Thanksgiving Weekend During US 9 Nation Regime Change Death & Destruction Trump Opposes & Decries


Although Trump has castigated the administration of Prez Obama and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton for the US regime change wars that have brought death and destruction to the Middle East, these genocidal prosecutable crimes against humanity continue even as Americans gave thanks for their own well being as usual in utter disregard or ignorance of what was being done in their name to millions of innocent children, women and men

Postpubescent Tumescence – The Sexual Twilight Zone

When researching the age of consent within the context of the history of human sexuality in western civilization, the most notable consequence of archaic patriarchal sex laws is the dehumanizing effect on sexual norms. In the United States, the very phrase, “sexual norms” in fact, advances the denial and deprivation of individual positive biological sexual functions and qualities. Those functions are grounded in the physiology and age of individuals from postpubescence throughout adulthood. They should not be based on arbitrary or moral legal-age limits and norms.

Patriots/Seahawks Field Size Flag Smaller Than Mile Long Green Flag of Million Libyans for Gaddafi

The explosive difference between a flag honoring in a pre-game show of proud and comfortable patriotism with young Americans smartly saluting, and the flag in a flash back to 2011 and a small African nation’s brave and desperate show of patriotism in the face of its destruction was described at the Nuremberg Trials. Seek truth!

The Morning After

Although I voted for Jill Stein this year and for Obama in his first term, I am so glad Trump won. 

 I admit that I am late to the game. It started at the age 58 in 2008. That is when  I became an activist. 15,000 hours of research later, 3 remixed films, dozens of videos, 3 websites, a magazine prototype, blah blah, blah and here I am. My take away from all of this is that government routinely omits, deceives and lies to the public in an attempt to engineer our perceptions and control our beliefs and opinions.  MSM (mainstream media) is the principle agent of this deception. 

Post Election Blues

I was very wrong about this election.  I started saying “It’s going to be Hillary” back in June and I said it so many times, I started to believe it myself. Clinton had it in the bag, a done deal.  I couldn’t imagine a scenario in which Trump could win, given all the negative stories about him and the number of people who seemed to hate him.  And then Trump got out to an early lead and stayed there. I was confused at first, and almost as incredulous as the PBS News Hour staff at midnight on  Election Day — where were those big piles of Hillary votes that were going to drop in at the last minute to save the day?  They just weren’t there.  All the same, I bravely went to bed shortly after 1 AM thinking, when I wake up, maybe it’ll be different — or at least, I’ll be better able to deal with it. But, when I woke up very early the next morning, my partner in crime, who had stayed up to see the final results, muttered sleepily, “President Trump,” and I knew the unimaginable had happened.  Donald Trump, President of the United States.  Even now, it feels weird to type it.

Vets Day Postmortem: Trump No To Regime Change Death/Destruction Ali/King Called Vietnam Genocide

Current US President elect denounced the “death and destruction” brought down on the the Middle East under the outgoing Democratic administration Obama and Sec. of State Hillary. If the wholesale and genocidal destruction of 3 wealthy Arab oil nations is now a discredited activity by US President-elect Donald Trump how the hell can Americans who are veterans of bringing about this “death and destruction” be hailed as heroes?


Anomalies in the Presidential Election

The attached jpg file documents inexplicable anomalies between the presidential election results and exit polls, based on screen shots of news broadcasts taken election night by Jonathan Simon of Code Red.

According to the exit polls, which were conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, The Associated Press, CBSNews, CNN, Fox News and NBC News, Clinton won four key battleground states (NC, PA, WI, and FL) in the 2016 Presidential Election that she went on to lose in the computerized vote counts.  With these states Clinton would have won the Electoral College with a count of 302 versus 205 for Trump.  Clinton also won the national exit poll by 3.2%, according to the exit polls, but only received a narrow lead in the reported vote count.

Thank You, and Post-Election Survey on Brattleboro Polling Location

I am writing to thank a number of people who worked to make the voting  positive experience for most voters.  Many members of the Board of Civil Authority who are your elected Justices of the Peace, as well as the Town Constables, the employees of the Town Clerk’s Office and nearly two dozen volunteers provided voters with a smooth and professional environment for voting.  

Vermont Election Fraud Alert! Take Action To Stop Fraud! Nov. 8, 2016

From Cris Ericson to the world and all the people: If you get a chance, please occassionaly check Vermont election results for U.S. Senate and take a cell phone photo each time for me, Cris Ericson, for U.S. Senator, United States Marijuana Party and SEND IT TO ME AT MY NEW CELL PHONE NUMBER 1-802-289-1000, please.

Paranoid? Selfish? Delusional?

I know I’m being paranoid; I think I’m being selfish; I’m probably being delusional.

Donald Trump, with his casual denial of climate change is putting the whole earth’s population in danger of extinction in less than a century.

Hillary Clinton, with her love of conflict and war is putting a significant portion of earth’s population in danger of extinction from the results of nuclear war in the immediate future.

Concentration of Wealth and Power

“REQUIEM FOR THE AMERICAN DREAM is the definitive discourse with Noam Chomsky, widely regarded as the most importantintellectual alive, on the defining characteristic of our time – the deliberate concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a select few.

Through interviews filmed over four years, Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality – tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the
expense of the majority – while also looking back on his own life of activism and political participation.

2016: Media Backs War Candidate But Wall St. Divided On Building Up US Instead As China Rises

But for media management, election 2016 would be a playing out in public of indecision within the ruling rich 1/10th of 1%, whether to switch to less profitable investing to build up USA, or continue wildly enriching themselves in wars & investing in higher profit rendering low wage 3rd world nations, at the same time helping these nations, led by China, to overtake the US & Europe in economic and political power sooner.

Cracker Jacks

This election is like opening a box of Cracker Jacks.


God only knows what Trump might do.

I take that back, God doesn’t know, and neither does Trump.

In the contradictory and bizarre word salads Trump serves up he is liable to say just about anything. In his speeches and tweets, he often starts with “a lot of people say,” followed by looney tunes claims and ending with, “you can look it up on the Internet.

However, I don’t believe he’d lead us to war.

David Schoales, Mollie Burke

I have favorite candidates for every office on the ballot, but the two for whom I feel greatest enthusiasm are David Schoales for Windham County Senator, and Mollie Burke, Brattleboro District 2 Representative.  

For years while the Clark-Canal Summer Program was going, as a volunteer, Mollie Burke taught art to neighborhood children. Hardly anyone knew about this: She did it solely because she is a good neighbor with love in her heart. Mollie talks with neighborhood people all the time, not just when electioneering. She is approachable, intelligent, responsive. We are fortunate to have an effective representative in the State House, and it is going to a pleasure to vote for her. 

Who’s It Gonna Be?

With less than four days to go until Election Day, now seems like a good time to get our predictions in as to who the winner will be.  Which of the two dubious candidates placed before us for our consideration will be the next president?  

Will it be the evil Donald Trump, hated by the media and good people everywhere?  Or will it be the beleaguered anti-Trump Hillary Clinton?  I know who I think it will be and will post my prediction below.

Who do you think will win the American presidency — and why do you think that?


Deleted as I no longer wish to participate on a website that practices non-transparent censorship.