Trump Inauguration Thoughts
Rumor has it a new president is being sworn in. I believe his name is Donald Trump.
Here’s some space for you to opine, praise, vent, or otherwise comment on this solemn tradition of our great nation.
For opinion pieces on any topic.
Rumor has it a new president is being sworn in. I believe his name is Donald Trump.
Here’s some space for you to opine, praise, vent, or otherwise comment on this solemn tradition of our great nation.
From noon to 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 21, there will be a SIster Vigil at Pliny Park, at Main and High Streets in Brattleboro, to stand in solildarity with marchers in Washington, D.C. — and all over the world (
There may be many people in the area who would like to join the Women’s March but will be staying here for whatever reason. This vigil is for them — for us.
Sometime during the next twenty-five years, as the United States slowly begins to lose economic, political, cultural and communications hegemony over the rest of the world, a much nicer, peaceful, pleasant, prosperous, free and expressively energetic America will begin to take shape and will trend toward seeking the unity, harmony and enjoyment found in its African American communities
I am circulating a petition to get a positive question on the Brattleboro Town Meeting Warning for a March vote. In short, it provides a chance for Brattleboro to say we have our standards and values and we will live up to them regardless of what happens in Washington.
Please use the link below to download a copy of the petition, sign it (and maybe get a couple of signatures from folks in your household) and return in to the Brattleboro Town Clerk by Thursday, Jan. 19. Or you can stop in at Everyone’s Books on Elliot Street and sign the copy on their counter.
For many years I was a Fence Viewer, a town position that was fairly active, with a few calls and inquires per year. When I hit my term limit, I decided to continue to volunteer and looked at the two other “odd” jobs, Weigher of Coal and Inspector of Wood, Lumber and Shingles.
As a Fence Viewer I learned there were both state statutes and materials available from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns to help explain the job, so my first step with Coal and Lumber was to look up what the jobs required.
VLCT said the positions were considered obsolete and unnecessary. They date from an earlier time prior to consumer protection laws, and now everything these positions were responsible for are handled in other ways.
Am I hearing this right?
What a stupid move.
I lived in a town (Lake Luzerne, NY) where they tried something like this many years ago.
The unintended consequence was a “Yuuge” increase in trash being discarded by the side of the road.
Why not eliminate all trash and garbage collection for good and let the free market do its magic?
Petitions for Brattleboro Town and Town School District Officers and Town Meeting Members are now available at the Town Clerk’s office. Town elections will be Tuesday, March 7, and the Annual Representatives Town Meeting, Saturday, March 25.
Petitions for Town Officers must contain at least 30 valid signatures of registered Brattleboro voters and be filed in the clerk’s office no later than 5:00 P.M. on Monday, January 30 in order to have their name placed on the ballot.
During the shopping season for gifts marking the birth of the Jesus the Son of God and teacher of ‘turn the other cheek’ and ‘love thy enemies,’ one half of the“financial element in the centers of power which has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson,”[FDR quote][1] seems to have thrown up a president-elect that has promised Americans and the world a spirit for 2017, more in keeping with the teaching of Jesus.
I got this by email, so I have no source info. It “looks” like Ryan, though
– A List of Republican Budget Cuts. Notice S.S. And the military are NOT on this list.
These are all the programs that the new Republican House has proposed cutting.
* Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy — $445 million annual savings.
* Save America ‘s Treasures Program — $25 million annual savings.
* International Fund for Ireland — $17 million annual savings.
Back in 2011, a beloved then 85 year old jazz singer had scratched the surface of the psyop control of most American minds by war investor-owned-and-managed media. Regarding 9/11, Tony commented, “But who are the terrorists? Are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? Two wrongs don’t make a right. They flew the plane in, but we caused it….Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop.”
I found an easy way for Brattleboro to rake in some extra cash.
Everyday, numerous trucks carrying homes come through town. If we charged them each, say $500, to come through, we could make quite a bit of cash.
Just the other day I passed four of these things. Each was wide enought to cause normal traffic to be altered, with people pulling off to the side, stopping in funny places, and even blocking intersections to let them through.
(You may now explain all the reasons why this is un-possible.)
Deleted as I no longer wish to participate on Ibrattleboro due to invisible censorship by its moderators.
Every single claim Trump made to the American people that we would benefit from his “outsider” status and intentions to “drain the swap” in D.C. of corporate abuse, lobbyists and greed has been a lie. Under his leadership, the interests of Americans will be replaced with those of self-serving billionaires and corporations.
The Ballad of Woody:
A tale of Seven Bullets and a Dead Man In Brattleboro
Robert Woodward (1964- 2001)
executed in Brattleboro, Vermont at the
All Souls Church
Fellow citizens,
I’d like to have a word with those feeling pessimistic. I have a two part system for you to use to find success in the coming years.
1. Pick an issue and stick with it.
Don’t get overwhelmed. If you are feeling pessimistic about the next 4-8 years, there are probably a combination of issues and factors making you feel that way.
DESCRIPTION: 40 yrs after Prez Teddy Roosevelt gave Korea to brutal Jap Empire in return for its recognition of Philippines as US Territory, US invaded Korea long AFTER Jap surrender, overthrowing its Korean gov., cutting it in two parts, installing a US dictatorship in its south now documented to have murdered 100,000 of its own citizens
“Washington Republicans are plotting a war on seniors,” (Sen. Charles Schumer incoming Senate minority leader.)
President-elect Donald Trump reassured voters during his political campaign that he would protect Medicare, Social Security and other popular federal assistance programs.
However, in tapping Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) to be his Health and Human Services secretary, he has elevated
one of the most aggressive proponents of dramatically overhauling the government safety net for seniors and low-income Americans, a long-held conservative goal.
I think we make a mistake by requiring the president to have a morning intelligence meeting. Why? I think it ends up brainwashing those elected to favor certain information.
Imagine if instead, the president received a morning puppy and kitten briefing from the ASPCA. Yes, this sounds absurd already, but if we have morning meetings about spies and bad guys, it is possible to have a morning meeting on a weird topic.
So, each morning it is puppies and kittens. I think most of us would begin our presidency being polite and interested in the presentations. Within a few months, we may start to get involved with the details of all these puppies and kittens.
There’s stuff circulating on the net that Julian Assange is among the missing, maybe even dead. Specifically, he has not made an identifyable appearance in 6 weeks or so. Lending credibility to the story is the infallible Alex Jones.
Does anybody know where he went?
10 reasons:
On the morning of November 8, Election Day 2016, I was standing in my kitchen looking out the window up at the sliver of sky you can see between the houses next door. As I looked at that slice of blue, two little words popped into my head: “rise above.” And I thought, today of all days, that’s probably good advice. And then, that it might be good advice in many situations beyond just electoral politics. How many of the world’s ills could be solved if we could somehow rise above, at least long enough to get a clear view and the lay of the land?