After Watching the BCTV Candidates’ Forum, I Am Leaning Toward Oscar Heller

My initial visceral feeling was to dislike Heller, and like Case better. Case seemed more people-oriented. Although Heller said he listens to other people, his focus seems to be on spread-sheets, and I felt his outlook is reductionistic. I figured he probably does listen to other people, but what he probably listens to is their dollar-and-cents, reductionistic, insights.

But then came the question of safe injection sites, Case dismissed that immediately on the grounds that safe-injection sites would create more of an ambiance of Brattleboro as an addiction town. It appeared that his rejection of that idea was based on an emotional, shoot-from-the-hip reaction, apparently made with a complete lack of knowledge and information.

Brattleboro Presidential Primary, Town Meeting Day and WSESD Early and Absentee Ballots Available

Early and absentee ballots for the Presidential Primary, Brattleboro Annual Town Meeting and Windham Southeast School District School Board vote to be held March 5 are now available by request. Absentee ballots for this election must be requested.

Anyone wishing to vote early and in-person may now do so at the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office. This option is available through March 4, 5:00pm.

The Most Qualified Person Running for Selectboard This Year

Talk about laboring in obscurity!

Last week, I found myself discussing a $3.4 million gift that Brattleboro had received. When should we spend it? What should we spend it on? And who should decide?

That’s when we got hung up for a good 20 minutes on the finer points of jurisdiction within Town government. Also the finer points of pickleball.

Oscar Heller for Selectboard

I have served on the Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee with Oscar Heller for three years, during one of which he served as chair, and I can enthusiastically recommend his candidacy for a three-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Heller is a flatlander who came to Vermont as a camper and then counselor at Camp W in West Brattleboro. Those summer experiences made him commit to Brattleboro as a place where he wanted to make his life and his work (which is in web design and marketing).

Brattleboro’s budget provides for the services residents receive, is the foundation for addressing problems facing the community, and determines the taxes we pay. Because of Heller’s dedicated work on the Finance Committee, Oscar has deep knowledge of the budget, and he can work the numbers.

Brattleboro Presidential Primary, Town Meeting Day and WSESD Absentee Ballots Available

Absentee ballots for the Presidential Primary, Brattleboro Annual Town Meeting and Windham Southeast School District School Board vote to be held March 5 are now available by request. Absentee ballots for this election must be requested.

Anyone wishing to vote absentee may apply for an absentee ballot until 5 p.m. on Monday, March 4, although we recommend doing so as soon as possible to account for mail delivery time. All voted ballots must be received by the Clerk before the polls close on Election Day, March 5, to be counted.

“The ‘Reality’ Around Us Is Constructed By Liars “Journalists are War Criminals” Julian Assange Explains 

Albert Einstein argued that 

“private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands”, resulting in “an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organised political society”.

Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education).

It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.” [May 1949 edition of socialist magazine Monthly Review]

Press Release: Oscar Heller for Selectboard

My name is Oscar Heller, and I’m running for Selectboard. I believe I have the temperament and skills to do a great job on your behalf. I value thoughtfulness, hard work, and public engagement. I’m not afraid to admit when I don’t understand something, or to ask hard questions on behalf of the public. And I’m not afraid to stand alone or take a hard vote if I disagree.

I found Brattleboro through Camp Waubanong, and moved here permanently ten years ago. Since then I’ve started two small businesses, bought a building and become a landlord on Elliot St, and gotten involved in local politics. I first joined the Energy Committee, and am currently a town meeting representative and a member of the Finance Committee. I’m 35 years old, and I want to be a part of building our future.

WSESD Candidates Welcome at Guilford Pre-Town Meeting

Guilford’s Pre-Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 27, at 6:30 pm at Broad Brook Community Center. This is also the one opportunity for Guilford voters to meet and hear from candidates for local offices that will be voted on Town Meeting Day the following week. In addition to town offices, such as selectboard, the Australian ballot on Town Meeting Day will include elections for board members of the Windham Southeast School District. This year, in addition to filling one seat on the board with a representative from Guilford, a seat from Putney and two from Brattleboro will be elected by voters in the four towns. Therefore, those running for the Brattleboro and Putney seats will also appear on the Guilford ballot. Guilford voters present at Pre-Town Meeting will thus be pleased to have in attendance any candidates running for these positions, to have them make a statement, answer questions, and, after the meeting, meet and chat.

Guilford Pre-Town Meeting, co-sponsored by Broad Brook Grange and the Guilford Selectboard, is an officially-warned public information meeting presenting the articles which will be voted on at town meeting, ranging from budgets to special articles and elections of town officials. The evening will also include an informal update on WSESD and Guilford School happenings. Refreshments will be served.

Time Bomb

As I entered the cafe a cat, completely camouflaged crossed my path, calico of course. Speechless, I went inside, got in line where it was impossible to not overhear a conversation well underway. “…it’s a campaign of grievance driven by brainwashing and sleepwalking… how is it not mass psychosis, Nazi Germany in the thirties?”  

I couldn’t tell if the two were a couple or some configuration less tested, but the man spoke with a heft of tone that said, “I know I’ve beaten this drum before.” His partner was sort of drifting off too, looking at me for rescue or corroboration, I couldn’t tell which.

Richard Davis To Run For One Year Brattleboro Selectboard Seat

Richard Davis, a 74 year old semi-retired nurse, writer and political activist has announced his intention to run for a one year seat on the Brattleboro selectboard.

A Boston area native, Davis has lived in Windham County for the past 45 years, 41 of those years in Guilford and for the past 2 ½ years in Brattleboro with his wife Roberta Levy.

He feels that the current board needs new blood to provide a different perspective on issues important to the people of Brattleboro.

Many people have been frustrated at the appearance of a lack of transparency that has surrounded the actions of the current board, especially in relation to the decision to end a long-standing relationship with Rescue Inc.

If Pres. Lula Quoted Martin Luther King “Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World is My Own Government,”

If, On Martin Luther King’s Birthday and U.S. National Holiday, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil could have quoted from King’s mainstream media covered up 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence,’ which condemned his government’s atrocity wars to protect predatory investments, he might have started by quoting what King said about Latin America.

If Xi-Jinping Reminded that Martin Luther King Called U.S.”Greatest Purveyor of Violence in World?”

If, during the three day Martin Luther King birthday holiday, a world attention getting source, for example, a high enough profiled Chinese government official, pointed out that the government of the United States of America was condemned as the most violent in the world by America’s own idol, this writer believes it would be a sensation, and a most difficult moment for the U.S. government and America’s wars supporting mainstream media which has for 57 years totally suppressed all mention of King’s condemnation of his government’s wars to protect predatory investments.

If Pres. Petro Quoted Martin Luther King “U.S. Helicopters Are Being Used Against Guerrillas in Colombia”

If, On Martin Luther King’s Birthday and U.S. National Holiday, President Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego of Columbia would quote from King’s mainstream media covered up 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence,’ which condemned his government’s atrocity wars to protect predatory investments, he might start by quoting what King said about his own country Columbia:

Possible Partial Government Shutdown January 19th Deadline

The federal government budget runs out of money January 19th for some programs but the Speaker has not scheduled another meeting of the U.S. House of Representatives until Jan. 16th. The next meeting is scheduled for 12:00 p.m. on January 16, 2024. The first deadline at midnight on January 19, 2024 includes the following four appropriations areas: Agriculture, Rural Development, etc., … There are rumblings about removing the Republican Speaker if he caves to Democrats.

If Palestinians Quoted Martin Luther King “US is Greatest Purveyor of Violence in World?” 

On Rev. Martin Luther King’s Birthday Holiday, a Palestinian  spokesperson might well want to draw world public attention to King’s 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence’ [1] when Martin Luther King, today the only American celebrity with the distinction of a national weekend holiday to honour his birthday, made bold print headlines in newspapers across the world of King loudly denouncing his very own U.S. government..

If Maduro Quoted Martin Luther King Deploring “Suppression by U.S. Military “Advisors”in Venezuela”

If, On Martin Luther King’s Birthday and U.S. National Holiday, President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela would quote from King’s mainstream media’ long covered up 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence,’[1] which condemned his government’s atrocity wars to protect predatory investments, – he might start by quoting what King said about his own Venezuela:

Absolute Immunity

For a person to propose they are above the law is presumption on a scale that is an affront to all life.  The very notion that any and all acts are beyond recrimination, and perforce exemptible, is a form of hubris that even Greek myths condemn.

Icarus, Narcissus, Sisyphus, the message is the same, think too highly of yourself, pay the price.  But now we’re confronted by a modern configuration so corrupt and decadent that such arrogance might be permitted.

Ours is a culture accustomed to getting away with things.. And not just little slights and nominally exacted tributes; enslavement, forced relocation, ecological devastation, extinctions-there’s barely the nod towards reparation.

If He Loses…?

Most people that I know feel old wounds opening as we move closer to the next presidential election. We are starting to experience that same level of anxiety and helplessness we felt when Trump won an election. We are hoping for the best outcome- that Trump gets his ass kicked and that he loses by 10 million votes as he did against Biden the first time.

But the world is a different place now and the complexity of issues surrounding the would-be dictator are mind-boggling. He could end up in jail, but that would not prevent him from taking a seat in the oval office. Most of the rhetoric and fear that is floating in the air has to do with the possibility of Trump winning the election. What might happen if he loses?

Opinions Decry Atrocities By One Side While Encouraging Them On The Other. How Helpful Is That?

At first I thought I would refrain from debate sparked by the atrocities of Oct. 7. I felt appalled that, from the safety of Vermont, warmed-over “party-line” polemics are being thrown around, which is of no benefit to Palestinians or Israelis whose survival is at risk.

But finally, driven by the increasing normalization of antisemitism and acceptance of Hamas as “freedom fighters” (even by some politically active Jews), I had to speak out.