U.S. Terminates Russian Money Laundering Case
New York (CNN)A major US investigation into Russian money laundering has come to an abrupt end.
For opinion pieces on any topic.
New York (CNN)A major US investigation into Russian money laundering has come to an abrupt end.
Justin Timberlake’s car broke down in Brattleboro. Or maybe not. He said he was in “Battleboro”…
Vermont Governor Phil Scott is a Race Car Driver – Is That More or Less Safe Than Smoking Recreational Marijuana?
A political question.
David Zuckerman was in town yesterday, and spoke with groups of democrats and progressives. At the latter someone asked if there was any way that cannabis reform was going to happen in VT this legislative session. David, who was being videotaped throughout the event by a representative of th Republican Governors Association, gave a very thoughtful analysis of the state of cannabis reform in the state and country. He said that the best way for us here in Brattleboro to help make something happen might be to call Tristan Toleno, who is serving as the democratic whip in the House, because in that role Toleno not only counts votes but can push to get certain bills considered.
Canada has introduced legislation to legalize and regulate marijuana by July 2018. Governor Phil Scott has said that he wants a (non-existent) roadside marijuana test to be available before he would consider signing any legalization bills in Vermont.
Open Letter To The United States Congress, House of Representatives, Freedom Caucus and Mark Meadows Freedom Caucus Has An “Official” Facebook Page But Facebook Keeps Kicking Me Out And Depriving Me Of Freedom Of Speech To Leave You Comments!!!
(This is not my list)
Brattleboro District 1 will caucus just prior to Representative Town Meeting on Saturday, March 25 at Brattleboro Area Middle School beginning at 8:00 AM in the Mulitpurpose Room. Representative Town Meeting begins at 8:30 AM. District 1 will be accepting nominations to fill and appoint two town meeting member seats for 1 year.
Mr. Trumps’ presidency is already an embarrassment and a disaster. He has clearly violated the emoluments clause of the Constitution, which prevents conflicts of interest. No doubt there are other allegations against him, but there is very strong evidence against him on this account, and a call is rising all over the country for impeachment.
The fear mongering around climate change needs to stop.
To pay for an increase in defense spending, a down payment on the border wall and school voucher programs, among other things, funding was cut from the discretionary budgets of other executive departments and agencies. The Environmental Protection Agency, the State Department and the Agriculture Department took the hardest hits. The proposal also eliminates funding for 19 agencies.
Brattleboro Town Schoolboard will hold a pre-town meeting information forum on Wednesday, March 22 at Academy School beginning at 6:30 PM in the Music Room. At 6:00 p.m., town meeting members of each district will be available to meet with constituents to offer residents an opportunity to share their views and discuss articles to be voted on at the annual meeting. Also, at that time, Districts 1 and 2 will be accepting nominations to fill town meeting member vacancies for 1 year.
Good morning,