A Presidential Candidate – Complete List July 2015

How many candidates do you think have declared their intentions to run for president in 2016? Go ahead and guess.

Fifteen? Twenty? Twenty five?  Thirty?  Place your bets, now.

The answer, according the the Federal Election Commision website, is that over 500 citizens have stepped forward for your consideration.

There are some great names on this list, too. Are we ready as a nation for President Sydneys Voluptous Buttocks? Or how about President President Emperor Caesar (President is a first name as well as a title here.)

Windham County Economic Development Program Relaunch

The Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) and the Windham County Advisory Council are pleased to announce the relaunch of the . 

ACCD has worked closely with state and regional partners to redesign the program to ensure greater local and regional participation in the process, simplify the application process – especially for businesses – and improve communication about the program to the region.  The regional partners have formed a consisting of BDCC, WRC, SeVEDS, SBDC, ACCD, municipalities with designated downtowns – Brattleboro, Wilmington, Rockingham – plus Vernon.

Sanders Introduces Bill for $15-an-Hour Minimum Wage

WASHINGTON, July 22 – Addressing hundreds of low-wage workers who have gone on strike for a living wage, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said legislation he introduced today would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.

“It is a national disgrace that millions of full-time workers are living in poverty and millions more are forced to work two or three jobs just to pay their bills,” Sanders said at the outdoor rally near the Capitol. “In the year 2015, a job must lift workers out of poverty, not keep them in it. The current federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is a starvation wage and must be raised to a living wage.”

Jade Helm Is Coming!

Be afraid, very afraid!

Jade Helm 15 is a United States military training exercise, scheduled to take place in multiple U.S. Southwestern states from July 15 to September 15, 2015.Led by Patriot Alex Jones, Texans and other residents are very concerned about the military’s latest intrusion on their freedoms.

Did Muslim Murder 4 Marines in Payback for Iraq Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan?


Another killing of GIs by a Muslim American. Most Americans will confine their judgement and emotions to this one specific quadruple murder, and this will be helpful to those, who have invested in profitable genocides from Korea onward in their continuing to stay under the radar. Insidious US media will make sure the deaths of the four Marines and Abdulazeez play out well for its ISIS hoax and Christian-Israeli hate Islam campaign.

As Greece Goes, So Go Debtors All

Don’t mess with the powers that be. That’s the message I got from the Greek crisis currently winding down in Europe. They will wipe you out sooner than look at you if you welch on a bet – or default on a loan.

It was really quite remarkable to behold, this unraveling of Greece. Rumblings of trouble in the financial pages for months, a day of reckoning in June with banks closing country-wide, a stunning public referendum in which 60% of the citizenry voted against more austerity, and the government, just this week, caving all the same, its more idealistic finance minister resigning in, well, resignation.

Senators Call on FCC to Probe Cable, Broadband Prices

WASHINGTON, July 10 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and three colleagues today asked the Federal Communications Commission to investigate “ridiculous prices” for cable and broadband services.

“Consumers in our country have little or no choice in their Internet and cable provider,” Sanders wrote in the letter to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. “As a result, these companies are able to charge ridiculous prices and add hidden fees onto a customer’s bill,” he added in the letter also signed by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Al Franken (D-Minn.). “It’s no wonder the American public rank these providers last in customer satisfaction,” the senators said.

USA Celebrates Profitable Genocide 1776 Enslaving Africans to 2015 Destroying 6 Muslim Nations!

DESCRIPTION: Independence Holiday in the USA becomes a time when citizens tend to reflect on the nations 238 year history. It is a history typical of six European empires in the areas of genocide and plunder.  Genocide: the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. plural: genocides; review of USA’s; update on present and future prosecution thereof.

The Case of the Missing Newspapers

Every Wednesday I deliver about 4000 copies of “The Commons”, a weekly newspaper which is familiar to most of the people reading this. 

This Wednesday, something very mysterious happened – most of the papers I delivered have disappeared.

It is as if someone was following me around and removing the papers from the racks I filled just a few minutes before.

Got any ideas?

The Declaration of Independence

I thought it might be nice to re-read the Declaration of Independence, to look again at how this country of ours began.

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Greece Should Be Taking Money Making Stock Tips from Congressman Peter Welch of Vermont!

Letter to the Editor of The Vermont Journal/The Shopper, Ludlow, Vermont,  published July 1, 2015.
“Congressman Peter Welch Gets Richer While Depriving Poor Vermonters!”

Last year

Do members of the United States Congress  get special hints telling them to  buy stock at a certain time, and then sell it, to reward them for voting a certain way on a certain Bill?

“R” rCredits For You?

What are rCredits?

The rCredits system is a cooperative mutual credit organization providing online credit card, debit card, and cash card services.

In this economy, it’s hard to find US Dollars to pay for things. With rCredits we can fund what we need, without having to depend on US Dollars. rCredits are simply a way for us to give each other credit in our local community, so that, in effect, there is more money to go around.

You can spend rCredits and be paid with rCredits just as with US Dollars.

Welch Issues Statement on Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court Decision

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Peter Welch today issued the following statement following the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to make same-sex marriage a right in all 50 states:

“The wall of marriage discrimination in America has finally come down. The Supreme Court affirmed today what Vermonters recognized years ago — that the quality of love between two people is more important than their gender,” Congressman Welch said.

Rep. Welch Decides To Stay In Congress

When Peter Shumlin announced he wouldn’t be running for Governor again, Rep. Peter Welch announced he would consider becoming the next governor. 

He’s decided  — to run for Congress again.  Here is the statement:
