Windham County for Bernie

It’s a safe bet that Bernie Sanders will carry Vermont in our presidential primary. For folks itching to help the national campaign, “Windham County for Bernie” is organizing to help our neighbors in New Hampshire ensure that Bernie Sanders wins the all-important NH primary in February.

We will hold our first public organizing meeting of “Windham County for Bernie” on August 27. NH campaign staff from Concord & Keene will attend to update us on the NH campaign. Sign up for phone banking, canvassing, helping out at NH Bernie events, writing letters to editors, bird-dogging other candidates’ and more.

The Wrong Guy – Sanders and the Democrats

Somehow I thought that when you ran as say, a Democrat, that Democrats would at least acknowledge that you exist instead of stealing all your platform planks, (watering them down), and then trying to find people to run on them.  But that is exactly what the Democrats are doing in the face of Bernie Sanders’ unexpected popularity.  First it was Hillary, with her student loan program and her sudden concern for the middle class.  Then she got in trouble, so the party players decided to float Biden.  Biden seems to be nibbling, so we may see him in the race.  Then this weekend, the Guardian ran a story saying people wanted Gore to run.  Somehow I don’t think that’s likely but really?  You want to run Gore?  Anyone?

By Never Calling For Prosecution ‘Left’ Journalism Protects Investments In Continuous Genocide

Thesis: Western society’s progressive writers leave their readers with the impression that citizens of the US and allied nations will never be prosecuted for their mega massive crimes against humanity. Legal and moral implications and future ramifications are discussed and contrasted with ongoing litigation and warnings Martin Luther King gave.

Sanders Supports Iran Nuclear Deal

WASHINGTON, Aug. 7 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today announced that he will support an agreement that the United States and other nations negotiated with Iran to limit its nuclear program.

Sanders issued a statement after a telephone conversation on Friday with President Barack Obama, who addressed some of Sanders’ concerns. The senator first publicly discussed his intention to vote for the agreement in an interview with John Dickerson of CBS News, which will be broadcast Sunday on “Face the Nation.”

“The test of a great nation is not how many wars it can engage in, but how it can resolve international conflicts in a peaceful manner,” Sanders said in the statement.

Slogan ‘Black Lives Matter!’ Not Intended to Include Black Lives Taken by GI’s Overseas

Leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement work in blatant disbelief of Martin Luther Kings moral and entirely logical warning; ‘There will be no progress on social justice issues at home while we go on denying the very right to live of the poor overseas at a such an enormous expenditure of social and financial resources that make such progress at home impossible.’ Read King’s Beyond Vietnam and Why I Am Against the War.

Sanders Proposes Public Funding of Elections to Replace ‘Corrupt’ System of ‘Legalized Bribery’

WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 – In a Senate floor speech today, Sen. Bernie Sanders said he will introduce legislation to provide public funding of elections to replace a “corrupt” system of “legalized bribery’ with candidates “begging for contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.”

“We are talking about a rapid movement in this country toward oligarchy, toward a government owned and controlled by a handful of extremely wealthy families,” Sanders said.

A Circus Tent Collapse

It has been a while since I have read news of a circus tent being blown down.

Yesterday, as some rather violent thunderstorms passed north of us, hundreds of people were inside a circus tent in New Hampshire enjoying a performance by the Walker Bros. circus. According to one report I saw, the wind came up, poles began lifting up and everything came crashing down. There were two deaths and many injuries.

It reminded me of .

Left Progressives Collaborated As Investors in Genocide Owned CNN CIA US Gov & NATO Destroyed Libya

Left Progressives Collaborated As Investors in Genocide Owned CNN CIA US Gov & NATO Destroyed Libya

Gaddafi overthrew a British installed King, brought Libya from Africa’s poorest nation to be its wealthiest with a UN Quality of Life Index higher than 9 European countries. A million Libyans out of a total population 6, desperately demonstrated for their Green Book Democracy and beloved Gaddafi outside Tripoli as Britain  & France bombed. Left Progressives either collaborated with or were silent re lies used to destroy Libya

Mark Meadows & 3 Co-Sponsors Move to “Fire” Speaker John Boehner of The United States Congress!

Mark Meadows & 3 Co-Sponsors Move to “Fire” Speaker John Boehner of The United States Congress!!!!!

This New Resolution by Mark Meadows and 3 co-sponsors, if passed, will act to oust Republican Speaker of the U.S. House John Boehner;  and any member of the U.S. Congress can be voted in to replace him – even a Democrat!!!  It does not matter if there are more  Republicans  than Democrats  in the U.S. House – this is all about how members  of the U.S. Congress are being bullied by the current Speaker of the House, John Boehner.  John Boehner is behaving like a totalitarian tyrant! 

On 50th Anniversary of Medicare, Sanders Proposes Medicare-for-All

WASHINGTON, July 30 – Addressing a rally outside the Capitol to mark the 50th anniversary of Medicare, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today announced that he will introduce legislation to provide Medicare-for-all health insurance.

“We need to expand Medicare to cover every man, woman and child as a single-payer national health care program,” Sanders told a rally held by National Nurses United in a park near the Capitol.

A Presidential Candidate – Jim Gilmore

Jim Gilmore has decided that you need to update your list of who is running for president, and add his name:

“This race is running differently than previous presidential races, that’s one reason why I’m encouraged to get in.”

Sanders Statement on Planned Parenthood

WASHINGTON, July 29 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today as Senate Republicans pushed for a vote on legislation to cut $500 million in annual funding for Planned Parenthood:

“The attempt by Senate Republicans to cut off support for Planned Parenthood is an attack on women’s health. Stripping funding for Planned Parenthood would punish the 2.7 million Americans, especially low-income women, who rely on its clinics for affordable, quality health care services including cancer prevention, STI and HIV testing and general primary health care services.

“The current attempt to discredit Planned Parenthood is part of a long-term smear campaign by people who want to deny women in this country the right to control their own bodies.

Tuesday Farmer’s Market

For the second year in a row the Tuesday market on Whetstone Pathway is really disappointing. Two small farms – both selling identical vegetables. No seasonal fruit being sold. A woman selling baked goods; a flower vendor and that’s pretty much it. No variety – very little reason to go there. The biggest draw – with the only lines of customers -was the Thai food truck.I don’t know what’s going on with this market. When it was located on Main Street mext to the Senior Center there were lots of farms offering not only veggies and herbs but berries, melons, peaches; apples in the fall. Plus flowers and baked goods and a couple of places to get lunch.

A Presidential Candidate – Complete List July 2015

How many candidates do you think have declared their intentions to run for president in 2016? Go ahead and guess.

Fifteen? Twenty? Twenty five?  Thirty?  Place your bets, now.

The answer, according the the Federal Election Commision website, is that over 500 citizens have stepped forward for your consideration.

There are some great names on this list, too. Are we ready as a nation for President Sydneys Voluptous Buttocks? Or how about President President Emperor Caesar (President is a first name as well as a title here.)

Windham County Economic Development Program Relaunch

The Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) and the Windham County Advisory Council are pleased to announce the relaunch of the . 

ACCD has worked closely with state and regional partners to redesign the program to ensure greater local and regional participation in the process, simplify the application process – especially for businesses – and improve communication about the program to the region.  The regional partners have formed a consisting of BDCC, WRC, SeVEDS, SBDC, ACCD, municipalities with designated downtowns – Brattleboro, Wilmington, Rockingham – plus Vernon.

Sanders Introduces Bill for $15-an-Hour Minimum Wage

WASHINGTON, July 22 – Addressing hundreds of low-wage workers who have gone on strike for a living wage, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said legislation he introduced today would raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour.

“It is a national disgrace that millions of full-time workers are living in poverty and millions more are forced to work two or three jobs just to pay their bills,” Sanders said at the outdoor rally near the Capitol. “In the year 2015, a job must lift workers out of poverty, not keep them in it. The current federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is a starvation wage and must be raised to a living wage.”

Jade Helm Is Coming!

Be afraid, very afraid!

Jade Helm 15 is a United States military training exercise, scheduled to take place in multiple U.S. Southwestern states from July 15 to September 15, 2015.Led by Patriot Alex Jones, Texans and other residents are very concerned about the military’s latest intrusion on their freedoms.