Republicans, Russians, Democrats, Qatar – Who Is Really Running Our Country?

I was listening to talk radio last night, Shawn Hannity Show, and they were going on and on about the alleged sins of Harvey Weinstein. I did my own research on him, here it is: Mr.Harvey Weinstein, co-founder of MIRAMAX, gave campagin donations to Democrats, including UNITED STATES SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY, and Miramax is funded by people who live in the foreign country of QATAR:

Sen. Leahy’s Comment on the Las Vegas Shooting

“Vermonters today are feeling the shock and sorrow that the entire country is feeling about the massacre in Las Vegas. We want all of these victims and their families to know that our hearts are broken and we stand in solidarity with them and with all of the people of Las Vegas. We are still learning the facts, but it’s painfully clear that yesterday will go down as one of the darkest days in our nation’s history.

Congressman Welch’s Statement on Las Vegas Shooting

“WASHINGTON – Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) issued the following statement in response to the deadly shooting in LasVegas:
“I know I join all Vermonters in reacting with horror and utter disbelief to the slaughter of innocent life in LasVegas early this morning. It’s hard for any of us to imagine the sheer terror experienced by concertgoers running fortheir lives, unsure of the depraved shooter’s location. It’s hard to imagine the inconsolable grief being experienced by thefamilies of the victims. And it’s hard to fathom the inaction of Congress in the face of so many mass shootings in thiscountry.What will it take to pass common sense gun laws that take guns out of the hands of people who should not have them? We pray for those injured and killed. And we are grateful yet again for the brave first responders who stopped the shooter and selflessly came to the aid of hundreds of innocent victims.””

Kushner Using Private Emails/Server

Jared Kushner is reported to have used a private email account and a personal server to send/reply to e-mails while working on White House business. Other White House aides have also used private accounts.

Disappearing Bus Service

Last September there was all this news about Megabus bringing cheap direct rides from Brattleboro to NYC, and MAX bus company bringing cheap and frequent rides from here to Boston. Was great to have cheaper alternatives to compete with costly Amtrak rides to NYC and Greyhound service, which only goes to Boston and back twice a week.

What Is Going On In The U.S. Congress Regarding a New Health Care Bill? Watch Them Like a Hawk!

How can we really keep an eye on Health Care Bills in U.S. Congress and know what on earth they are really up to? The number one criminal gang in the world,the U.S. Congress, has given license under this federal law, “private securities litigation reform act of 1995” to allow corporations to deceive us all under the guise of flimsy terminology!

13 Year Old Child Running for Governor of Vermont?

Sept.9, 2017 OPEN LETTER FROM A VERMONTER TO U.S. SENATOR RICHARD BURR (NORTH CAROLINA) Dear United States Senator Richard Burr (North Carolina): I appreciated your note upon my arrival in North Carolina to visit relatives, clearly labelled, “visiting North Carolina”, on the address part, and I think your mail delivery is excellent to find me there.

Open Container Law?

I’m just wondering if the open container laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages have changed in the state or if our town is just choosing not to enforce them?

The Wonderful Chip Card

It’s more secure. It’s easier. It’s faster. Those were some of the claims of the innovators that brought us the chip card. You know, the bank card with the special chip embedded in it?

Brattleboro’s Best Festivals

The best festivals in Brattleboro, in my view, are the authentic ones. They are quirky, have substance, are tied to the community, and exist due to local passion for the event. They go beyond tourism and marketing gimmicks and tap into something genuine and local.