Brattleboro Needs To Screen The Film Citizen Koch

You are likely aware of the incredible influence the Koch brothers (Charles and David) are having on US politics. Their combined wealth is over 70 billion dollars which is more than the wealth of any other individual in the U..S. They have used their money to very strongly influence politics in this country through the cover of organizations such as Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners which in turn contribute large sums of money to conservative groups such as the Tea Party. The Koch brothers with their enormous wealth are part of an ever increasing takeover of the US democracy by private and corporate wealth and influence.

The documentary titled Citizen Koch was selected for the 2013 Sundance Film Festival and is a must see on what is happening, the challenges ahead and what We the People can do to fight back. See the trailer at PBS had initially agreed to screen the film around the country but as the Koch brothers are a contributor to PBS, they backed out of the agreement, showing that their influence even affects public owned media. Screenings of the film can only happen through local citizen initiatives. The closest screenings to Brattleboro at this time are in Boston and Hartford. If there is a proactive organization in Brattleboro that is willing to work on this, a screening can be held at the Latchis theater. It simply involves a community organization or individual’s effort to pre sell enough tickets in advance. If you are interested in helping with this effort, visit for details of what has to be done.

Corporate influence in politics is THE issue of our time. There is no greater negative impact on the environment, health, education, and the future for our children, the U.S. and even the planet. Let’s step out of our comfort zones and come together for change.

– James Beighle

Comments | 7

  • Make this happen?

    I don’t believe there are many Brattleburghers who are unaware of the damage to our country and its democracy done by these oligarchs. In the trailer, Charles states: “Money is a Weapon”, one which they have been using freely to tailor a society and a government that caters to their interests at the expense of almost everybody else.

    70 Billion! That’s more than the combined wealth of the entire population of Vermont.

    I think it’s essential that as many as possible see this film.
    I followed the links in the above post, and the website asks: Ready to host a screening of CITIZEN KOCH in your local theater?
    “We’ve partnered with TUGG.COM, an online-platform that helps individuals, groups and organizations organize their own personalized one-off screenings in theaters across the country. It allows audiences to bring movies on demand to local theaters that aren’t otherwise booking the film.” visit for details of what has to be done.

    Well, I’m not ready to do this myself. It seems to be more than I can handle. But I totally agree with what James Beighle says: “Corporate influence in politics is THE issue of our time. There is no greater negative impact on the environment, health, education, and the future for our children, the U.S. and even the planet. Let’s step out of our comfort zones and come together for change.”
    So, how can we get together and make this happen?

    I’m willing to act as a catalyst. Email me if you want to contribute (I’m not talking money – we can’t compete with $70 Bil).
    Tom Finnell – tomaidh at yahoo dot com

    • Equal opportunity opposition

      This isn’t a partisan thing
      There are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Progressives and Independents who are angered by what these guys are doing and want to help. There’s room in the tent for all of us.

  • Yes

    This should play in Brattleboro.

  • Sending to the Latchis

    I’ll send this to the Latchis, they do these sorts of things often.

  • and Take Back Your Power too!

    Smart Meters & Smart Grid… What’s the Real Story?

    A picture is worth a 1000 words, especially when combined with powerful narrative. This masterful, award winning documentary examines the national and worldwide roll-out of “smart” grid technology, shedding light on a topic central to our lives in every way.
    The dynamics at play are similar to those in “Citizen Koch”; some of the most powerful corporations in the world back smart grid technology, with scant coverage by mainstream media.
    On Sunday I went to a screening at the Huntington Cinema Arts Theatre, NY, where the Director/Producer Josh del Sol joined a highly motivated, enthusiastic audience afterwards for a Q & A.
    The time for action is now; if we don’t stand up for our constitutionally protected rights, we will lose them.

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