Between Rounds

In the first televised presidential debate between JFK and Nixon- I’m not old enough to remember- the tide swung in favor of the more telegenic Kennedy, when Nixon’s candidacy went down awash in beads of face sweat and furtive glances.

In certain matters Americans are forgiving. Will Smith is back. Even Nixon was able to rise again. But in other matters we are an obstinate people. And irrational to boot. I don’t understand it, but have often observed the phenomena. Why are the optics of Jan 6th malleable? Why are Nazi’s back? The world can be mad and maddening, that fact goes back to antiquity.

Returning to the present moment. Biden’s debate performance is fixed in the collective mind, nothing can or will erase his frozen expression and underwater responses to softball opportunities. Leaving for now the conundrum of Biden’s opponent being a recidivist and deranged narcissist, the question becomes: are Americans willing to vote for a dead man over a return to Trumpian autocracy.

Biden can step aside. I believe he should because the indelible imprint of the debate has cost him crucial swing votes he could ill-afford to lose. It says a lot that despite Trump’s serial mendacity, racist ranting, and general thuggishness, he was the one who came out as favorable in the litmus of viability.

We are indeed on the ropes. Biden is now Methuselah in the public eye, and a four year term is an ultra marathon. To extend the boxing metaphor, Democrats have always fought Marquess of Queensbury style while Republicans are street fighters. The only hope now- catch our breath in the corner, tap the tag team partner, dig down deep, take the gloves off and come out swinging. The alternative is not unthinkable, but it is catastrophic.

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  • ABT

    Quoting Joe Walsh, whom I usually disagree with on everything:
    “I’m not a Democrat. I’ve said I’ll support whoever the Democrats nominate. Bcuz Trump must lose. I’ll support Joe Biden if he’s the nominee. I’ll support Kamala Harris if she’s the nominee. I’ll support Hillary Clinton if she’s the nominee.

    “Trump must lose. Nothing else matters.”

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