Suggested Representative Town Meeting Improvements

I’ve been watching Brattleboro budgets for quite a while, through multiple selectboards, three Town Managers and one Interim Town Manager. I’ve watched many Representative Town Meetings as well and participated in a few.  That’s a lot of meetings.

While I’ve come to the conclusion that Representative Town Meeting doesn’t really work, I know that it has become cherished and it is unlikely that abolishing it will be on the ballot anytime soon. Therefore, it should be improved.

Pictures of Bush?

Today, a friend sent me a set of photos taken on the day of President Kennedy’s assassination. I have seen them before.

The pictures depict the Texas Book Depository, and purport to show GHW Bush standing in front.

Local Option Tax Increases Brattleboro Revenue, But Property Taxes Will Still Rise

At Tuesday’s special meeting, the Brattleboro Selectboard discussed adding a 1% Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) to items purchased in the ‘boro. Adding this additional revenue stream to the Town coffers has been attempted before. Most recently it barely passed as an advisory vote, but was ultimately rejected.

The main argument in favor of the tax usually involves the expected revenue. In 2015, the estimate was $600,000. This, in theory, could offset property taxes by that amount.

But, taxpayers have seen these property tax reducing “deals” many times before, and property taxes do not go down. Spending rises to meet the new income.

SoVermont Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2018 Draft

BDCC and SeVEDS have released a draft version of the 2018 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. Below you’ll find the full text of what is being suggested for improvements to this part of the state. It is currently a draft, and you can get involved to help improve it.

Note some of issues relate to having a regional community web site with a calendar and such. Too bad we don’t have one of those around here!

Brattleboro Unofficial Election Results

Please see the attached for the “unofficial results” for Brattleboro Mid-Term Elections. These are the results from the ballot tallies, not including write-in votes, and not including other towns’ results for the State races.

Thanks to the amazing poll workers and the American Legion who made today possible! We had a lot of voters coming through the doors, and the day was smooth!

Either Way They Vote Americans Remain Suckered Into Being a Worldwide Genocidal Killing Machine

Americans being suckered into focusing on voting for one of the two parties of the ruling genocidal Wall St. plutocracy, US CIA controlled media informs of Yemeni children dying from bombs & starvation knowing its captive audience will not turn against the American killing machine. Once USA-EU loses hegemony, the many nations that have seen their children murdered by USA and European empires will demand justice.

Free Speech on Campus To Be Discussed at Landmark College, November 13

The final presentation of the Fall 2018 Landmark College Academic Speaker Series is by Linus Owens of Middlebury College, on Tuesday, November 13 at 7 p.m. in the Brooks M. O’Brien Auditorium, located in the East Academic Building.

Entitled “Divisiveness is Not Diversity—Academic Freedom and Free Speech on Campus,” the talk will touch on Owens’s first-hand experience with challenges faced by Middlebury College during the March 2017 visit by controversial author Charles Murray, which was disrupted by hundreds of student protestors.

Outrageous Conspiracy Theories

Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories…G.W. Bush (to United Nations, 11/10/01)

Everybody’s heard the term “conspiracy theory”. In fact, conspiracy theories abound, but that’s only because actual conspiracies really do exist. If you study History, and eliminate natural events, what’s left almost surely involves some sort of conspiracy.


“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” was a phrase made popular by Carl Sagan.

We need to modify this phrase to suit our current situation: “Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary action”

Demonstrations alone are insufficient. We need a mass civil disobedience campaign. We need to shut down the operations of the government in order to gain their attention.

An American Team Won a World Series Another American Team Helps Saudis Slay Yemeni Children for $

For three and half years, the Saudi’s have waged a horrendous war on Yemen. They have slaughtered tens of thousands of Yemenis – according to the UN Human Rights Commission more than 50,000 children died by Saudi air raids with UK supplied bombs, and US supplied war planes – through lack of sanitation and drinking water induced diseases, like cholera – and an even worse crime, through extreme famine, the worst famine in recent history – as per UNICEF / WHO – imposed by force, as the Saudi’s with the consent of the European allies closed down all ports of entry, including the moist important Red Sea Port of Hodeida. Khashoggi versus 50,000 Slaughtered Yemeni Children

No To Out-Of-State Political Donations

This week, I got an email from David Zuckerman complaining that an out-of-state organization is supporting his opponent in the Lt. Governor’s race here in Vermont.  The organization is the National Association of Realtors and they are supporting his opponent because he is in favor of Act 250 which regulates development.  Now, I don’t blame Zuckerman for being annoyed by out-of-state people trying to influence our elections.  It never seems fair when people with no direct interest in our politics try to use their money to affect the people we elect and the issues we support.  But it’s also disappointing to see people on the left doing exactly the same thing. 

GOP Has No Plans for Elderly Americans

Republicans have never liked Social Security, going all the way back to August 14, 1935, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. For decades, congressional Republicans, rigorously supported by Republican presidents, have been attempting to steal the trillions from the “lock-box” of the self-sustaining Social Security Trust Fund.

The principle message of Social Security’s opponents, perpetrated since Roosevelt’s signature was dry, is the blatant lie that the checks are handouts forced from unwilling taxpayers. In reality, these payments come from the workers’ own earnings with 6.2% of gross withheld and deposited in special mandated savings accounts authorized by the “Federal Insurance Contributions Act” (FICA).

Early/Absentee Ballots in Brattleboro, Voter Registration and Town Clerk Hours

Early/absentee ballots for the General Election to be held on November 6, are now available in all Vermont town clerk’s offices. Anyone wishing to vote prior to November 6, may apply for an early/absentee ballot until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, November 5.

Early/absentee ballots may be voted in person in the clerk’s office, mailed to the voter by the clerk’s office, picked up by the voter or if a voter is in need can be delivered to the voter’s residence by two justices of the peace. All voted ballots must be received by the clerk before the polls close on election day in order to be counted. For more information or to request an early/absentee ballot in Brattleboro call 251-8157.


Today is the anniversary of  9/11

“we are far from understanding all that happened on that fateful day”

Here’s what they say happened:

Why Not Deny A Quorum?

I’m curious. If the Democrats are against the the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, why didn’t they just walk out of the hearing and deny the Republicans a quorum? Sticking around enables the proceedings to continue.

Seems like they shouted for a few moments at the start, then fell right into line, leaving all disruption to regular folks getting arrested every hour.

Poor John McCain Bombed Women and Children and “I Was Following Orders” Is Not a Legal Defense

Majority Humanity, especially people whose 3rd World countries have suffered bombing by Americans, as did Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Guatemala, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Grenada should take carful note of the adulation awarded a pilot, like McCain, who dutifully bombed cities with women and children in a non-Caucasian nation, for some time soon there will be a reckoning.


Remember “W”? Ten years ago he was the worst president we’ve ever had.
He started two wars he couldn’t win in Iraq and Afghanistan which destabilized the Middle East and left it in a state of civil wars. While he was doing that, he pursued economic policies that led to a worldwide financial implosion. He lied about “weapons of mass destruction” and the connections between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, etc., etc.

Motion of No Confidence

A motion of no-confidence, alternatively vote of no confidence is a statement or vote which states that a person(s) in a position of responsibility (government, managerial, etc.) is no longer deemed fit to hold that position, perhaps because they are inadequate in some respect, are failing to carry out obligations, or are making decisions that are otherwise detrimental.

As a parliamentary motion, it demonstrates to the head of state that the elected parliament no longer has confidence in (one or more members of) the appointed government.