Ian Goodnow for District 9 State Rep

Ian Goodnow should become the next state representative from Brattleboro District 9 because he is the right person at the right place at the right time. The 32 year old Brattleboro lawyer has already proven that he has extremely effective leadership skills serving on the Brattleboro selectboard for four years, two of those as chair. Anyone who has been elected and then re-elected to office has earned the trust of his constituents and that is one of the many reasons why I am voting for him.

Ian represents a generation that does not have enough presence in the statehouse. If we are to remain a vibrant state that is responsive to the needs of the long future ahead for this state then we must elect people who are part of the emerging social and economic fabric of communities.

Ian is smart and he has an abundance of energy that he has been able to focus to meet the needs of those who have bestowed upon him the honor of public trust. Youthful energy and integrity are among the most important qualities that make me want to have Ian represent me in Montpelier.

Please vote on August 13 or get a ballot from the Brattleboro Town Clerk and vote early.

Comments | 2

  • "Anyone who has been elected and then re-elected to office..."

    Heh. Context: He ran against one person – Rikki Risatti – for a three year seat and got re-elected. : )

  • > Context: He ran against one person – Rikki Risatti

    > Context: He ran against one person – Rikki Risatti – for a three year seat and got re-elected. : )

    Pwnt (I’m bringing it back)

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