Gubernatorial Candidate Meet, Greet & Lunch

Gubernatorial Candidate Meet, Greet & Lunch

Where: Senior Meals – Gibson-Aiken Center – 207 Main St., Brattleboro, VT  05301

When: Friday, July 22, 2016 at 12 Noon

Who:  , Vermont’s former Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Transportation, Irene Recovery Officer, and State Representative, is seeking the Democratic nomination for Governor in the upcoming .


Will there be lunch?

Black GIs Killing Blacks Overseas a Problem for ‘Black Lives Matter’ Leaders Betraying MLKjr

Unless Martin Luther King is wrong, the movement to protect US Blacks from White people will go nowhere while Black GIs help white people kill Africans in Africa and other non-Caucasian people all around the globe. Slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ is ignominious, humiliating, undignified, embarrassing, pleading, definitely not noble, not appropriate to repeated murdering of innocent folks and children and other inhuman behavior.

Which Four Year Show To Watch?

Summer is a time for TV execs to preview fall programming. So it is in politics, too. Conventions are previews for presidencies. What shall we watch for four years? Let’s look at the choices.

Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton today, marking the official end of his campaign to become President and the beginning of his more-powerful-than-this-time-last-year campaign for major changes. This leaves us a Coke-Pepsi type of choice. Sorry, we’re out of root beer.

Clinton has been laying somewhat low, presumably preparing for the convention and general campaign. It’s certainly hers to lose. She’s got more money, she’s been through the election cycle many times before and has the connections and “ground game” to pull it off. The Clinton network has reach and power.

Sanders Defends Vermont’s GMO Labeling Law

WASHINGTON, July 6 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday said legislation that could soon come to the floor of the U.S. Senate would undermine efforts in states around the country to help Americans stay informed about what goes into their food.

“The American people have a right to know what they’re eating,” Sanders said during a press conference on Capitol Hill. “That is why states like Vermont, Maine, Connecticut and Alaska have adopted laws to label goods containing GMOs and why many other states are interested and on the path to do that.”

Celebrate 260 Years Profitable Genocide – African Slaves Native Americans Mexicans Filipinos etc.


Independence Holiday in the USA becomes a time when citizens tend to reflect on the nations two hundred forty year history. It is a history typical of six European empires in the areas of genocide and plunder. US genocides perpetrated after 1945 will be prosecuted once economic power shifts to a China led plundered world. A plethora of lawsuits for restitution will make past illegal wars woefully unprofitable.

VT Democratic Party Violates Their Own Platform By Excluding Candidates!

One look at Robert Oeser’s list of gubernatorial candidate forums and you can find out that there is one candidate who has been excluded: Cris Ericson was excluded because she doesn’t have a $400,000. campaign account, PROVING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN VERMONT IS IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN PLATFORM!

Look at the ballot! Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator: Patrick Leahy refuses to participate in a forum or debate with her. Cris Ericson for Governor: Sue Minter, Matt Dunne, and Peter Galbraith have conspired to exclude her from debates and forums. Not one of them is a true Democrat! Not one of them embraces real Democracy!

Links to Help you Decide & Vote in the August Primary [Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast List]

​Vermont Candidates On Community Health: Gubernatorial Forum

​Southern Vermont economy gets eye of gubernatorial hopefuls

VT Governor’s Candidate Forum – Brattleboro American Legion 6/28/16

On line: VPR Meet the Candidates page

Absentee Voting Starts Friday June 24th? Yikes! I’m On The Ballot, And Who Knows Who I Am?

Absentee voting starts Friday June 24th? Yikes! I’m on the ballot, and who knows who I am?

The majority of media have blasted across Vermont that there are only 3 Democratic Party candidates for governor – NOT true! There are 5! If you want to see all five Democratic Party candidates for governor of Vermont for the very first time together, then please attend the Democratic Party debate tomorrow, Thursday, June 23rd being held at the Congregational Church, 77 Main Street, Springfield, Vermont starting at 6 PM for socializing with everyone, with the debating starting at 7 PM.

This is the first time you will see me with the other candidates, and as of today, June 22nd, I have NEVER met any of them. I was certified by the Secretary of State Election Division on May 3rd, and now over 6 weeks later, ONE DAY before absentee voting starts, I’m finally included in one candidate forum with all of the other Democratic Party candidates.

Pre-Convention Politics

The latest twist in the presidential campaign season comes primarily on the GOP side, with regular, traditional GOP members freaking out about Trump as their nominee. So much so that delegates to the Republican convention are being given a nod and wink to, if they want, maybe, perhaps, just change their support come convention time. (But not you Democrats! Stay in line!)

Others are reporting push polls testing Paul Ryan and Kasich against Clinton. President Ryan?

Clinton, meanwhile, has called for those under FBI investigation to not be allowed to purchase handguns. This comes while she is under investigation by the FBI.

IRS Scam

There’s a very scary scam going around purporting to be from the IRS.

A very threatening robocall promises that very bad things will happen to you if you don’t call their number immediately.

It’s all BS. The IRS doesn’t work this way.

They can be every bit as nasty and scary, but they will contact you directly, not via a robocall.


It’s very easy to fear that which you don’t know (or highly misunderstand). And the average person knows very little about drugs and addiction. Part of this is by design. The very lucrative “war on drugs” would have never happened if people were better informed. TPTB filled us full of fear about drugs and druggies, and Presto! Unlimited funding!

This has left a deep scar upon society which destroyed lives and persists today.

One consequence is the morbid fear felt by most of the populace about drug treatment and the people undergoing it.

Bernie and the Revolution

All along, Bernie Sanders has been telling us that he is seeking
nothing less than “a political revolution” — a complete change in the
way America operates with regard to its people and the world.  As it
turns out, he’s not the only one. Over 25 million people cast a vote for
change in the recent primaries on both sides of the political spectrum,
or about 65% of voters.  How individuals define “change” differs from
right to left, but in the end, both sides are united in their
disenchantment with the current state of government and the continued
unravelling of their hopes and dreams.

The Final Primary – D.C.

Just a little shout-out to my ol’ stomping ground of D.C. As a former resident of Washington, let me say that Sanders staying in until D.C. has voted is appreciated. It won’t change anything, but residents of D.C. are accustomed to being overlooked and ignored with all things political, which is very strange for such a political city.

The fact that he’s made statehood for D.C. his final campaign issue before the convention is also appreciated. The district has license plates that point out the irony of taxation without representation. Politicians are opposed because it will give Democrats extra seats on Congress, but this former resident says it shouldn’t be about balancing politicians. It should be about about giving everyone in the county representation in Congress.

Suicide Ideation – The Idea You Must First Save Yourself

1871: (Phoenix) Those people contemplating suicide may have their desires gratified by travelling their teams smartly across the bridge over the Whetstone brook, near Mr. Loomis’s blacksmith shop. The chance is good, and “not to be sneezed at.”

What is a suicidal ideation? “Suicidal thoughts, also known as suicidal ideation are thoughts about how to kill oneself, which can range from a detailed plan to a fleeting consideration and does not include the final act of killing oneself. The majority of people who experience suicidal ideation do not carry it through.”  

Now look it, people, in 1965 when the Beatles song Michelle went to number one, the human race reached the population of 3.5 billion. Scientific pundits tried to warned us that a planetary Earthly population of 3.5 billion people had reached its level of sustainability.

The Other Candidate Is No Good

The Democratic primary has been decided, according to the AP. Speaking with anonymous superdelegates, party insiders, and donors, they’ve calculated and announced that Clinton has already won.

It’s a strange move to go out of one’s way to declare a candidate the winner on the day before a major primary. Superdelegates don’t vote until the convention, and the DNC had reminded the media, but the AP has called it anyway.

Clinton and Trump are the official choices in the coming election. Both are the best each party will offer.

This will not be an election about a positive vision for the future. This will be about why the other is no good.

A Normal Downtown Brattleboro

Just a quick observation that this is the first year in many years that we have a “normal” downtown Brattleboro. No burned out buildings are sitting or being repaired, no road paving projects are scheduled, and no sidewalks are being torn up. 

Anything can happen, and things can change, but it is nice to have a bit of time to enjoy downtown Brattleboro rather than just fix and clean it year after year.

Did Devout Muslim Muhammad Ali Ever Speak About US NATO Genocide in the Muslim Middle East?

Ali declared “murder and burn another poor nation [Vietnam] simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. … such evils must come to an end” For lack of world public interest in prosecuting obvious US genocidal crimes against humanity and peace, “such evils” have remained profitable. As a devout Muslim, how did Ali feel as he watched the murder and burning of millions of Muslim children.

Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali was our hero, not only for his performance in the ring and his infectiously happy and charming wit, but for his clear, upright, honest, compassionate and unequivocal condemnation of his nation’s racist invasion, bombing and genocidal occupation war in Vietnam.

Hurricane Damage Costs Will Skyrocket Due to Climate Change, New Report Finds

WASHINGTON, June 2 – Costs from hurricane damages in the United States are expected to increase 39 percent in the coming decades because of the effects of climate change and coastal development, according to a new report prepared by the Congressional Budget Office for Sens. Bernie Sanders and Patty Murray. The 2016 hurricane season began Wednesday.

Democratic Party Turning Out to Be the Biggest Hypocrites in Vermont!

The Democratic Party in Vermont is turning out to be a bunch of flaming hypocrites!

I’m not listing all the forums I have not been included in as a Democratic Party candidate for Governor of Vermont, but this is the most recent one I found out about today that I have been excluded from; and now I can see the Democrats for their true colors.

I have not yet been invited to any Governor candidate forum or debate in Brattleboro.