I Will Not Celebrate Memorial Day
“I do not celebrate Memorial Day”
I do not celebrate this one day
to commemorate the war dead.
I do not honor this one day
to remember their sacrifice.
No, I will not honor them
on this one day…
For opinion pieces on any topic.
“I do not celebrate Memorial Day”
I do not celebrate this one day
to commemorate the war dead.
I do not honor this one day
to remember their sacrifice.
No, I will not honor them
on this one day…
Brattleboro should be proud.
1994, Ramsey Clark wrote in his The Fire This Time – US War Crimes in the Gulf, “The greatest crime since WWII has been US foreign policy,” in Crime in America, 1970, “Crimes are meant to be prosecuted,” and in Challenge to Genocide, 1998 that ‘investments in the illegal and genocidal use of the nation’s Armed Forces, CIA and mass media will be made unprofitable and brought to an end through prosecution under the law’
May 30, 2016
John O’Connor
Town Treasurer/ Finance Director
Town of Brattleboro
230 Main Street
Suite 111
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Dear John,
I was preparing bills and I just felt compelled to air a pet peeve that I have had for years.
Every year I get a Property Tax Statement that contains four tear off tabs that I am to mail in to the Town with a check for the quarterly payment of my property taxes.
The Brattleboro Town Committee of the Progressive Party will meet on Thursday June 9, 2016 at 145 Green Street, 6:00 PM. The agenda will include: 1) Acceptance of new members 2) discuss and act on nomination of Mollie Burke as State Representative, District 2; 3) Other business
All interested persons welcome.
on the Democratic Party primary election ballot Aug. 9, 2016.
Cris Ericson’s responses below to VSEA.org Questions.
On Fri, 5/27/16, Susan DeVoid wrote:
Subject: VSEA Endorsement Process
To: “crisericson@yahoo.com”
Date: Friday, May 27, 2016, 11:26 AM
Ms. Ericson:
As per your request, please find the below questionnaire for the VSEA Endorsement Process. You may respond to my email address.
1. Should the work of State government be performed by State employees?
Fellow Working Vermonters,
I am a former District Vice President and Member-At-Large of the Vermont AFL-CIO (UAW Local 1981). As such, I know there is only one candidate for Lieutenant Governor who has the backs of working class Vermonters; State Senator David Zuckerman. Dave has walked picket lines with me. He, like Bernie Sanders, has fought like hell (against the Democratic & Republican establishment) for livable wages, healthcare for all, and for the rights of union & non-union workers.
The primaries are about to wrap up with a series of state results in early June. Time to check in once again with our occasional political commentary series, starring your commentary.
In recent news, Trump is edging ahead of Clinton in head-to-head polls, Clinton has backed out of debating Sanders in California, and Sanders… isn’t being covered much by the mainstream news anymore. If you look hard, Sanders is continuing to attract large crowds, does well in polls against Trump, and is calling out the DNC for being less than fair.
You heard it here from me first: my prediction as a citizen observer is that the West River interstate bridge will not be completed until August/September 2020.
That’s with every single last thing done: boths side, lines on the pavement, all construction equipment removed, landscaping done, everything. My prediction is that Labor Day weekend 2020 will be the grand opening completion celebration.
This isn’t a diss to the project, it’s just stating my prediction based on how long it has taken thus far and how far they realistically still have to go, that it won’t be done until Labor Day weekend 2020.
The issue of inclusion has long been a concern of lesbian and gays. Following the gay riots in 1969 it was gay pride that was the focus of the movement. The Gay Liberation Front was the militant group of activist who helped to establish gay rights.In those days many gay people did not believe in bisexuals and oftentimes, like straight people, they denied there was such a thing. Gay pride was born of and lives in a dichotomous, black and white world where gays and straights are the axis of powers.
The struggle for gay rights extended through the Seventies and Eighties. Subsequently, it was gay people who took it upon themselves to add bisexuals to the initialism to create LGBT, in good part because it helped to buff up their numbers. The success of social movements regularly depend on how many thousands or millions they can put into the streets or add to their mailing lists to demonstrate widespread support.
THANK YOU! Hi! I want to thank the voters of Windham, Windsor and Rutland Counties who signed two different petitions for the statewide August 9, 2016 Democratic Primary Election to allow me to appear on the ballot for two offices, U.S. Senator and Governor of Vermontfor the Democratic Party.
2016 Vermont Statewide Primary Election Qualified Candidate List for August 9th https://www.sec.state.vt.us/media/757630/2016-statewide-primary-qualified-candidates.pdf
Forest Square, also known as the Tree Streets, in Brattleboro was once a very desirable part of town to live. The area was given its name due to the ample number of trees, the streets are named after trees, and the streets were planted with large shade trees lining the sidewalks and roads.
The very largest trees in the neighborhood today were likely planted in the 1860s by Brattleboro’s Share Tree Association. There was a concerted effort to plant new trees to provide shade for future residents, since much of the town was being cleared of trees as people cut them for wood.
The shade trees grew up together and became quite large and doing all the things trees do – provide shade, homes for birds, food for squirrels, places to play and climb for children.
U.S. | Racial Justice
Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin & Speaker of the VT House Shap Smith are Racial Profiling!
by Cris Ericson (ru18vote [at] gmail.com) Saturday May 7th, 2016 5:07 PM
Should Vermont Speaker of the House, Shap Smith, be charged with conspiracy with Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin for creating a new form of racial profiling of people charged with a criminal misdemeanor by forcing them to submit to a DNA test because that is just a new form of being Hitler because DNA testing shows whether you are “Cohanim Jewish” J1 haplogroup Y chromosome or Black or Native American Indian, etc.?
Do you want to help make marijuana legal in Vermont? The state legislature did not make marijuana legal this spring, so it is up to you to do something!
You can get on the Nov. 8, 2016 general election ballot in Vermont for the Vermont Marijuana Party by collecting petition signatures.
On Friday, May 13, at 7:30 p.m., at the The School for International Training, Room IC‐101, International Center, 1 Kipling Road, Brattleboro, The Windham World Affairs Council is presenting Dr. John Hagen, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, who will speak on “American Engagement with Niger: A Case Study on Confronting Violent Extremism in Africa.” As the academic lead for a U.S. State Department initiative that is helping to develop professional military education for the army of Niger, John Hagen is in a good position to analyze the situation in that country and discuss U.S. involvement there. This event is free and open to the public. Coffee/tea/conversation will precede Dr. Hagan’s talk at 7:00 pm. For more information, visit: www.windhamworldaffairscouncil.org
Please be sure to include North End Butchers, Windham Wines and Adams Seafood in your shopping plans this spring and summer. With the coming closing of Black Mountain Trading Co., on Putney Road, I would like to urge all to frequent the North End Butchers, Windham Wines, Adams Seafood and other merchants in the little shopping mall on Putney Road just north of Hannafords.
North End Butchers is starting to get fresh vegetables from local growers, they have their usual fine selection of locally grown meat, sandwiches and a nice assortment of prepared foods. They have even been carrying locally grown shitaki mushrooms.
BURLINGTON, Vt., May 4 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders today announced the Department of Health and Human Services awarded $5.5 million to six community health centers in Vermont. The health centers will use this new federal funding to renovate facilities, increase patient capacity and expand primary care services.
The Vermont awards are part of $260 million in health infrastructure funding announced today for 290 community health centers in 45 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The funding comes from the Health Center Trust Fund, which was created by a Sanders provision in the Affordable Care Act that provides $11 billion for community health centers across the United States. Congress extended the Sanders provision last year with bipartisan support.
Saw an online headline a moment ago that Vernon is leaving the Act 46 Study Committee — significant development for those of us interested in this Act 46 business. Only way to find out more appears to be to subscribe to the Reformer….
Continuing our election year discussion series, we come to what major media have taken to calling the Acela Primary. It’s named for the Amtrak train line that makes its way through Delaware up the coast and over to Rhode Island.
The latest headlines show us that Trump and Clinton both use Delaware corporations as perfectly legitimate and legal mechanisms for handling millions of dollars of business income. Others use them, of course, to shuffle income around and avoid paying taxes, but not the candidates. No way!
Kasich and Cruz are making some sort of pact to work together to take down Trump. Trump has promised that he’s been putting on an act thus far, and will behave like a good Republican now that he’s heading for the nomination.
From the early days of one room school houses to the present, town residents and tax payers have been directly involved in their students’ education. Act 46 takes this role away from us.
The Dummerston community has built and paid for its school building and grounds. All decisions pertaining to our school are made annually by Dummerston residents by discussion and Australian ballot.
Implementation of act 46 completely removes the people from direct decision making about their children’s education. Furthermore, our schools will lose their identity as community centers.
Act 46 is being enacted without any information provided to the public, nor does the public have the opportunity to give input or feedback.