Brattleboro Common Sense Petition For Town-Wide Budget Vote

Brattleboro Common Sense has a petition out for those interesting in forcing a town-wide vote on the budget recently passed by the Brattleboro Selectboard:

250 Signatures (or 50 Town Reps)
Needed by This Friday, June 26
The Brattleboro Selectboard approved a budget without policing and services reform called for by the community.

We can make this budget go to a town-wide vote. With lives on the line, and Representative Town Meeting in limbo, the people need to step in to represent ourselves.

Download, Print and Spread This Petition.

Get as many signatures as you can, even if only yours.

Bring them to BCS (16 Washington St.) by 4PM Friday, or Contact us and we’ll come get them.

Petitions can only be signed by registered Brattleboro voters.

Let’s get it done!


Whereas the Selectboard has approved a budget without sufficient consideration of police reform, we the undersigned voters of the Town of Brattleboro hereby petition for a referendum pursuant to Brattleboro Charter article 3 section 4, and request that a town-wide vote be scheduled according to law on the following article, which the Selectboard, acting as Representative Town Meeting, approved April 16, 2020:

the FY21 General Fund Budget

Comments | 5

  • Edit to Police/Prison Abolition, not reform

    “You don’t have to agree with #AbolishThePolice but at least give it enough respect to understand what it means. And if you do support abolishing the police, educate yourself on why this is reasonable and what that could look like so you can represent the movement well.”

    By Bridget Rivera

  • Updated Version with Revision


    Whereas the Selectboard has approved a budget without sufficient consideration of police and prison abolition, we the undersigned voters of the Brattleboro/Wantastegok Municipality hereby petition for a referendum pursuant to Charter article 3 section 4, and motion for a direct democratic public vote be scheduled according to law on the following article, which the Selectboard, acting as Representative Town Meeting, approved April 16, 2020: the FY21 General Fund Budget

  • Alternativ: REFERENDUM PETITION for Annual Municipal Ballots

    Registered Voters can deliver #ReferndumPetitions in an envelope addressed to the Municipal Clerk’s Office into the black box at that says, “For Tax Payments” at the parking lot entrance of the Municipal building.

    REFERENDUM PETITION for Annual Municipal Ballots
    Whereas the 2020 Selectboard has approved a budget without resolve of enslavement reparations, police and prison abolition, the undersigned voters of the Brattleboro/Wantastegok Municipality hereby petition for referendums pursuant to Charter article 3 section 4; motioning a direct democratic public vote on the entire FY21 and budget ballots (which the 2020 Selectboard, acting as Representative Town Meeting, approved April 16, 2020) to be scheduled, warned, and accessible online.


  • updates based on feedback from the implications of different wording

    REFERENDUM PETITION for Municipal Ballots
    Whereas the 2020 Selectboard has approved a budget without resolve of enslavement reparations, police and prison abolition, the undersigned voters of the Brattleboro/Wantastegok Municipality hereby petition for referendums pursuant to Charter article 3 section 4; motioning direct democratic public votes on the entire FY21 budget ballot (which the 2020 Selectboard, acting as Representative Town Meeting, approved April 16, 2020) and all future ballots to be scheduled, warned, and accessible online.


  • Multi Registration Voters Cross Borders

    I support enabling People who commute as non residents for study/work to vote, even if they are registered in multiple places. This petition is weak for not specifying that, and we can save that for a separately petitioned ballot.

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