Was Hillary Clinton Wearing An Ear Piece During the House Select Benghazi Hearing and Being Provided Answers?
If Hillary Clinton was wearing a hidden ear piece during the House Select Benghazi Hearing on October 22, 2015, and if someone was giving her answers through the ear piece, so that in effect, the answers were not her own; is that wire fraud? Is it fraud? Is it acceptable in this day and age for any person in any type of federal hearing to wear an ear device and have their answers provided to them by someone the person doing the questioning can not see?
Is the American public so used to political candidates who are entirely dependent on others to write their speeches and set up teleprompters for them, so that the candidate is really merely a puppet, that the public just shrugs at the idea that Hillary Clinton might be wearing an ear piece and that her answers are not actually her own ideas, her own thoughts, but someone else’s?