The Uneven Power Dynamic Between Officers and Community Members

Our nation’s police department’s primary objectives have to be enforcement of existing law as enacted by the various state and federal legislatures.

The latitude exercised by each department is affected by a dizzying array of various police departmental and community circumstances. There is no template except that which falls back upon established law.In a real sense, the Executive Summary and therefore the full report of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to the White House Task Force on Community-Police Relations (January 2015) is putting the cart before the horse.

Congressman Peter Welch To Visit Brattleboro

Congressman Peter Welch, United States House of Representatives, Official Appearance Schedule

Friday, March 13th , 2015

10:30 a.m.
Press Conference: Brattleboro
Rep. Welch will hold a press conference to highlight the importance of the Medicare Dependent Hospital and Low Volume Hospital Designations programs for rural Vermont hospitals and make an announcement regarding the status of the program.

The Neoconservative Threat To International Relations

 Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration, claiming the title of “Father of Reaganomics”.  He has been associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate.

He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are and .

From a Plow Driver: An Open Letter To Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin

*Please Visit the on the below letter.*  

To Mr. Governor Shumlin,

I am a hard working Vermont State employee for the Agency of Transportation (District 3). I plow the roads. As you may recall, we in AOT have endured many challenges in the recent past ….Including Tropical Storm Irene (2011), Pay Cuts and Pay Freezes (2008-9), Changes to our Health Insurance with Higher deductibles and less coverage (2014). And despite all these hardships and challenges, we still get up, as needed, at 3am (sometimes working 7 days a week) to make sure our roads are safe so Vermonters (including yourself) can go to work, so tourists can come here and spend their money, and so everyone’s kids can get to school.

Senate Sustains Tar Sands Pipeline Veto

WASHINGTON, March 4 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the Senate energy and environment committees, issued the following statement today after the Senate voted to sustain President Barack Obama’s veto of a bill that would have allowed construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline:
“I applaud President Obama for vetoing the Keystone XL legislation and the Senate for sustaining that veto.

“The Senate and President Obama have sent an important message that the United States finally is listening to the scientific community and recognizing that global warming poses a real threat to our planet.

Support Richard Evers

Richard Evers is a write-in candidate for a District 3 Town Meeting Member seat.  I have been well acquainted with Richard for twenty years and have always known him to be interested in and aware of town issues.  He is thoughtful and uses good judgement.  I recommend writing in his name for a District 3 Town Meeting Member seat.

Thank you.

Setting The Record Straight Re: Amendments

Because the media are not perfect, there are three misconceptions that persist about the amendments and I would like to clear them up in these last days before the election.

First, the charter clearly shows how the representative town meeting (RTM) restricted the rights to call for votes.  Anyone can check this our on the town web site:  See, click “Charter, ordinances” > “charter”. 

The RTM did uselessly lower a signature requirement but at the same time authorized
themselves to vote first and block the petitioned article from the ballot.  Their revision (charter article III 2 B)

“What You Been Smoking?”

Speaking rhetorically about legalizing marijuana, I hear the repeating theme that VT needs to do it right, especially every time CO and WA is brought up.

But I have wondered of late, how it is that we can do it wrong?

The unbiased reports from CO especially, and WA all report the upshot results of marijuana legalization are very favorable by every indicator. Yet, except for the deranged Patrick ‘Druggy’ Kennedy’s so-called Smart group it’s not clear exactly what can go wrong.

3rd White House Error Message – You Have To Keep Your Eye on President Obama All The Time!

3rd White House Error message at “We the People” petition section of President Obama’s official government White House website.  This has occurred at 1091 signatures on the Make Marijuana Legal petition, and it previously occurred at 1064 signatures on the Make Marijuana Legal petition, and before that it occurred when the petition had not reached the first 150 requirement. 

Heads Up!

A big, fat false flag is likely in the works, so the DHS can get its funding

 A video purported to be by Somalia’s al-Qaida-linked rebel group al-Shabab urged Muslims to attack shopping malls in the U.S., Canada, Britain and other Western countries.

The masked narrator concluded an hour-long video by calling on Muslims to attack shopping malls, specifically naming the Mall of America, as well as the West Edmonton Mall in Canada and the Westfield mall in Stratford, England.

1% Local Option Tax

Brattleboro residents can vote on March 3 ( or by early voting now at the Town Clerk’s Office) about whether we should add a 1% optional sales tax here in Brattleboro.

This is a difficult issue because many fear it will hurt our downtown businesses and Brattleboro residents will also pay this extra 1% tax.( It won’t just be people who live out – of -town or out -of -state. ) On the other hand, it has been estimated that it could raise around $600,000 in extra revenue for the town.

I haven’t heard much public comment about this issue and I ‘d be interested to know what I-Brattleboro readers think.

If the White House Doesn’t Like Your Petition, You Get Repeated “ERROR” Messages So People Can’t Sign It!

At the top of the column it says “An error has” and then it states “Sorry there is a technical problem and this petition cannot be signed right now.  Please try again n a few minutes.   If you receive this error repeatedly, you may contact We The People to report the problem.  

Well, this is the 2nd time the “MAKE MARIJUANA LEGAL!” petition at the White House – We The People section of the official Presidential website, has occurred.  This really slows down collecting petition signatures!   Funny, I don’t see this “Error” message on other petitions.

iBrattleboro Interview: David Gartenstein

David Gartenstein is running for a one-year seat on the Brattleboro Selectboard. We asked him some questions, and his answers follow. Election day is Tuesday, March 3rd.


– What lessons would you say you have you learned since joining the board? 

Serving as a member of the Selectboard, and as Chair, have reinforced for me the vital importance of ensuring that everyone is heard with respect.  We face many competing priorities in Brattleboro, and our goal should be to achieve what is best for the town and its residents given our limited resources.

Proposed Town Charter Amendments

I just received an email from the selectboard about town meeting.

“Town Meeting Representatives:  —  As you may know, the March 3 ballot contains three proposed Charter amendments.  Attached for your information is the “Proposed Brattleboro Charter Amendment Information Sheet” that was prepared and endorsed by the Selectboard.”

Well, it was not “Information”, it was “Propaganda”. It was telling us to vote the way the Selectboard wanted us to.

I guess they have a right to do that, but we have an equal right to ignore it.

For the record, here are the 3 proposed amendments:

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Meeting Thursday Night

I hope all of you will turn out for the sole meeting the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will hold for public feedback on the proposed Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) Entergy hastily submitted to the NRC in December 2014. NRC meeting is February 19, 6 to 9 pm. Address and NRC notice is here:

Official “Proposed Brattleboro Charter Amendment Information Sheet”


Proposed amendments to Brattleboro’s Charter are on the March 3, 2015 ballot. The Brattleboro Selectboard asks you to consider the following when voting. 


Brattleboro’s Town Meeting is both participatory and representative democracy. Up to 155 residents get elected and gather annually to make budget and policy decisions for the Town. It is anti-democratic to ban Brattleboro residents from Town Meeting because they have attended 6 years in a row. Term limits would bar many residents who now attend Town Meeting, and the institutional memory they bring with them would be lost. Right now there are 25 open Town Meeting slots, so anyone interested in joining already can. Term limits actually could empty out Town Meeting so there would not even be a quorum. 

Rescheduled West Brattleboro Economic Development Forum, February 23rd

On Monday, February 23rd, at 5:00 PM, all West Brattleboro businesses are invited to discuss business and economic development ideas with Brattleboro and Windham County development organizations.  Representatives will be present from Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce, Windham Regional Commission and the Town of Brattleboro.

The meeting (which was postponed from the original date two weeks ago due to a snowstorm) will take
place in the central conference room at the 55 Marlboro Road building and is being organized by the West Brattleboro Association.  (55 Marlboro Rd. is the long building with Central Appliance at its right corner.  Use the front center door and head to the back.) Light refreshments will be provided.

Proposed Charter Amendment Fact Sheet

The Brattleboro Selectboard has drafted and is considering adopting and mailing the following “Fact Sheet” related to the proposed Charter changes on the upcoming March ballot. The mailing to all residences will cost under $3000.

Below you’ll find an attachment that included the draft text being considered, as it appeared in the Selectboard meeting materials for their February 17 meeting, to be held later tonight. If approved, you will also get a copy in the mail.

Welch Announces Legislation To Spur Use of Modern Wood Heating Systems

Bipartisan initiative would boost Vermont’s biomass industry

Burlington, VT—This afternoon in Montpelier, Rep. Peter Welch announced bipartisan legislation that would make it more affordable for Vermonters to install wood heating systems in their homes or businesses.

The Biomass Thermal Utilization(BTU) Act would expand the existing renewable energy tax credit to include wood, or “biomass thermal,” heating systems. Welch made the announcement at National Life Group’s Montpelier campus. The company installed a wood heating system in 2010 that has reduced its carbon footprint by 45 percent and heating costs by 50 percent.