Sanders: Budget Cuts Hurting Vermonters

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 11 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, held a news conference today to discuss the impact of federal budget cuts on Vermont.

Sanders was joined by Steve Geller, executive director of Southeastern Vermont Community Action, and Marianne Miller, Head Start director at Central Vermont Community Action Council. They spoke about the impact of across-the-board spending cuts that kicked in on March 1 and will total more than $1 trillion over the next decade, including $85 billion by this Sept. 30.

Tyrannosaurus Spenditall Rex


The Brattleboro Tyrannosaurus Spenditall Rex is descended from the order Artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. Often times they are referred to by taxpayers as Ovis Aries. For many years they have had a deep and entrenched place in Brattleboro history as they live their lives leisurely gazing on the hillsides they can not afford to own counting other people’s money. As a species on the verge of fiscal extinction, Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls have minimal hearing and are very sensitive to noise when they are told to herd together and be quiet. They tend to be very docile but become excited when appropriating money they do not have. Their life expectancy varies, however, some Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls want older Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls to voluntarily check out early to free up more single payer health care funds for all of the precious young Tyrannosaurus Spenditalls in Vermont who are unemployable and beyond useless.

Peter Shumlin (D) for President 2016 or Rand Paul (R) for President 2016?

It’s  time for Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin (Democrat) and Rand Paul (Republican) to start facing off for the 2016 Presidential Race!

Both Rand Paul and Peter Shumlin have each spoken to some extent about marijuana legalization.

The problem is that the First Drone Strikes in the United States could  be from the United Nations attacking marijuana fields.

United Nations thinks it can stop Marijuana Legalization in the USA by the same means they use to control Afghanistan.

River Garden – Request for Your Assistance

Please note that the following message and was sent to Representative Town Meeting Members today. If you are a Town Meeting Representative, please accept my apologies for seeing this message twice. If you concur that amending Article 21 to require continued operation of the River Garden while ownership issues are resolved with oversight from Town Meeting, please reach out to Town Meeting Members in your District.

What Did Dick DeGray Say On “The Radio”?

At Guilford Town Meeting someone referred to Mr. DeGray having commented on the Guilford Middle School issue “on the radio.”  Since I wanted to speak on the school issue I decided not to rise and ask the person for more info, because that would have counted as my “turn” to speak.  But I was wondering if anyone can tell me about that radio program (WTSA or WKVT I presume?)  

Do the stations have an archive of programs?  I’d like to review whatever comments Brattleboro’s Selectboard Chair made on that occasion.  I would guess it was an elaboration on his amenndment to the BUHS budget that passed at the district annual meeing on Feb. 12.

Sanders Statement on CIA Director

WASHINGTON, March 7 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today issued the following statement on his vote not to confirm John Brennan to be the director of the Central Intelligence Agency:

“While we must aggressively pursue international terrorists and all of those who would do us harm, we must do it in a way that protects the Constitution and the civil liberties which make us proud to be Americans. With regard to the use of drones and other methods employed by the Central Intelligence Agency, I am not convinced that Mr. Brennan is adequately sensitive to the important balancing act required to make protecting our civil liberties an integral part of ensuring our national security.”

Contact: Michael Briggs (202) 224-5141

Patient Choice at End of Life

The following is an article that I wrote a couple weeks ago. I should have sent it to iBrattleboro immediately but didn’t. My apologies for that. But here it is.

This week (the week of Feb 16) the Senate passed what is referred to s.77. Make no mistake – what we passed was not S.77. S.77 was a well thought out bill modeled after the Oregon law that allows a competent adult with a terminal illness the ability to have control at the end of his life. Many objected because they felt that no one should take his own life and this was condoning suicide. Some objected because they felt there were not enough safeguards for the disability community, that it discriminated against those who had lost the ability to self-administer the drug, and that it did not put enough emphasis on palliative care.

Doing as Silence Dogood Did

The world of words is full of material of uncertain authorship, some venerated as Gospel- literally.  I mean literally literally. The Bible is a work of anonymous scribes, much of it clearly apocryphal. Yet it’s not only cited as a source for our morals and laws, it’s referenced on legal tender, used on the witness stand as a goad against lying, and hauled out at the inaugural podium- divine proxy for winners to swear by.

It was claimed by one writer on this site that an opinion was null and void because the handle used was not authentic, not declarative enough. The charge of coward was brought forth more than once.

Official Brattleboro March 2013 Vote Results

The official numbers, courtesy of the Town Clerk’s office, are below and displayed as follows:

Candidate, District 1 votes,  District 2 votes,  District 3 votes,  Total votes


Douglas Cox 239 232 290 761

Lawrin Crispe 278 254 247 779

Brattleboro March 2013 Election Results

Below are the unofficial vote results for the March 2013 Election in Brattleboro. Final vote counts and voting by district will available soon and we’ll get it here for you to analyze.


Douglas Cox  – 761

Lawrin Crispe – 779

Oh No! Something “New” for Marijuana Legalization Advocates to Worry About!

March 5, 2013 Tuesday, Town Meeting Day in Vermont

Will President Barack Obama allow United Nations “peacekeeping” troops to kill Americans who are growing marijuana in violation of the United Nations  INCB treaty?

Isn’t it time to end “one world government” so that we can MAKE MARIJUANA LEGAL?

Isn’t it time to end all of these Treaties that the United States has signed onto so we can get back in control of our own country?

Wealth Inequality Worse Than We Thought

It’s not everyday that a video about wealth inequality goes viral on the internet.  Most people on iBrattleboro are probably familiar with the information here, but this video uses powerful infographics to make the case that not only is wealth distributed unevenly, but it is much, much worse than most of us have thought.

A couple of thoughts come to my mind while watching this video:

1)  The authors could have gone one step further and shown how these inequalities have been changing over time.

Please Write-In “George Anthes” for Town Meeting Rep – District 3

I live off Cedar Street, between Crowell Lot and the Harris Hill Ski Jump. Brattleboro’s a special place, and it will require thoughtful representation by its Representative Town Meeting to help the town strike the right balances as we try to keep our economy healthy and vibrant; educate, retain and attract young people; and live up to our values.

Among my priorities for Brattleboro town governance:

Write in Paula Melton for District 1 Town Meeting Member, 3-year seat

After noting that there are only TEN candidates to fill 16 seats for District 1 three-year Town Meeting Members, I have decided to declare myself a write-in candidate.

If elected, I will represent West Brattleboro residents and interests to the best of my knowledge and ability.

My personal hopes and interests for West Brattleboro’s future include:

Please Write In “Holland Mills” for Town Meeting Representative in District 3

When I went to vote early on Friday, I was disturbed that, for the fifteen 3-year seats for District 3 there were only 10-11 printed candidates. I wrote myself in, and am now appealing to the community to write me in (don’t forget to fill in the oval to the right of the write-in slot).

I’ve lived on Elliot Street right above Harmony Lot since September 2007, and have experienced many disturbing scenarios (2008-2009 was especially bad; it’s better but there are continuing challenges). District 3 is the smallest in town, but it covers downtown and cannot afford to be underrepresented.


Sanders: Budget Must Close Tax Loopholes

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 4 – Sen. Bernie Sanders, a member of the Senate Budget Committee, said today he is working with the committee on a 10-year budget which would create jobs, lower the deficit and protect working families and the most vulnerable people in our society.

A bill from the committee should move to the Senate floor later this month.

STD Epidemic In Brattleboro?

“Thank you for this meeting. It’s a rare opportunity to confer with someone who specializes in contagions. The conversation we are about to have must remain confidential. My concern is that within the next few years Brattleboro may be on the verge of experiencing an STD pandemic that is rapidly dispersing itself throughout the United States and is headed straight for our town.”

“What is it about this particular strain of STD that in your observations makes it so virulent?”

“Three things are troublesome; the complacency of residents regarding the emotional and personal impact of this STD; the unimaginable intrusiveness of this STD into their physical life; and the motivation of some malcontents to promote the STD as good for the community.”

Cindy Cuthbertson – Write in Town Rep Candidate – District 3

I am posting in support of Cindy Cuthbertson (Write in candidate) for Town Rep 3 year term in District 3.

Cindy and I have lived in Brattleboro since 2002 and on Western Ave in District 3 since 2003. In full disclosure Cindy and I are married, so as they say I have a dog in the fight (and that’s not meant to be a bad English joke). I thnk she would be an excellent rep, she is thoughtful, pays attention to Town matters, (some of it just having to listen to me) she will stand up and talk when she needs to and is concerned about the future of Brattleboro.

I ask you to vote for Cindy Cuthbertson by adding her name to the ballot 3 year Term under Jim Verzino, and then checking the little box.

Why I’ll Vote for Kate, Not Spoon

There’s nothing disgraceful about politics – I chose to live in Brattleboro in part because I knew that here, my ideas would be heard. Other place where I have lived and been involved in politics, things haven’t been anywhere near as open or fair.

I wrote an endorsement of Kate O’Connor which appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer on Thursday. I would like to add more here about why I have made this choice. At the bottom of this new commentary, I will append my letter in the Reformer in case you haven’t read it. I’m also going to add a brief public apology to Spoon Agave at the end.

Politics of Politics

March 5; Tuesday is Brattleboro’s citizens chance to take action and vote for the directions each feels best for our town.  Brattleboro is a nice place to live. It has many challenges needing to be addressed.  I am in hopes that the many people of this town take the time to vote.  So many of us have so many opinions of what is good for the town and what is not good for our town.