Trump Is Not An Accident

There is no such thing as an accident. Nothing in this Universe occurs haphazardly. There is no chance, no providence, and nothing ever just happens. What is, is, and what happens, happens, because of the need to balance out the repercussions from the attitudes and emotions of fragment-entities, put into a creative mode through their thoughts, words, and deeds.    

Happy Thanksgiving Week Thank You to the #MeToo Movement For Helping Women Say What They Need To Say!

Happy Thanksgiving Week Thankyou to the #MeToo movement For Helping Women Say What They Need To Say!

‘Me too’ movement renews Equal Rights Amendment push

USA TODAY – 2 days ago 

WASHINGTON — Equal Rights Amendment advocates think this could be their moment. As women increasingly come forward with stories of sexual assault and harassment, advocates are seeing the “me too” movement as an opportunity to renew their push for Constitutional protections…

What Happens Next After 46 Vote?

Now that the 46 proposal has been defeated by all 4 towns voting, can we get some discussion & info about what happens next?  I kept hearing that if it was turned down “the state will impose” a plan on the towns.  But I also know there’s some sort of alternative group that has apparently already been meeting and is now maybe gearing up to provide an alternative proposal to the state before whatever the deadline is for that.

Brattleboro Teachers and Parents Beware of Act 46 Merger

I believe strongly that an Act 46 merger will negatively affect the children and the teachers in the Brattleboro schools. As we all know, Brattleboro has a much higher rate of poverty than other towns in the WESEU and we also have many families who have been negatively affected by the opioid epidemic with families being disrupted and children in foster care or being raised by caring grandparents. Brattleboro’s school board, supported by our Town meeting Representatives, has implemented many programs to help these children and other children, who have learning and emotional disabilities, be successful in school.  We have many paraprofessionals in the classroom, after school tutoring, summer school, behavioral interventionists and, this year, Brattleboro added a social worker to specifically address the family issues resulting from the opioid epidemic. In spite of these additional programs, Brattleboro currently has the lowest school tax rate of any of the towns in the WSESU.

School Merger a Bad Idea

I hope members of our community will vote against consolidating our local school boards into a centralized mega-board. A consolidated board would remove the power to make locally responsive decisions and intentionally sever the bonds between communities and their schools. A single board will find itself so busy administering multiple facilities that expediency will force them to limit local input.

New Hat

I just got a new “Tinfoil Hat” and I’m itching to try it out. The Las Vegas incident seems like an ideal opportunity.

Brattleboro Early/Absentee Ballots Available

Early/absentee ballots for the Brattleboro Town School District special meeting to be held November 7, are now available in the Brattleboro, town clerk’s office – for those registered to vote in Brattleboro. If you are registered to vote in Dummerston, Guilford or Putney, please contact those Town Clerks for details. Anyone wishing to vote prior to November 7 may apply for an early/absentee ballot until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 6. Early/absentee ballots may be voted in person in the clerk’s office, mailed to the voter by the clerk’s office, picked up by the voter or delivered to the voter’s residence by two justices of the peace. All voted ballots must be received by the clerk before the polls close on election day in order to be counted. For more information or to request an early/absentee ballot call 251-8157.

Gematria: The Elite’s Obsession With Numbers

The world we live in today is controlled by an elite cabal. Very wealthy men and women own the land, control the religions,secret societies, the media, the banks, and the resources. They don’t care about us. They treat us like cattle. To be branded, taxed and milked dry. They have been ruling since before the days of Babylon and probably much longer. They have installed puppet governments around the world that represent them not us. The sooner people realize this the better off we will be.

Republicans, Russians, Democrats, Qatar – Who Is Really Running Our Country?

I was listening to talk radio last night, Shawn Hannity Show, and they were going on and on about the alleged sins of Harvey Weinstein. I did my own research on him, here it is: Mr.Harvey Weinstein, co-founder of MIRAMAX, gave campagin donations to Democrats, including UNITED STATES SENATOR PATRICK LEAHY, and Miramax is funded by people who live in the foreign country of QATAR: