Political Decoys

Today I learned from the Internet that after Hillary Clinton wobbled and was taken to her daughter’s apartment, she was switched! The person who emerged from the apartment was a body double, a political decoy.

The evidence, the internet said, was there. Look at the earlobes! The nose! Why was no one nearby in case she wobbled again? She was sick and now feels better. Clearly a coverup.

As a kid, I recall the buzz about Nixon being switched. It happened in China, when he took a bathroom break. The Nixon that emerged after was a different person, or so the rumors swirled. I remember adults having fun with it, but no one taking it terribly seriously.

Me, First. No, I Insist.

This article was inspired by a recent visit to a small, old New England town. An older and slightly larger place than here, where long ago the winding streets were laid out on hills for strollers and horse carriages, and everything ran to the sea. Those roads are barely wide enough for bicycles yet here we are in the twenty-first century, most people driving big rigs and SUVS, and many people in a rush all the time. (Saying nothing of the large number on their phones while driving) I did see many occasions of courtesy and an ethos of yielding, but it was hardly a given, and it’s the bad apple that spoils the barrel.

On several instances I witnessed ’accidents’. In these cases, that term is a gross misnomer. They weren’t accidents at all, they were pushy people driving killing machines and for whatever reason, demanded or assumed the right to go first, even if the protocol of the road didn’t warrant that. I see this all the time, especially on my motorcycle, where a larger vehicle will bully me with its mass, saying in effect, my metal is heavier, so back down or pay the price. In psych terms, compensation.

I Can’t “See” The Vermont Candidate Information Guide PDF’s With My Old Browser, Can You?

Open letter to Jim Condos, Vermont Secretary of State: Please make pdf’s for the Vermont Candidate Information Guide that even old Vermonters with old browsers can “see”. Poor people have a legal right to vote, too! Voting is free! People on limited incomes like some senior citizens and some disabled persons, who receive less than $800. a month income, can NOT afford wifi and broadband!

I have an old browser which will NOT open the candidate pdf provided for Vermonters online to learn about my political campaign.

I’m Cris Ericson and I am on the official election ballot Nov. 8, 2016 for United States Senator for the United States Marijuana Party.

Now for Some Trash Talk

Recently in Brattleboro some “Townie” came up with the idea that trash pick ups will be done bi-weekly rather than weekly (this program, mind you began in the hottest month, July)  But that’s another story…

I think it’s a good idea but why stop there?  Why not cease all trash pick ups?  Forever!  Yes I am serious. 

We have major problems with trash – it pollutes and gathers in gyres in the oceans, now as big as Texas and getting bigger. It breaks down into small pieces and gets ingested by fish which then gets ingested by humans (ha ha – karma)  The population is growing yet we have done barely a thing to address the accumulating build up of trash. Indeed, we have only gotten more wanton.

Spaceman: Of Roadkill & Governors

Bill Lee Seeks To Be Labor’s Anti-Candidate In 2016 Vermont Governors’ Race

By Dave Van Deusen*

Montpelier, Vermont, 8/23/16- Anyone who grew up in New England or Quebec in the 1970s, any baseball fan really, knows tales of the Spaceman. Pitching for the Boston Red Sox from 1969-1978 and the Montreal Expos from 1979-1982, yarns of Bill sprinkling “marijuana dust” on his pancakes to help him cope with big city bus fumes abound. We Vermonters know him as an adoptive (and eccentric) favorite son, involving himself politically in support of single payer healthcare and endorsing Anthony Pollina’s own 2008 run for governor. Now the Spaceman is running for Governor in his own right; as the candidate of the Vermont Liberty Union Party.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Invitation

 Brattleboro State Representatives Forum


The next Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast will be held  Friday, September 16,  2016 at the Gibson Aiken Center, downstairs, hosted by Senior Meals. Doors open at 7:30am.

All State Representatives are up for this November 8th. All of the Brattleboro candidates for the House have agreed to attend this Breakfast, give brief presentations and be available for questions. (Come prepared with questions; I will supply index cards to help organize the question and answer section.)

Doggie Doo’s and Don’ts

Municipalities pass ordinances that require dog owners to pick up their doggie doos with a plastic bag and then throw it into the trash.  Now who the heck thought of this?  It’s actually much worse for the environment than leaving the poop where it is because microbes break down the poop and it’s good for the soil.  That is where poop is supposed to go. That’s the way nature intended. 

Enclosing that natural fertilizer in plastic and disposing it in the trash will prevent it from breaking down and puts more plastic into the waste stream. Dumb, dumb, dumb.  If anything, dog walkers need to have access to a garden trowel and simply scoop up some soil to cover the doo.  Or simply use a piece of a branch or stone that has the right shape for the job.  There is no need to go against nature.  It is easier if we go in harmony with it.  Stupidity is hammering the environment and we all bear the consequences because of someone’s ignorance in office. “Selectmen” – please think before making stupid ordinances. 

Bacon & Eggs – Festival Promotion Underwhelms

Kevin Bacon.

Why, oh why, does the Brattleboro Chamber of Commerce persist in its effort to entice this actor to come to Brattleboro for a bacon festival? What demographic is this supposed to draw?

Quite possibly, dear reader, you are completely unaware of this marketing effort. That would be forgivable, given that the target of the marketing effort is one potential tourist — Kevin Bacon.

Rather than direct mail, or cold calling, the Chamber seems to be banking on a stealthier approach: social media nagging.

With Joking Russian TV the Best Source of Electronic News and Information Available – Woe Is Us!


In 1950, Einstein explained why our civilization continues to be “like an axe in the had of the pathological criminal,”: “Under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control the main sources of information (press, radio, education). Mysteriously, our best independent journalists, top intellectuals and historians, are of no help. Even on RT’s ten more serious shows there is no urging of prosecution for international crimes

Amazing! Cris Ericson Got Over 10% of the Vote for US Senator!

Amazing! Cris Ericson got over 10% of the Vote for US Senator!

P. Leahy (i) 89.1% 61,111
C. Ericson 10.9% 7,476

I, Cris Ericson, am so happy to thank Vermonters for giving me over 10% of the vote for United States Senator  competing against U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy,  especially considering that he refused to debate me or meet me in any forum, showing his utter disregard for low income widow women, of which I am one. Just another example of rich people squashing poor people like bugs.

Government is supposed to be of, by and for the people, including low income widow women.

Chess.com Interviews Trump, Clinton, Johnson, Stein

Chess.com was able to sit down with each of the four major presidential candidates last week as they turned their attention to courting the ever-important chess demographic. Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein were all interviewed by Chess.com as they look for votes on the 64 squares.


A Presidential Candidate – Evan McMullin, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson

There are choices beyond Trump and Clinton.

Evan McMullin says  “I humbly offer myself as a leader who can give millions of disaffected Americans a conservative choice for president.”

“I am running with the only national party that does not take corporate funding,”  says Jill Stein.

I do believe that crony capitalism is alive and well. It’s Democrats and Republicans that contribute to that. I’d like to be that choice that is not going to succumb to that,” says Gary Johnson

Patriotic Muslim Dad Hails Dead Son’s Participation in US Crime Against Humanity in Muslim Iraq

Sen. Clinton voted for an obvious International Crime Against Humanity in Iraq. Prez Candidate Clinton features at her nominating convention a Muslin father, whose son died participating in US crime against Muslim people ranting about what a bad guy her opponent Donald Trump is, though Trump had spoken out against the illegal and criminal invasion of Iraq. Trump also faulted for non-participation in earlier genocidal crime in Vietnam.

Free Spaghetti Supper with Matt Dunne & PFFV

The Professional Firefighters of Vermont (PFFV) have endorsed Matt Dunne for Governor. Matt is a lifelong resident of Hartland, Vermont. He is an experienced leader with a deep commitment to making Vermont’s economy work for all Vermonters. In addition to PFFV, he has earned the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, Teamsters, Rights & Democracy, and the Vermont State Employees Association (VSEA). 

End of the Line for Bernie Sanders

After many months of fighting the good fight, and losing, we’ve come to the end of the line for Bernie Sanders.  He was our last best hope, but for whatever reason, people opted for the “safe,” status quo candidate Hillary Clinton.  This may have been engineered, to a large degree, by a party apparatus that opposed his candidacy — the DNC email leak last week made it clear that they were out to get him, and it’s likely the party’s animosity toward Sanders trickled down to local party people across the country.  No wonder people thought there was voter suppression and shenanigans — the Democratic party was at war with its own progressive wing.  But so be it.  

A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for June 2016

Even though money is an abstract and arbitrary construct, the product of which is created from nothing and therefore can be created (again, from nothing) to provide whatever we need or desire, the money people earn and work for is stolen from them to pay for the adventures of lunatics.

Yes this stolen money provides jobs but we need infrastructure upgrades and that would provide jobs too.  Why doesn’t it go to something that benefits the funders (ie: the  taxpayers?)  The likelihood of being killed by a terrorist is equal to being killed by furntiure. Yet we are allowing the money that comes from our toil to go to destructive purposes, since we (erroneously) think that the money has to come from limited revenues. This money is stolen out of the pockets of everyday workers.

Economic Hegemony Loss to China Looming! Powerful Investors Have Trump Call for an About Face

Economic Hegemony Loss to China Looming! Powerful Investors Have Trump Call for an About Face
by jay janson

The willingness of humanity to continue to accept the white world’s profitable investments in genocide will end in 25 years when world economic power shifts from Europeans, and their descendant nations, to the six sevenths of humanity they plundered. Realizing this, leaders of 1/10th of 1% who rule America have Trump demanding investment in the US instead of in the low wage 3rd World that China will soon lead.

Our Sick World

Two Sides of the Coin

I was so proud of our town last night when I saw how many people turned out for the Black Lives Matter rally and march. It was the most diverse group I’ve evr seen gathered in one place in Brattleboro; white people; black people, asian people, students, retirees, families with kids in tow, business owners, farmers, librarians…it was an impressive sight. It was a peaceful and powerful event and the police officers present seemed to understand that it was not – in any way an indictment of them but rather a unified attempt to stop the never ending violence in this country.

Reading the comments in the  article about the same event on the Reformer’s FB page this morning elicited a very differnt feeling in me. While some of the comments were positive, most were displays of blatant, in your face racism, hatred and ignorance. Many commenters called BLM a “terrorist group” like ISIS and said the rally was only meant to be anti police. Horrible cartoons and memes were posted- people seeming quite proud about openly racist and, of course, the inevitable “terrorist” cartoons about our President.