Vermont AFSCME: Collective Bargaining Rights Under Attack!

By Karl Labounty    

     As President of AFSCME Local 1343 and as Vice President of the Vermont AFL-CIO, I take the rights of working people seriously.  Like most Vermonters, I believe our democracy is best served when workers have more (not less) opportunities to vote on the issues which directly impact their lives.  I myself labor for the Burlington School District as part of their maintenance staff.  My fellow union members serve as custodians, bus drivers, food service workers, as IT specialists, and in number of other critical positions.  In short, we are the backbone of public services. As a union member I take pride in the fact we democratically elect the bargaining teams that negotiate our contracts, and no contract is final until it is voted on by our members and approved by elected representatives of our communities.  This, in part, is what it means to have workplace democracy, and this is a right that many generations of Vermonters have benefited from. 

Vermont Labor Relations Board – In Opposition to Confirmation

An open letter to Senators White & Balint,

It is my understanding that the appointment of Karen O’Neill as a “neutral” on the Vermont Labor Relations Board is pending confirmation by Senate. I am writing in opposition to that appointment.

The applicable law states that “‘Nominees with neutral backgrounds’ means individuals in high standing not connected with any labor organization or management position, and who can be reasonably considered to be able to serve as an impartial individual.” 3 V.S.A. § 921 (B)

The Mystery of 9/11

I have solved the mystery of 9/11: Lee Harvey Oswald did it!

Getting back to reality…

“United States is overwhelmingly and increasingly in the hands of a very narrow sector of corporate wealth, private wealth and power. They have counterparts elsewhere who agree with them and who interact with them and that’s who rules the world.” – Noam Chomsky

Wake Up! Prez Advisors Bolton Brzezinski Kissinger Mere Hirelings of Powerful Investors in WMD

CIA fed criminal mainstream media constantly keeps the focus on government officials to the detriment of public understanding that it is the ruling unhinged investors in WMD and war, who war promoting government officials like Bolton represent. Before both WW I and WW II too many people watched the continual build up of more and more WMD in fascination instead of fear and action. Are we just watching again now?

King Held All Americans Including Himself Responsible for US Atrocity Wars Not His Government

King Held All Americans Including Himself Responsible for US Atrocity Wars NOT His Government by jay janson

Click on the link and read and/or listen to King’s sermon that made headlines in bold print on newspapers around the world fifty years ago, and notice it is NOT addressed to the government but to all Americans. (King’s nightmarish sermon came 4 years after “I Have a Dream” at the March on Washington) King spoke to the people to the government which he dismissed as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Ballot Results

At Representative Town Meeting today, March 25, the body voted through Australian Ballot on Article 11:

“To see if the Town will authorize the following capital purchase for the Fire Department: The purchase of an aerial ladder truck at an estimated cost of $950,000, and will authorize the issuance of notes and/or bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $500,000 at a rate of interest not to exceed 5% per annum for a term of 10 years to pay a portion of the cost of said aerial ladder truck. The vote on this article shall be by Australian Ballot as required by law. The question to be voted upon is as follows:

I urge support for Article 13, Skatepark funding

I urge support for Article 13, Skatepark funding. The emotional arguments against a skatepark are reminiscent of arguments against dance halls in the 30’s, pool tables in the 40’s and bowling alleys in the 50’s. Kids are going to hang out somewhere. In my neighborhood, it was a 6′ plywood pool table in our basement; mom and dad upstairs; not exactly supervised, but ever-present. A skatepark is a relatively contained area more easily supervised than a dead-end dirt road in the woods.

Silencing Ourselves

I had an email tonight from the person that started the FBIbook site for Brattleboro’s representative town meeting. It was closed by this person because of fear that use of it violated state open meeting laws. Now go to every other town in Vermont, none of which have a representative town meeting. Every citizen in the town is entitled to attend the town meeting and vote. Is someone claiming that citizens of the town cannot discuss their upcoming town meeting over the internet? Can they discuss them at a coffee shop?

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting District 1 & 3 Caucuses

Brattleboro Districts 1 & 3 will caucus just prior to Representative Town Meeting on Saturday, March 24 at Brattleboro Area Middle School beginning at 8:00 AM in the Mulitpurpose Room. Representative Town Meeting begins at 8:30 AM.  District 1 will be accepting nominations to fill and appoint six town meeting member seats for 1 year. District 3 will be accepting nominations to fill and appoint six town meeting member seats for 1 year.

Thank You John Allen!

Over the past year as I served on the Selectboard, I had the pleasure of working with and getting to know John Allen. When I first joined the board, I fully expected to butt heads with John over many issues, and while we sometimes did disagree, not once did we do so with acrimony. It quickly became clear to me that we shared a love for Brattleboro, and that while we might come at problems from different viewpoints, we could usually arrive together at solutions that were best for our town.

Representative Town Meeting – The Fire Truck

Town meeting is this coming Saturday, the 24th.  The big issue that has come out so far, not surprisingly, is the request for a new ladder truck for the fire department.  Generally speaking, from what I saw a the informational meeting the issue is less about it than whether this happen this year or next and how should it be paid for.  Of those two the issue taking up the most time was how to pay for it.  I concede that I brought that up.

Suggestion! High School Play on Gun Rights?

How About A Brand New High School Play on Gun Rights?

Alternate method to teach gun rights to children by doing a high school play! (Just a suggestion!)

(1) The scene where the Native American Indians are defeated by the European settlers with guns
and the Native American Indians are forced onto reservations, losing their homelands;

(2) the scene where the European settlers invade Africa and chain the Black African people and stack their
live bodies in the bottoms of sailing ships and take them to the new America to work as slaves;


Poverty is not a 3rd world phenomenon.

A friend who lives in Bennington writes poignantly about it:

“In Bennington there are three very distinct classes.

First, there are the ‘fancy people’. They are the ones who rule and control everything. They are on the boards — the hospital board, the library board, the select board, the school boards. They attend the formal fundraisers for the hospital and other institutions. They have the power — even the power over life and death. They, occasionally during a medical crisis in the hospital, make the decision to pull the plug or allow life to go on.

Modern Policing

The British invented modern policing in the early 19th century, establishing the ‘Peelian Principles’ of policing by consent. (After Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel)