Water-Cooler Diplomacy

I liked the forced integration in the 50’s and 60’s because it had a jarring affect on American consciousness. Segregation was outlawed, and integration became the rule of the land. And, that watershed moment is a mighty and essential part of what changed our country for the better. Integration-by-law had and has a widespread effect on changing attitudes to this day.

No matter what blacks and whites thought of each other, the lawmaker’s gave them a way to violate their own bias behavior. Many American’s immediately became aware of how their thinking was changing.

What the Lincolnesque 1964 Civil Rights Act elementally did was take starkly dissimilar peoples and said, “Yes, you must be allowed to drink from the same fountain!”

Sanders Reports President Obama Signs VA Bill

FORT BELVOIR, Va., Aug. 7 – U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after President Barack Obama signed legislation to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs:

“In a dysfunctional Congress, I’m glad we accomplished something significant for veterans. This legislation will go a long way toward ending unacceptably long waiting times for veterans to access health care and allow the VA the resources to hire the doctors, nurses and other medical staff it needs to address these problems over the long term.”

Reality-Check Chronology of US Speculative Investment Banking Instigated Genocide

This chronology of genocide represents an updated outline of Howard Zinn’s People History of the US. and is dedicated to Nuremberg Principles law.A 4th of July resolution appropriate to one’s own personal humanity would be to escape from the farcical but deadly and insidious false propaganda and psyop of the financial-industrial-military-complex owned mainstream media that has created egoistic and deadly indifference.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Invitation – Please RSVP – “Health and Aging: a Federal Policy Update”

“Health and Aging: a Federal Policy Update”

The August “Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast” is planned for Friday, August 15,  2014 at the Gibson Aiken Center, downstairs, hosted by Senior Meals. Doors open at 7:30am.

This month we plan to hear from Sophie Kasimow Office. She is the HELP Committee Staff Director, that is Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which includes the Subcommittee on Primary Health & Aging. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is Chairman of this subcommittee.  

Complain? No! Stop Israel’s Genocide! Demand Special Nuremberg Court! Netanyahu Arrest!

Working, with former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark’s support, to seed confidence that Nuremberg Principles law will soon come down on citizens of US, of NATO nations and the still contested state of Israel, which exists primarily on seized, stolen and ethnically cleansed land, are freaking sick of reading, even during ongoing genocide, excellently and professionally written, moralistic journalism of horror and helplessness  

Testosteronic Freaks

As a lifelong opponent of all things patriarchal I remain steadfast against the father-centered family, father-centered society, and father-centered government. For thousands of years the Jews, Christians, Muslims and their derivative cults are the movers behind too much of what is wrongheaded with humans. They claim life is in their beliefs but in its stead they have provided for generation after generation an unrelenting “death-culture” of willfully gross proportions.

Because of their self-sameness I mainly refer to them only as “Jukrislim,” all one of a single group of people. Therefore, the infighting the Jukrislims do is nothing less than cannibalistic in my view and they are destroying themselves and the rest of us inside out.


I have always considered myself to be a zionist. It seemed fair to me that the Jews of the world ought to have a homeland and that a logical place for it would be the place described in the bible as the home of their predecessors: the Hebrews.

 I knew many Palestinians when I lived in Saudi Arabia. They were all professional people holding responsible jobs in the Kingdom and they rarely ever spoke of Palestine. Actually, most of them had earlier moved to other countries like Jordan and got their educations in Europe or the USA.  It never occurred to me that they might have been forced out. One friend, an engineer/contractor, was from Jerusalem. He revealed that his grandfather was the Grand Mufti. I had no idea what a Mufti was, but I later found out that he had the right last name. He, too, never mentioned life in Palestine.

Senate Passes Veterans Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON, July 31 – The Senate tonight approved and sent to President Barack Obama a bill to improve access to health care for veterans and reform the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Crafted by the Senate and House Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairmen – Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Jeff Miller (R-Fla.) – the $16.3 billion bill passed the Senate by a vote of 91-3. The House of Representatives voted 420-5 on Wednesday to approve the same measure.

Leahy Introduces Historic Bill To Ban NSA’s Dragnet Collection Of Americans’ Electronic Communications

WASHINGTON (TUESDAY, July 29, 2014) — Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) on Tuesday introduced legislation that would restore Americans’ privacy rights by ending the government’s dragnet collection of phone records and requiring greater oversight, transparency, and accountability with respect to domestic surveillance authorities.

The updated version of the USA FREEDOM Act released today builds on legislation passed in the House in May, as well as the original legislation Leahy introduced with Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) last October. The legislation bans bulk collection under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and other surveillance authorities, requires the government to narrow the scope of a search to a clearly defined “specific selection term,” adds needed transparency and reporting requirements, and provides key reforms to the FISA Court. In an editorial on Monday, the New York Times wrote “the bill represents a breakthrough in the struggle against the growth of government surveillance power.”

Corren Campaign Seeking Interns

Dean Corren for Lt. Governor is seeking campaign interns. Turn your free time into a valuable and exciting experience or connect with your school to receive credit for your work. We are looking for individuals to help with:

  • Volunteer Managment
  • Lawnsign Distribution
  • Issue Research

Vermont Launches Windham County Economic Development Program

Applications Due September 23, 2014 

MONTPELIER, Vt. – The Windham County Economic Development Program is up and running and looking for applications with creative ideas that will help Windham County grow jobs and bolster the region’s economy. 

On July 28, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and the application for the first round ($2 million) of the funding made available by an agreement between the State of Vermont and Entergy. 

“Smoke ‘Em If You Got ‘Em”

At 5:30 on the morning of October 28, 2011 our Brattleboro Fire Department responded to a fire alarm in the Elliot Apartments complex on Elliot Street. A 76 year old cigarette smoker had ignited a fire that killed her, injured and hospitalized two others, temporarily displaced 55 tenants for the day, caused extensive burn damage in one apartment, created serious water damage in apartments below and caused costly and time-consuming repair damage.

All of that just because of one careless cigarette smoker…

An estimated 7,600 smoking-related fires in residential buildings occur each year in the United States. Each and every year cigarette smoking-related fires are a leading cause of residential fire deaths.

Sanders Tells Letter Carriers USPS ‘Not Going Broke’

PHILADELPHIA, July 25 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today addressed the annual convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers and drew standing ovations for opposing cuts in sevices and jobs at the U.S. Postal Service at a time of rising revenue.

Sanders is the chief sponsor of legislation to modernize the U.S. Postal Service, save Saturday mail and prevent other unnecessary cuts in services provided by one of the most popular and important institutions in America.

Sanders Details VA Proposal

WASHINGTON, July 24 – Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today detailed compromise legislation that he offered to House negotiators that would reform the VA and give it the tools to provide quality, timely health care to veterans.

The proposal () would address the need for short-term, emergency access to care while strengthening VA’s capacity to address veterans’ needs in the long term. It also includes a provision to allow for the removal of incompetent officials at the VA.

Some Like It Hot — Thoughts On Air Conditioning

After our long cold winter and equally long cool spring, I found myself really looking forward to sweltering heat.  As I shivered on my well-shaded back porch, blanket over knees in June, I dreamed of hot weather shimmering over my house, bringing warmth and comfort to my cave-like apartment.  I looked forward to finally being able to wear shorts, sleeveless tops, and even sundresses.  I rooted for the inside thermometer to finally reach 70.  And finally it came — summer— and I was happy and put on my sundress, while all around me (it seemed) everyone else put on their air conditioners!

Democratic State Senate Candidate Fora

The Windham County Democratic Committee is organizing meetings for the public to meet and hear the four Democratic candidates for State Senate.

The first forum will be held tomorrow, July 24, 2014, at 6:30 PM, at the Townshend Town Hall.

American Exceptionalism

Yeah, we’re exceptional, all right!

Since the end of World War II, the United States has:

  • more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.
  • on the people of more than 30 countries.
  • Attempted
    to assassinate
    more than 50 foreign leaders.
  • Attempted to in 20 countries.
  • Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.

Vermont Senators Honor Gov. Phil Hoff

WASHINGTON, July 17 – In joint remarks before the U.S. Senate today, Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) honored former Vermont Gov. Phil Hoff, who just turned 90 years old.

Hoff served three terms as governor. First elected in 1962, he was the first Democrat to hold the state’s highest office in more than a century.

“We rise today to celebrate Philip Hoff, the 73rd governor of the state of Vermont, for his extraordinary contributions to the state of Vermont, and to our nation,” Leahy and Sanders said in a joint statement submitted for the Congressional Record.

Leahy and the Border Patrol

I hadn’t heard of this before today:

In 2008, Vermont senator Patrick Leahy was traveling in a car 125 miles south of the U.S.-Canada border in the state of New York.

They came to a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint, which stopped the U.S. senior senator, and an agent ordered him to get out of the car.