One look at Robert Oeser’s list of gubernatorial candidate forums and you can find out that there is one candidate who has been excluded: Cris Ericson was excluded because she doesn’t have a $400,000. campaign account, PROVING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN VERMONT IS IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN PLATFORM!
Look at the ballot! Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator: Patrick Leahy refuses to participate in a forum or debate with her. Cris Ericson for Governor: Sue Minter, Matt Dunne, and Peter Galbraith have conspired to exclude her from debates and forums. Not one of them is a true Democrat! Not one of them embraces real Democracy!
Look at the ballot!
Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator: United States Senator Patrick Leahy refuses to participate in a forum or debate with her.
The Democratic Party in Vermont is in violation of their own Platform for EXCLUDING candidate Cris Ericson from most debates and forums and for violating the freedom of speech and freedom of association of Democratic party candidates, Cris Ericson and H. Brooke Paige, certified by the Secretary of State Elections Division as legally qualified candidates for the Democratic party. …”The Vermont Democratic Party believes it is government/s role to protect and empower people to create equal access to…equality.”…
…”We believe in the right to organize and speak freely”…
…”We value a government that provides its citizens with a strong voice.”…
…”Democrats understand that “We, the people of Vermont,” are “the government”.”….
…”The Vermont Democratic Party: …Supports adherence to all open meeting”…
…”The Vermont Democratic Party…•Insists on free and fair elections with accountability for all votes via clear paper trails to verify voter choices.
•Voices strong concerns that all candidates for office be given the same rules for ballot access to avoid special advantage to any individual…”
The Vermont Democratic Party:
•Believes in equitable treatment for all….regardless of….economic status.