Cross Out Plan A, Cross Out Plan B, Now See Plan C: Write-in Candidate Cris Ericson on the Progressive Ballot for U.S. Senator

Plan A was when the Libertarians nominated me back in April to be their U.S. Senate candidate, but then they threatened to sue me for expressing my freedom of speech. They accused me of “spam” when I posted Facebook news about other Libertarian candidates for U.S. Senator in other states. How is that “spam”? I was learning about the Libertarian views and wanted to share what I was reading. Any of them could have told me on Facebook they didn’t enjoy the posts I shared, but they did not. Any of them could have blocked me, but they did not.

At some point I got around to reading all of their Rules, which I had not previously found on their website, because they are not posted in a way you could find them. Reading their Rules shocked me, so I contacted a Libertarian candidate in another state who said there was no way they could have those Rules in his state Libertarian party. I questioned their Rules on line and was then attacked by the Libertarians who threatened to sue me. For what? After they kicked me out, and rescinded my nomination, I watched the Libertarian national party convention online and saw that lots of members question the rules. Hmph!

Plan B was trying to start a new minor political party in Vermont. I got no response, not even one email. CCTV in Burlington aired my video about trying to start a new minor party.

I asked SAPA TV in Springfield, VT to air it and received a shocking response that it would violate their guidelines for soliticing votes for a candidate and contributions.

I wrote back that their response was fraudulent because there are no candidates yet, there are no candidates mentioned, the proposed new party has not even been put together yet! And I did not ask for donations! I am waiting for a further response from them.

Oh, and then I wondered, how can I make a new video (plan C) saying I am a write-in candidate without them, again, accusing me of soliticing votes? These new-to-me young women (I’m 72 years old) running SAPA t.v. now seem like they are totally violating my civil rights to freedom of speech. There’s nothing worse, when you are over 70, than other peoples’ children or grandchildren taking over the world in a dictatorial manner.

Plan C emerged after watching the Presidential debate last night between Former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden. I couldn’t even stand to watch the whole thing. I took a nap and then got up for hours to watch all the commentary on the debate. This is when brilliant Plan C emerged in my mind. Just yesterday, June 27, 2024, before the Presidential debate, I had received mail-in ballots for the primary election in Vermont. Guess what? There is no candidate for the Progressive party for U.S. Senator. I am the best choice Progressives could make as a write-in candidate because in 2020 I received over 13 percent of the statewide total vote as a Progessive party candidate for Auditor in the General Election. That alone qualified the Progressives to continue as a major party, where a party is qualified to be a major party if any candidate receives over 5% of the vote in the general election.

So plan C it is. There are three major party ballots to choose from in the upcoming primary election in Vermont. The Democrats and Republicans have so few candidates, that for most of the offices you can vote on, there is only one choice. You know who will win for U.S. Senator in those races, Bernie Sanders and Gerald Malloy. The Progressive ballot has no candidate for U.S. Senator. I declare myself a write-in candidate for the office of U.S. Senator for the Progressive party primary election ballot.

The other important event that helped me to decide, is that I found this feather in my yard yesterday. Some kind of woodpecker. Please leave a comment if you know what kind. I figured it is an omen. Some kind of omen about leopards can’t change their spots, but I am a chameleon? Or, maybe, knock, knock, knock, guess what political affiliation Cris Ericson has this month?

Comments | 3

  • unserious

    on the website “independent” is misspelled–as a _label_

    and nothing says like ready to take on the problems of today than a handle that’s eight years out of date

    all the problems we face in 2024 and we get this rehashed crap branded as “out of the box” thinking


  • Does anyone know emails for Board members of SAPA TV in Springfield, Vermont?

    Does anyone know the email addresses for Board members of SAPA TV
    in Springfield, Vermont?
    Someone named “Aimee” who apparently now controls in Springfield, Vermont has banned me for life.
    The problem started when she fraudulently accused me of
    soliticing votes for a candidate in my new video, which aired
    on in Burlington, Vermont.
    She also fraudulently accused me of using the video to
    raise funds.
    I explained that her accusations were fraud.
    Her response was to cover up her fraud by banning me for life.
    She believes she has the legal right to ban me from community access t.v. for life.
    There are no email addresses to contact the Board of SAPA t.v.
    “Aimeee” claims they are a private entity.
    I do not believe it is a “private” entity. It is community access
    television and I believe they receive taxpayer dollars.
    The video that she fraudulently accused me of trying to get votes
    for a candidate is at this link. Obviously, there is no candidate
    yet, I am trying to put together a new minor political party,
    but there is no candidate yet because the party is not formed yet.
    Also, because the party is not formed, I am obviously not raising
    funds. You can’t raise funds for a party that is not formed.
    Her accusations were fraud. Here is the link, it is a perfectly
    nice video which gives the public good information on how to
    start a new minor political party. There is nothing offensive.
    “Aimee” is clearly opposed to freedom of speech.
    She clearly believes she has the right to deny anyone their civil rights.
    Please help me find emails or telephone numbers for the Board
    of SAPA TV.
    Cris Ericson

  • Public Records Request to Karen Pallas

    Public Records Request

    From: Cris Ericson
    Jun 29, 2024
    to vermontaccessnetwork, Karen.Pallas

    Subject: Does SAPA TV in Springfield receive taxpayer dollars?
    What are my Civil Rights to freedom of speech?
    also To:


    Does SAPA TV in Springfield, VT receive
    taxpayer dollars?
    Someone named “Aimee” who apparently now controls in Springfield, Vermont has banned me for life.
    The problem started when she fraudulently accused me of
    soliticing votes for a candidate in my new video, which aired
    on in Burlington, Vermont.
    She also fraudulently accused me of using the video to
    raise funds.
    I explained that her accusations were fraud.
    Her response was to cover up her fraud by banning me for life.
    She believes she has the legal right to ban me from community access t.v. for life.
    There are no email addresses to contact the Board of SAPA t.v.
    “Aimeee” claims they are a private entity.
    I do not believe it is a “private” entity. It is community access
    television and I believe they receive taxpayer dollars.
    The video she fraudulently accused me of trying to get votes
    for a candidate is at this link. Obviously, there is no candidate
    yet, I am trying to put together a new minor political party,
    but there is no candidate yet because the party is not formed yet.
    Also, because the party is not formed, I am obviously not raising
    funds. You can’t raise funds for a party that is not formed.
    Her accusations were fraud. Here is the link, it is a perfectly
    nice video which gives the public good information on how to
    start a new minor political party. There is nothing offensive.
    “Aimee” is clearly opposed to freedom of speech.
    She clearly believes she has the right to deny anyone their civil rights.
    Please help me find emails or telephone numbers for the Board
    of SAPA TV.

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