Commander in Mischief

In the light of Trump’s most recent campaign shenanigans, seemingly more outré each day- foul language, falling asleep, working the fryer, false accusations, disquisitions on phallus size, dance performance- this on top of his long string of unusual practices- mocking disabled people, belittling war victims, sexual assaults, absconding with secret documents, etc…it occurs to me this display clearly derives from the archetype of the Trickster.

The Trickster appears in various guises in almost all cultures throughout history. Shape shifting, boundary busting, upsetting the status quo by way theft, subversion, unorthodox behavior, inexplicable alliances, and undermining established morality. There’s always an element of twisted humor; Bugs Bunny, the Joker, Brer Rabbit, Loki, the incarnations are varied and always idiosyncratic, the energy irrepressible and unpredictable.

Whether consciously employed or not, as strategy or diversion, this embodiment of that ancient universal form explains Trump’s peculiar appeal more than that of desired despot, dictator, rebel, or devious grifter. And the impulsive response to mock this behavior, or scowl in incredulity, points to the insufficiency of a Democratic resistance.

The Trickster will always be present in human societies and narratives. As long as people are vulnerable and credulous, Confidence Men will have a ripe field to work within. Only by way of having positive overarching goals, setting firm limits, and employing sharp critical awareness, will methods to minimize their impacts be effective.

The question now before Americans, and the World, as this irrational and anarchic force intersects with the needs of governance in a time of climactic upheaval, rising xenophobia, and uncertain technological frontiers…will the lure of chaos, lunacy, collapse… overcome the impulse to stabilize, shore up, and foster democracy’s development along it’s winding and difficult uphill path?

Comments | 2

  • Keeping the Cult in Culture

    By suggesting Trump may be embodying the Trickster archetype, deliberately or unconsciously, this is not at odds with the notion that he may also be delusional or suffering from a form of dementia. But, more curiously, what does this say about his followers?

    It’s plausible to suggest a Trickster may be unaware of their own true motives. The Archetype comes into focus in the minds of people who are affected by those provocative actions. If MAGA are prone to rationalize, or justify every outburst, however irrational, doesn’t it say something about the nature of cognitive impairment being a collective rather than individual response. A need to believe.

    Along these same lines, public servants almost universally are not able to get elected if they espouse atheistic or agnostic ideas. A requirement for approval is buy in to the anthropomorphic idea of invisible supernatural entities. Is this not at odds with the desire for our our leaders to have empirically sound judgment and rational positions?

    At least the pantheon of ancient Gods were shown as fallible and capricious. Perhaps despite all our technological progress we were once upon a time a more psychologically savvy species.

  • B'rer Lawyer

    Your honor, my client is not mentally fit to stand trial, here or in any of the other trials in other courtrooms.

    Here are the news articles and quotes from famous people who all said he was not fit to serve. Here are more from people who said he was in cognitive decline.

    I move to dismiss.

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