27 Million Died in Russia Because Wall Street Built Up Hitler’s Wehrmacht to Knock Out Soviet Union

With criminal corporate monopoly media masking the US created prosecutable genocide ongoing in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan by focusing attention on Russia, fantasized as a dangerous enemy needing military confrontation, it might be a good time to review past US planned, facilitated and at times perpetrated genocidal crimes in Russia. Article recalls those after WW I and before WW II.

With criminal corporate monopoly media masking the US created prosecutable genocide ongoing in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan by focusing attention on Russia, fantasized as a dangerous enemy needing military confrontation, it might be a good time to review past US planned, facilitated and at times perpetrated genocidal crimes in Russia. History in context kind of puts to rest all the hype about evil Russia seeking to expand when it already is the largest country in the world spanning nine time zones with only half the population of the US to fill it.

Let’s Talk About Trumpcare.

I received an email from Robert Reich. In it, he states: “Trumpcare, at its heart, is not a health care bill. It’s a bill to take away health care from the middle class, the elderly, the sick, and the poor—and hand the money to special interests such as insurance companies and Big Pharma. It’s a moral atrocity.”

When Sun & Mercury Are In The Same Sign, Same Number of Degrees, Expect a Major Political Announcement!

When the Sun & Mercury are in the same astrological sign, the same number of degrees, then you can expect a major political announcement!  Of course, Washington, D.C. is just about close to the same astrological timing, so also look there for a major news announcement about 11 a.m.

June 21 at 11 a.m. in Montpelier, Vermont,  the Sun will be in zero degrees Cancer and also Mercury will be in zero degrees Cancer.  This indicates that we should expect a major political announcement! 

You can verify the astrological positions at http://alabe.com or with any free online ephemeris.

We’ll Always Have Paris

The President has withdrawn the US from the Paris agreement, a 200 country effort to limit global warming to 2 degrees celsius (3.6 degrees F) over the pre-industrial era. We’re currently about 1.5 C above normal. There isn’t much wiggle room, and it isn’t a good time to thumb a nose at working together to keep the planet livable.

Gov Vetoes Marijuana Bill

There is a lot of conversation going around about the Governor’s veto. It is indeed on the veto session for June 21. But there is no way the General Assembly will override it. While we do have the votes in the Senate to do so (2/3 is needed, that means 20 in the Senate) but the House does not have the votes. It only passed with about 80+votes and they would need 100 to override. So the bill is dead until next January when we will see if there is any compromise he can live with.