Sanders: Arab Nations Must Step Up Fight Against ISIS

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 30 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria will not be defeated until neighboring Muslim nations deploy ground troops against the terrorist organization.

Sanders also strongly disagreed with House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) who said on Sunday that the United States may have “no choice” but to send ground troops into Syria.

The Hoover Dam, 31-Mile English Channel Tunnel, and soon…The Panama Canal…

…didn’t even take as long to build as the Brattleboro Skate Park, look it up.

If everyone donated one dollar for every discussion about the Brattleboro Skate Park, those seeking a skate park would have had enough money to build 73,242 skate parks by now. The time for superfluous discussion is over. The discussion topic of the skate park has been beaten to death. I sincerely think it has been discussed more than Vermont Yankee, the Middle East, and the Champlain Monster combined. It has gotten to the point of gross absurdity. It has become an embarrassment to our community’s supposedly progressive reputation. It is now time to get behind the Memorial Park Skate Park site and donate money.

There Is No Way To Peace

There is no way to peace. Peace IS the way… David Swanson ()

Ask yourself, and then ask your congress members “why are we at war with so many people in so many places around the world?”

How are these people threatening our “homeland”?  (Don’t fall for the ISIS BS).

Why have we been replacing secular, progressive “regimes” with Islamic religious strife?

Carbon Tax Gains Backing as UN Meets on Global Warming

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 23 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today welcomed growing support for a tax on carbon emissions that cause global warming as the United Nations hosted a one-day summit on climate change.

The World Bank said Monday that 73 nations and some 1,000 companies will join forces to push for policies setting a price on carbon emissions to encourage a shift to cleaner energy technologies.

“It is extremely important that international support is building to put a price on carbon emissions that cause global warming,” said Sanders, a member of both the Senate environment and energy committees and the sponsor of legislation to tax carbon.

Sanders Congratulates Vermonters and Bill McKibben on People’s Climate March

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 22 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today applauded the more than 1,000 Vermonters who were among 400,000 demonstrators at the People’s Climate March in New York on Sunday.

“Vermonters from across the state marched in New York City because they understand that climate change is the greatest environmental crisis facing our planet. They know that the United States and other countries must take bold action now to reduce carbon emissions and protect our planet for our children and grandchildren,” Sanders said.

The Three Little Pigs Are Going To The Debate, No Women Are Allowed: It’s All Male Hate?

The 3 little pigs, Peter Shumlin,  Dan Feliciano and Scott Milne  are going to the debate at VPR Sept. 23, 2014, APPARENTLY BEING HELD IN BRATTLEBORO, and we could ask, is this all about women-hating???

No, it is worse than being woman haters.  This appears to be criminal money laundering.  Governor Peter Shumlin signed a budget bill giving taxpayer dollars to VPR, Vermont Public Radio.  He also did this in past years.   VPR, Vermont Public Radio, refused to allow Ms. Cris Ericson, a woman, to participate in the general election  governor candidate debates on VPR. 

Equipoise Nevermore – All the King’s Horses and All the Kings Men

On the first birthday of Earth Day, April 22, 1970, more than a million people marched up Fifth Avenue to Sheep’s Meadow in Central Park to celebrate the day’s events on an unprecedented scale.Beginning September 21, 2014, just days before the United Nations Climate Summit convenes in New York City, nearly 3,000 climate events are taking place around the globe. The two mile procession of the crowds assembled in Manhattan held a moment of silence “to honor the victims” of climate change.

Unfortunately, the UN summit assuredly will result in “treaties” of the participating nations, not the concerns of the people. It is the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris, France where “leaders are hoping to stamp out a binding agreement.”

Sanders to Vote No on U.S. Military Role in Syria

WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today he will vote against the United States training and arming Syrian rebels.

Sanders said the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “is a brutal and dangerous extremist organization which must be defeated, but this war cannot be won by the United States alone. There needs to be a real international coalition led by the countries most threatened – Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Turkey and Iran.

“The worst thing that we can do now is allow ISIS to portray this struggle as East vs. West, as Muslim vs. Christian, as the Middle East vs. America. That is exactly what they want and that is exactly what we should not be giving them,” Sanders added.

An Honest Man

I’ve known Ray McGovern since we were both about 7 years old. He was a straight shooter then, and he is one still.

He was a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990 beginning under President John F. Kennedy and lasting until the Presidency of George H. W. Bush. From 1981 to 1985 he prepared and presented the President’s Daily Brief one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s most senior national security advisers including then Vice President George H. W. Bush.

Early & Absentee Voting Start September 19th But VT Candidate Information Guide Has Not Been Published!

What does “one week prior to the general election” really mean?    The Secretary of State Elections Division has announced on its website that Early and Absentee Voting Ballots will be at your Town Clerks Office on September, 19, 2014.   That means you can start voting.  But, the Elections Division has not distributed the NEW internet version of the Candidate Information Guide which Vermont Election law 17 V.S.A., Chapter 59, Section 2810, requires shall be published one week prior to the general election. 

Maduro! Please Remind Obama! MLK Condemned US Atrocities Covert Violence on Three Continents

  • Tell Americans and the world that the corporate media that works to destroy the beautiful Chavista peaceful revolution for a government of all Venezuelans and not just mostly for the rich, is the same media Martin Luther King condemned for lying and promoting US “atrocity wars and covert violence on three continents, since 1945, meant to maintain unjust predatory investments”
  • Dear President Maduro, slanderous Western media, promoting war and violence for capital gains of the mercilessly amoral automaton functioning speculative interest banking industry, has put you in their spotlight to better target you with defamation. This is then your opportunity to be heard a bit world-wide. In telling the truth about the USA, you will be protecting all of us, Venezuela included. 

Should Brattleboro Have a Co-Working Space?

Co-working Space – Should we have one?

When we two Vermonters walked into a co-working space in San Fransisco, we gasped. In front of us was a large room with long tables at which people were sitting laptops plugged into outlets in the middle of the tables. 

It was quiet. Some people were walking around. A tour showed us the phone booths, a conference room, the coffee gallery (of course, it was San Fransisco) and and upstairs space where companies were renting larger offices.  The space was specifically for “social entrepreneurs.” For us two, who at the time regularly camped out at the Blue Moose, it was a vision of what we lack here. 

Sanders Statement on Obama Speech on ISIS

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement tonight after President Barack Obama delivered a nationally televised address on the Islamic State terrorist group:

“ISIS is a brutal and dangerous organization that must be defeated. I agree with the president that ISIS is a threat to the international community and must be combatted by the international community, not just the United States. Most importantly, this struggle will not be won without the active participation of the people of Iraq and Syria. This cannot be a unilateral American action. As we develop a long-term strategy, we must not forget the painful lessons learned by the Bush-Cheney wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. U.S. ground troops should not be sent back into combat. I support the president’s airstrike campaign and help for the Syrian opposition.”

Welch Statement Following President Obama’s Address

Washington, DC – Representative Peter Welch gave the following statement after the President addressed the nation tonight:

“I have appreciated the President’s clear-eyed restraint to date in responding to multiple, serious threats in this region. I have supported his use of military force to protect American personnel still in Iraq and to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees in cooperation with the competent Kurdish military in northern Iraq. I fully agree with him that American combat troops should not be deployed in the region. And I applaud his leadership in forcing Iraqi leaders to form a coalition government to respond to the threat posed by ISIS.

It Is Time For Not For Profits To Pay Their Fair Share In Brattleboro – A PILOT Program

One solution to the chronic income short fall in Brattleboro is a program that has been implemented around the US with considerable success that has benefited cash strapped communities a Payment in Lieu of Taxes or PILOT for businesses that are listed as not-for profit and yet generate revenue.  While it would not be a legally binding, it is an agreement between the town and income generating business like the Brattleboro Hospital, Windham Land Trust, colleges, and not for profits that generate say more than $100,000 in revenues per annum to pay fixed percentage of revenues like the Brattleboro Housing Authority that pays 10% of their revenues as a PILOT.  Why should multimillion dollar businesses like Windham Land Trust, the hospital, the Retreat not contribute equit

Senate Poised to Vote on Constitutional Amendment to Undo Citizens United

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 7 – One day before the U.S. Senate votes on a constitutional amendment to restore limits on big money in politics, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called the drive to undo Supreme Court decisions that gutted campaign finance laws “the major issue of our time” and said Monday’s showdown vote is “a pivotal moment in American history.”

“Billionaires buying elections is not what our Constitution stands for,” said Sanders. He is a cosponsor of the amendment to reverse Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and later court rulings that let millionaires and billionaires spend virtually unlimited and unregulated sums to sway elections.

At AFL-CIO Convention, Sanders Proposes Wealth Tax

SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 6 – With the wealth gap in the United States growing and greater already than in any other major country, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders today called for a progressive estate tax on multi-millionaires and billionaires.

“A nation will not survive morally or economically when so few have so much while so many have so little. We need a tax system which asks the billionaire class to pay its fair share of taxes and which reduces the obscene degree of wealth inequality in America,” Sanders said in a speech to be delivered this morning at the Vermont AFL-CIO annual convention here.

9/11 – The Unfinished Business

In the unfinished business of what happened on September 11, 2001 lay the questions raising doubts about the official story. During the 13 years after the attacks, the 9/11 memorials have centered on creating a status quo of remembering the heroes, volunteers and victims who lost their lives that day.

And like many remembrances, there is a blind spot that blocks out the other side of the story. By their nature, memorials need to be one-sided. There can be no doubt as to why people commemorate war memorials. In our pride and blind patriotism, we would not believe that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated from within and without.