2024 Election Forecast Updates

https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/ is the current home of 538, Nate Silver’s project to provide statistical insight into politics and specifically the electoral college.

On Sunday the forecast was 52% Trump, the first forecast I’ve seen favoring him.  Just now, 50-50, hence this post.

538 started forecasting in 2008 and has been rather good.  In 2008 Obama was 90% late and in the last few days became 99%; nonetheless they did not see Indiana turning blue.  In the 2016 election Trump was given 11-16% until the last few days when it screamed up to 24%–when working with chess engines the trending can be more important than the evaluation, and I think that’s what happened then.

I bookmarked the link and check in from time to time.  I saw Harris’ convention bounce her to the mid-60s and then it was a long steady trend downwards until Sunday’s Trump 52.

Harris probably lost AZ & GA over the past few weeks.

Slight edge for Trump in NC, Harris in MI WI NV.

PA total tossup and will be contested to the last breath.

Comments | 3

  • Great idea

    Thanks! It is looking like a neck and neck nail biter hairsplitter of an election if polls are to be believed. All within a margin of error. (And it will come down to some undecided person in North Carolina, so there’s a margin of Erika, too.)

    (One note… Nate Silver is no longer there. He got it started but left a year or so ago. I think ABC News (Disney) owns them now.)

  • I submitted the post mid-afternoon Tuesday the 22nd

    so my “just now” referred to that moment, not the time given for the posting.

  • Trump 51 Harris 49

    Trump’s edge in NC increased sharply.

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