Cracker Jacks

This election is like opening a box of Cracker Jacks.


God only knows what Trump might do.

I take that back, God doesn’t know, and neither does Trump.

In the contradictory and bizarre word salads Trump serves up he is liable to say just about anything. In his speeches and tweets, he often starts with “a lot of people say,” followed by looney tunes claims and ending with, “you can look it up on the Internet.

However, I don’t believe he’d lead us to war.

On the other hand, I believe the odds are that Hilary would.,,Don’t take my word for it. Read a few quotes:

In his blog, local writer Chris Martenson  (The Crash Course) ( Peak Prosperity) writes:  “Do We Really Want A War With Russia?  Because we’re in danger of getting exactly that.”

Chris doesn’t lay it on Hillary directly, but he’s setting the stage.

More to the point is this quote from Ralph Nader, earlier this year: “Whether as Senator on the Armed Services
Committee or as Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton has never met a war or raid she didn’t like… As president, Hillary Clinton would mean more wars, more raids, more blowbacks, more military spending and more profits for the
military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower so prophetically warned about.”

This week, Paul Craig Roberts declared that “ War with nuclear powers is the big issue of the election.”

In a devastating recounting of Hillary Clinton’s disastrous war-making, Professor of Sustainable Economies at
Columbia University, Jeffrey D. Sachs concludes that Clinton “is the candidate of the War Machine.”  He added that “Perhaps more than any other person, Hillary can lay claim to having stoked the violence that stretches from West Africa to Central Asia and that threatens U.S. security.”

Syndicated writer and cartoonist Ted Rall adds: With the liberal/progressive base of Hillary’s party agitated at 1960s levels, she can’t explain away her conservative record. She’s never met a free trade deal or a war she didn’t like.

Gettin’ the picture yet? “The Internationalist” sums it up in its essay:” The Election From Hell – Whoever
Wins, We Lose” 

With less than two weeks to go before voting day, millions of people across the country recoil in horror at this “election from hell.” They are given the “choice” between a vile racist, sexist billionaire, and a sinister war hawk and millionaire senator from Wall Street. Both candidates and their parties are vicious enemies of the working class. Current opinion polls show warmongering profiteer Clinton leading over the immigrant-bashing, woman-hating Trump. But whichever politician wins, working people, African Americans, Latinos, youth and all the oppressed lose.

The rationale??? Try this one:

The US must become the world’s single superpower and must take aggressive action to prevent competing nations—even allies such as Germany and Japan—from challenging US economic and military .  (Commonly known as the Wolfowitz Doctrine)     

Comments | 3

  • Wolfowitz Doctrine error

    It should say:
    “The US must become the world’s single superpower and must take aggressive action to prevent competing nations—even allies such as Germany and Japan—from challenging US economic and military supremacy.”

  • Problem with the analogy

    In Cracker Jacks, one gets a prize.

  • Electoral College

    Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton dipped below 270 electoral votes in CNN’s electoral map Friday as Republican nominee Donald Trump makes a late surge for the White House. (05 Nov 2016)

    According to the constitution, If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes for president then the House of Representatives will select the president, with each state delegation (instead of each representative) having only one vote.

    Here’s the composition of the House
    Current House
    Republican Party 246 members
    Democratic Party 186 members

    Number of state majorities
    Republican Party 32
    Democratic Party 16

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