2 votes2 votes 9%2 votes - 9% of all votes
Total Votes: 22
February 21, 2024
In FY25, Brattleboro Town Department heads
- do not deserve larger than usual raises 91%, 10 votes10 votes 91%10 votes - 91% of all votes
- deserve larger than usual raises 9%, 1 vote1 vote 9%1 vote - 9% of all votes
Total Votes: 11
December 8, 2023
About that Daylight Savings Time... I think
- we should make Daylight Savings Time permanent - more evening light! 42%, 10 votes10 votes 42%10 votes - 42% of all votes
- we should make Standard Time permanent - more morning light! 33%, 8 votes8 votes 33%8 votes - 33% of all votes
- anything that ends clock switching is good for me 17%, 4 votes4 votes 17%4 votes - 17% of all votes
- we should keep switching clocks twice a year 8%, 2 votes2 votes 8%2 votes - 8% of all votes
Total Votes: 24
March 18, 2022
I get most of my news from
- online newspapers 38%, 9 votes9 votes 38%9 votes - 38% of all votes
- alternative news outlets 21%, 5 votes5 votes 21%5 votes - 21% of all votes
- radio 13%, 3 votes3 votes 13%3 votes - 13% of all votes
- cable news channels 8%, 2 votes2 votes 8%2 votes - 8% of all votes
- social media 8%, 2 votes2 votes 8%2 votes - 8% of all votes
- printed newspapers 8%, 2 votes2 votes 8%2 votes - 8% of all votes
- other 4%, 1 vote1 vote 4%1 vote - 4% of all votes
- blogs 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
- other people fill me in 0%, 0 votes0 votes0 votes - 0% of all votes
Total Votes: 24
November 29, 2021
I plan to "return to normal"
- other 28%, 5 votes5 votes 28%5 votes - 28% of all votes
- right now. 22%, 4 votes4 votes 22%4 votes - 22% of all votes
- maybe this summer. 22%, 4 votes4 votes 22%4 votes - 22% of all votes
- never, really. Things have changed. 17%, 3 votes3 votes 17%3 votes - 17% of all votes
- maybe this fall. 11%, 2 votes2 votes 11%2 votes - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 18
May 7, 2021
After a year with COVID restrictions, I'm
- doing fine. I can take another year. 33%, 6 votes6 votes 33%6 votes - 33% of all votes
- ignoring everything. COVID is over. 28%, 5 votes5 votes 28%5 votes - 28% of all votes
- stressed and worried. 17%, 3 votes3 votes 17%3 votes - 17% of all votes
- happy and healthy. 11%, 2 votes2 votes 11%2 votes - 11% of all votes
- getting restless. I want things to change. 11%, 2 votes2 votes 11%2 votes - 11% of all votes
Total Votes: 18
April 1, 2021
If another Vermont town has a Charter regulation approved by the legislature
- Brattleboro should also be able to have that regulation just by voting on it 40%, 8 votes8 votes 40%8 votes - 40% of all votes
- Not sure... I need some examples. 25%, 5 votes5 votes 25%5 votes - 25% of all votes
- Who cares? Doesn't matter to me. 25%, 5 votes5 votes 25%5 votes - 25% of all votes
- Brattleboro should continue to ask the legislature for approval to have that regulation 10%, 2 votes2 votes 10%2 votes - 10% of all votes
Total Votes: 20
February 9, 2021
About receiving that stimulus check...
- I already received my stimulus fund check. 50%, 6 votes6 votes 50%6 votes - 50% of all votes
- I have not received my stimulus funds, but expect to. 17%, 2 votes2 votes 17%2 votes - 17% of all votes
- Hang on to it, because you can bet our taxes are going to go up to pay for it...* 8%, 1 vote1 vote 8%1 vote - 8% of all votes
- I'll probably waiting until the stay-at-home order expires to spend which is something that will make President Grump thrilled.* 8%, 1 vote1 vote 8%1 vote - 8% of all votes
- I don't expect to get a stimulus fund check, but maybe I will. 8%, 1 vote1 vote 8%1 vote - 8% of all votes
- I will not be getting a check. 8%, 1 vote1 vote 8%1 vote - 8% of all votes
Total Votes: 12
April 27, 2020
This holiday season I gave money to Amazon...
- not at all! 44%, 7 votes7 votes 44%7 votes - 44% of all votes
- for a few items. 19%, 3 votes3 votes 19%3 votes - 19% of all votes
- for almost all of my gifts. 13%, 2 votes2 votes 13%2 votes - 13% of all votes
- Nuts to Amazon, gave everyone cookies.* 6%, 1 vote1 vote 6%1 vote - 6% of all votes
- for one thing I couldn't find anywhere else. 6%, 1 vote1 vote 6%1 vote - 6% of all votes
- for everything. It was the only place I shopped. 6%, 1 vote1 vote 6%1 vote - 6% of all votes
- in the form of imaginary currency.* 6%, 1 vote1 vote 6%1 vote - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 16
December 24, 2019
* - added by visitor