Cris Ericson is Approved as a Virtual Correspondent for the DNC

I am very excited that I have been approved as a Virtual Correspondent for the DNC. I need to get hold of in Burlington, Vermont and BCTV and see what assistance I can possibly get from them
as well as someone to work alongside me, since it may be a lot of hours for 4 days.

Another person who likes to interview people would be a huge help, to sit side by side in my kitchen and do this, and it would be a huge help to have a technical expert to volunteer to help out.

I was even thinking that Emily Peyton might like to do this because the opportunity includes interviewing people. For me that is the best part that I will enjoy the most, but it is always good to have another person, like a T.V. news show.

I forwarded this to CTTV Town Meeting TV in Burlington, Vermont and depending on their response, then next I will contact Brattleboro Community TV and hopefully we can all work this out together so that I can have a “live” program, or just tape it ahead of time and then ask them to air it.
Congratulations! You’re Approved as a Virtual Correspondent for the DNC

6:23 PM (2 hours ago)


We’re excited to inform you that you’ve been approved to be a Virtual Correspondent for the 2024 Democratic National Convention! This is a historic event, and we’re thrilled to have you experience this with us.

As a Virtual Correspondent, here’s what you can expect:

Microsite Access: You will have access to DNCC convention content featuring videos and other graphics that you can use for your creation.

Remote Interviews with Surrogates: We may arrange interviews with surrogates via Zoom, offering you additional content for your coverage.

Daily Briefings: Tune in every day during convention week to our live stream. You’ll get exclusive highlights and content grabs from our creative producers.

We’ll be sharing more details and updates in the coming week. Stay tuned for further information on how to make the most of your role.

If you have any immediate questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at

Thank you for your enthusiasm and participation. We look forward to seeing your contributions to this landmark event!

Best regards,

DNCC Creators Team

Democratic National Convention Committee


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