You Can Do It, But You Can’t Control The Reaction

I find it interesting that one of the outcomes of the shooting in Charleston appears to be the dismantling of the imagery that appealed to the shooter. Overnight, the Confederate flag is something for politicians to distance themselves from, and calls for its removal from license plates, statehouses, and other official uses are being acted upon. Long a symbol of southern pride, its days seem numbered.

Dylann Roof probably didn’t anticipate this reaction, but he accomplished it.

Sanders: Corporate America Wins Again

WASHINGTON, June 23 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) expressed deep disappointment today after the Senate voted 60-37 to cut off debate and advance legislation that would grant President Barack Obama powers to complete a major Pacific trade accord.

“The vote today – pushed by multi-national corporations, pharmaceutical companies and Wall Street – will mean a continuation of disastrous trade policies which have cost our country millions of decent-paying jobs,” said Sanders, who voted no.

“American workers deserve a trade policy that works for them and not only for the CEOs of major multi-national corporations. We cannot continue trade policies which outsource jobs to low-wage countries overseas and lead us into a race to the bottom,” Sanders added.

The Cost of Housing

According to a recent study by the National Low Income Housing Coalition the minimum wage required for a two bedroom apartment in Vermont is $20.68/hour.


About 40% of the households in Brattleboro do not have that much income.

Sen. Sanders’ Statement on Charleston Church Shootings

WASHINGTON, June 18 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today on the killing of nine people by a white man at a black church in Charleston, South Carolina:

“The Charleston church killings are a tragic reminder of the ugly stain of racism that still taints our nation. This senseless violence fills me with outrage, disgust and a deep, deep sadness. The hateful killing of nine people praying inside a church is a horrific reminder that, while we have made significant progress in advancing civil rights in this country, we are far from eradicating racism. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and their congregation.”

Contact: Michael Briggs: (202) 224-5141

Tools of War

The United States is effectively supplying Islamic State with tools of war. Iraqi security forces lost 2,300 Humvee armored vehicles when Islamic State overran the northern city of Mosul. Further losses by default to Islamic State include at least :

40 M1A1 main battle tanks,
74,000 machine guns,
52 M198 howitzer mobile gun systems.
1,000 additional Humvees, along with their armor upgrades, machine guns and grenade launchers.
250 Mine Resistant Armored Personnel carriers (MRAPs) Like in Keene!

plus unaccountable amounts of materiel left behind when American forces departed Iraq in 2011.

Statement of Congressman Peter Welch In Response to Governor Peter Shumlin’s Announcement That He Will Not Seek Reelection

WASHINGTON—Congressman Peter Welch (VT-AL) released the following statement in response to Governor Peter Shumlin’s announcement that he will not seek a fourth term as governor:

“Governor Shumlin has been compiling an extraordinary record of service as Vermont’s 81st governor.

“He led us through the devastation of Tropical Storm Irene, mobilizing Vermonters across the state to help one another and to rebuild Vermont to be stronger than before the storm. He was a resolute advocate for marriage equality. And, thanks to his bold leadership, the Vermont General Assembly became the first state legislature in the country to make marriage equality the law of the state.

A Presidential Candidate – Lincoln Chafee

Lincoln Chafee has heard the call and realizes it is his time, too, to run for president.

“I enjoy challenges, and today we have many facing America. Today I am formally entering the race for the Democratic nomination for president.”

Bernie Sanders To Be At Strolling of the Heifers

SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS will march in the annual Strolling of the Heifers Parade in Brattleboro VT on Saturday, June 6.

The Parade starts at 10 AM sharp, up Main Street. After the parade, Sanders will speak from the Gazebo at the Brattleboro Common at approximately 11:15 AM.

Here’s Bernie in winning form at the milking contest a few years ago.

Half of Older Households Have No Retirement Savings

Sanders Cites GAO Study in Push to Expand Social Security

WASHINGTON, June 2 – A new study prepared for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) found that more than half of all American households with someone 55 or older have no retirement savings.

The study was requested by Sanders, the lead sponsor of legislation to increase Social Security benefits.

“This report makes it clear that there is a retirement crisis in America today. At a time when half of all older workers have no retirement savings, we need to expand, not cut, Social Security benefits so that every American can retire with dignity,” Sanders said.

A Presidential Candidate – Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham has decided the time is right to become president.

Some of you have known me since I grew up in the back of that bar in that building, but no one here, including me, expected to hear me say, I’m Lindsey Graham, and I’m running for president of the United States.”

Tens of Millions of Survivors of Genocidal US Terrorism! Ridicule that US Lst of Nations Sponsoring Terrorism

With the absurd US list accusing other nations of sponsoring the terrorism, which the USA has created since WWII highlighted in the news for Cuba having been now taken of the list, your author would like to see the tens of millions of survivors of US genocidal terror ask everyone with a computer to google ‘US sponsor of ISIS,’ and see the first dozen entries that come up. Eventual lawsuits will punish investment in genocide.

From Scull and HoodOwner:  at unknown
“The Obama administration on Friday formally removed Cuba from a U.S. terrorism blacklist.” Fox News, Cuba removed from US terror sponsor list, Associated Press, 5/29/2015

Celebrating Free Speech for My Birthday

I plan a short, peaceful vigil at the Brattleboro Post Office on my 70th Birthday.  

That should pretty much be a non-event in Brattleboro, where vigils and other expressive activity have regularly taken place on outdoor post office property for decades.  But recent threats of arrest for expressive behavior on outdoor Brattleboro Post Office property, does make this a bit special.  

Memorial Day! Americans Honor Military that Collaterally Slaughtered Millions of Non-Caucasian Children


Article describes how Memorial Day will evolve into a day of mourning not only the military deaths of friends and family but a day of mourning for having been deceived by a media owned by profiteers in the genocidal use of America’s Armed Forces all around our blessed world, and of intense interest in the prosecution of everyone responsible for their shame in the eyes tens of millions of victims of their lamentable ignorance.


Memorial Day! Americans Honor Military that Collaterally Slaughtered Millions of Non-Caucasian Children

Unlike Chavez, Chavistas Appealed to a Powerless US President Who Works for Investors in Genocide!

Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark in his book The Fire This Time – US War Crimes in the Gulf wrote, and has since kept repeating, “the greatest crime since World War II has been US foreign policy.” America’s most famous defector from the war establishment would of course would be gratified to hear this spoken of by leaders of nations under US military or covert CIA-CNN attack. Crimes are meant to be prosecuted, and criminals made to pay for what they have done!