The Week That Was

How did we fix it so all these things happened at the same time? What were we thinking when we scheduled Brexit, Impeachment wrap-up, Iowa Caucus debacle, and Trump’s State of the Union address within 5 days of each other? Are we insane? Do we want our heads to explode?

Ok, I know no one planned to make all these events coincide, but the fact that they did gives it that aura of fatedness. Clearly the gods are angry. The natives are getting restless. And as is typically the case, the overlords (clueless neocons and neolibs alike) are burying their heads ever deeper in the sand.

Just Say “No” to a Mayor in Brattleboro

On Election Day in March, Brattleboro voters will have the opportunity to tell the Selectboard to consider replacing the five-member Selectboard with one mayor.

The complete wording of the article which will appear on the ballot: “Shall the voters of the Town of Brattleboro advise the Select Board to amend the Brattleboro Town Charter to replace the Select Board form of governance with that of a mayoral form of governance?”

I encourage voters to reject this proposal for a number of reasons.

3 Ideas for Solutions to Money for Education, Money for Health Care and Climate Change!

These are my personal opinions, (Cris Ericson, Chester, VT) and I think I’m right on these issues. People have
been complaining about these political issues for many years now, so why not take a moment and consider my ideas for solutions to these problems, you have nothing to lose. Or, you can just go back to your whining and complaining if you aren’t willing to listen to new and different ideas. Go ahead and stagnate. Stagnation is what happens when the Democrats and Republicans are not inclusive and refuse to allow other candidates in debates.

Petitions for March Elections – Deadline Monday 1/27

Can you please post a reminder that petitions for Brattleboro Town Officers, Windham Southeast School District (WSESD) Board Members, and Town Meeting Members are available at the Town Clerk’s office.  Town elections will be Tuesday, March 3 at the American Legion, and the Annual Representative Town Meeting, Saturday, March 21 at the Brattleboro Area Middle School.

Democratic Primary Open Thread

Anyone have any thoughts or observations about the Democratic primary? It’s almost a four-way tie going into Iowa and NH. Some opinions must be solidifying…

My most recent thoughts have been about specific reasons I dislike Biden. I don’t enjoy his “angry old man” act, whereby he raises his voice and points fingers at almost every debate question.  But this I can live with – it is theater.

Brattleboro Democracy Forum at the Brooks Library

Drug-running has been fundamental to CIA operations, strategy and funding throughout its history. The US Senate Kerry Committee Report of 1989 detailed CIA drug-running through the 1980s to fund terrorist wars in Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador. Professor Alfred McCoy, University of Wisconsin, and Professor Peter Dale Scott, Emeritus University of California, have written extensive histories of CIA drug-running from its inception in 1947 to the present. The facts are known and so little regarded. This presentation will review CIA drug operations to ponder why the facts matter and are simultaneously ignored.

Could the 2020 Elections Be More Fair Than Previous Elections? Debate Exclusion

How many Democratic Party candidates for President of the United States of America are now complaining about being excluded from political candidate debates which are partly funded by PBS, which receives federal tax dollars, and therefore should not exclude any candidate from debates?

I want all Democratic Party candidates for President of the United States of America to sit up and pay attention because you know that PBS is constantly asking for viewer donations, and you know that PBS contributes to the manipulation of the criteria for debate participation, so ask yourselves, how many of their donations are from foreigners, and how much influence do the foreigners have in the manipulation of criteria for debate participation? Isn’t that foreign influence in our elections if that is what is going on, even if it is a small part?

Three More-Important Questions For Presidential Candidates To Debate

During presidential debates, as in criminal mainstream media there is effusive praising of veterans as heroes. How do these ‘heroes’ feel when the wars in which they risked life and limb while killing an enormous amount people are intensely labelled mistakes? Huh? Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Somalia – just mistakes? All the death and horror experienced was for a mistake? Vietnam is still communist. Heroic for what? Worth some debate?

Another Attack On America

Millions of Americans have been under attack since Trump and his thugs took power. The list of inhumane, racist and xenophobic actions is long and most of the people who have been targeted are low income, vulnerable because of their health or socio-economic status or because they live in fear of having their families torn apart.

The vulnerable among us are experiencing a type of bullying never before seen in this country, but this kind of cowardly action has become the norm for our rogue government. One of the more recent assaults on Americans who are working hard and trying to get ahead is a proposed rule change that would cut food stamp (commonly referred to as SNAP) benefits to about three million people.

WWAC To Offer Talk On Southeast Asia

On Friday, Nov. 22, at 7:30 pm, in the parlor of the Centre Congregational Church, 193 Main St. in Brattleboro, Windham World Affairs Council will present “Movement Of People: Trafficking and Migrating in Southeast Asia Today.” The Speaker will be Braema Mathi, a Singapore-based human rights activist who is currently in the Global Fellows program at Keene State College, sponsored by the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation.

The talk will be free and open to the public. There will be coffee, tea and conversation from 7:00 and the talk will begin at 7:30.

Taxation Without Representation in the November 19th Vote for Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford & Putney?

If you believe that you as a tax payer deserve a voice in how much you pay in taxes, I urge you to vote NO on questions 2 and 3 on November 19th’s ballot. (This vote is in Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Putney.)

Questions 2 and 3 require a town to give approval for grade changes or school closure. This sounds great… but the proposed amendments would give ONE town veto power over all the other voters. All of us pay the taxes.

Private Brattleboro Selectboard Communictions During Public Meetings

Some members of the Brattleboro Selectboard appear to be having private communications during public meetings.

On a few recent occasions, some Selectboard members have looked at their phones, read some form of communication to them, and have made comments about it. Just the other night, Daniel Quipp said that Tim Wessel had texted him.  Until that point, no one knew that Wessel was a participant. He had been presented to the room as absent.

Can We Get Behind Hemp Yet?

Close your eyes and imagine a wealthy Vermont. A Vermont with many high-paying jobs, exports, environmentally friendly manufacturing. Now open your eyes and look at the opportunity that is staring us in the face, hemp.

What are the barriers preventing the return to hemp products in the US and more specifically VT? Can we possibly overcome these barriers? The answer is yes.

Extraterrestrial Life

The universe holds an enormous number of planets having conditions capable of supporting life. It’s mathematically more probable that some actually do have life than it is that humanity is the only one. Such life may or may not resemble us.

Here on Earth, life proliferates from the deepest depths of the oceans to the highest mountain peaks; from the icy poles to the hottest, dryest deserts. There’s life everywhere. However, high probability does not equal certainty, but its close.

Brattleboro Should Invest In Gigabit Fiber Internet

We moved our web design business to Brattleboro in 2001. People around Brattleboro were mostly using modems, and Sovernet was just beginning to sign people up for (relatively slow) DSL connections. We limped by, overpaid, and designed local web sites for low bandwidth knowing most people were stuck at low speeds around here.

As time went on, things didn’t really speed up much here, but friends (and competitors) in bigger cities were leaping ahead. While we were lucky to get 3-7 Mbps here, they were enjoying 200 Mbps or more.

Julian Assange In Court Fighting Extradition

The Deep State Is Assassinating Him!

“Wiki Leaks founder and journalist Julian Assange appeared in court to fight his extradition to the United States, sluggishly reciting his name and date of birth in a zombie-like state — displaying signs of either sleep deprivation, torture or poisoning.”

Proposal: Direct Public Vote Of a Municipality Data Currency Matrix

This proposal was sent our way with a request for criticisms. What say ye? (I kinda like the age-based escrow account idea….)

“Proposal: Direct Public Vote Of a Municipality Data Currency Matrix 

Agenda:  Developing software program codes as an alternative currency of equal international exchange value for fair trade economies 

WWAC Talk Friday, Oct. 25: Isis and the Crisis in Eastern Syria

Windham World Affairs Council invites you to a talk by Clare Morgana Gillis, PhD, Brattleboro resident and WWAC board member, on Friday, Oct. 25 at Centre Congregational Church. Dr. Gillis will speak on “Beheading in the age of its technological reproducibility,” examining Isis propaganda and its afterlife in news and in the popular imagination, and she will consider the effect of those images on human rights issues surrounding thousands of captured Isis foreign fighters now held in Kurdish jails in eastern Syria.

Why I Endorse the F-35 (Fubar-35) Sort Of..

“The only purpose of war is make the rich richer and the poor poorer.” Major General S. Butler USMC

There is a big NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) brouhaha about the F-35 being stationed in Burlington, Vermont. The plane has certainly lived up to its appellation as Fubar-35 (finagled up beyond all rationality) and the environmental pollution and deafening noise are certainly factors to consider. Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon know the plane is a disaster; nevertheless, it’s a bonanza for the Military Industrial Mafia who profit from it: Pratt Whitney, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and hundreds of military suppliers. Contrary to reason and rationality, bring this noisy mechanical economic failure here to our Green Mountain State!

Two Wrongs and a Right

Do two wrongs ever make a right?

Hunter Biden got a nice job paying $50,000 a month because of his encyclopedic knowledge of the Gas Industry. Nothing wrong with that!

Joe Biden threatened the Ukraine in order to protect his son. Just a father doing his duty. Right?

And Donald Trump threatened the Ukraine if they fail to expose the Bidens. Just a concerned citizen doing his duty. Right?