An Extensive Take On Act 46, Education and Community
Act 46 and the Quality of Education and Community
As far as I can see Act 46 is not going to have any measurable impact on the quality of education we provide to our children or, by extension, their lives thereafter.
The driving force behind Act 46 is to hold down school taxes by reducing the per pupil cost of education. This does not mean we will see lower education tax rates. An expectation of a lower tax rate will only prove disappointing and frustrating. We will, however, be persuaded to agree that fewer buildings, higher teacher/pupil ratios and lower administrative costs must add up to more efficient operations. In the end we will sigh and shrug and accept that the Act ought to be beneficial because the cost after consolidation should logically be less than it would have been without consolidation. If precedent holds there will never be any demonstrated evidence that our assumptions are correct.