Imagine Trump or Biden In Church Praying For Yemeni Children Facing Starvation and US Missiles?

Noting the history of the child genocide in Yemen as only one example of America’s genocidal foreign policy and cruel criminal media managed political distraction away from compassionate public interest, article seeks to awaken enough of a feeling of outrage to promote public demand for a halt of what is the ongoing murder of a massive amount of children.

Bear or Bull Market? Your Vote for State Treasurer May Keep Vermont In Debt with Unfunded Liabilites!

Do we need to vote for a new Treasurer for the State of Vermont? Is the current State Treasurer actually admitting she’s having a hard time? Is ten years of her control over our taxpayer dollars enough?

If you always vote with your political party line, if they have you like a fish, hook-line-and sinker, then don’t cry when the sinker
takes you down.

Here are the candidates running for the office of State Treasurer on the statewide ballot for the Nov. 3, 2020 election. Voting has begun.

Pay Attention! There Is A Huge Difference Between Lieutenant Governor Candidates!

Let’s pick apart a few huge differences between Lieutenant Governor candidates!

Cris Ericson, Molly Gray, Scott Milne and two other candidates are on the ballot for Lieutenant Governor. Mr Billado and Mr. Corbo do not have websites, but you can call or email them.

It is actually important to know something about the people we are voting for or against.

Only 2 Choices on Statewide Ballot for Auditor, So What’s the Difference? Big Money!

In the State of Vermont, ten year incumbent Auditor of Accounts, Doug Hoffer (D/R) is on the Nov. 3, 2020 election ballot for BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans.

He has only one opposing candidate on the ballot running against him, Progressive Party candidate, Cris Ericson (P).

Doug Hoffer, as the current Vermont State Auditor, sits on the Audit Committee of the University of Vermont which is SELF-AUDITING. How on earth can that be, when UVM, University of Vermont, receives about 44 million dollars of Vermont taxpayers’ money every year?

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Team Effort

Since August most town representatives, like myself,  started refamiliarising ourselves with the town articles that still needed to be voted on . Due to Covid  19  town meeting ,for the most part, was all put on hold last March.  Zoom was the method of this rescheduled  9/12  meeting, a whole new frontier for many, a true labor of love and team effort .

I want to thank and praise my fellow TM members that managed to keep the quorum for over 13 1/2 hours with all articles voted on , this also included the 3 hour test run on the 5th.

Brattleboro Food Co-op Announces Voter Registration Event on September 22

According to their recent press release, the Brattleboro Food Co-op will be participating in National Voter Registration Day on Sept 22. They’ll be in front of the Co-op from 10 am – 2 pm with both paper and touchless options for those who would like to register to vote. Staff are being trained by the Brattleboro Town Clerk.

Says the Co-op: “Did you know that 1 in 4 people are not registered to vote? Did you know that many young folks, people who have moved and those who recently changed their name have issues with registering?”

The Co-op plans to do its bit in this annual effort to help people register to vote.

Progressive Party Candidate Cris Ericson, on Nov. 3 Ballot, Asks You To View Her Videos!

Hi! I’m on the Nov. 3, 2020 official election ballot! I am on the ballot for 5 statewide offices which no one ran against me for, no one opposed me. The Nov. 3, 2020 official candidate list is on the VT Secretary of State website.

ALL NEW VIDEOS!!! If you thought I really spoke my mind out loud before, wait till you hear what I have to say now!

VT AFL-CIO Back Emilie Kornheiser and Mollie Burke For State Rep – Endorse Progressive Slate

9/4/20, Montpelier, Vermont – The Executive Board of the Vermont AFL-CIO, representing 10,000 Union members across the Green Mountain State, have unanimously voted to recommend the entire Progressive Party slate for the 2020 VT House & Senate elections. This unprecedented General Election move highlights an emerging solidarity and coordination between the Vermont AFL-CIO and the Vermont Progressive Party on the Vermont Left.

Vermont AFL-CIO President David Van Deusen States: “As we continue to struggle through the pandemic, the continuing economic crisis, systemic racism, attacks on the working class, and a rise of neo-fascism on the national stage, it is clear that politics-as-usual is insufficient in addressing the dire challenges that we are facing. We cannot mitigate a new economic depression through more austerity and cuts. Rather we must seek bold systemic solutions both to racism and economic hardships. The Vermont Progressive Party has time and again been a reliable ally in this fight. We know that with a strong Progressive presence in the Vermont General Assembly, with Progressive David Zuckerman as our next Governor, we will be well-positioned to implement a Union-led Green New Deal. The Progressives have stood by us on Card Check and on every issue we have given priority to in 2019-2020. In turn, we know our 10,000 Union members are ready to stand with the Vermont Progressive Party. Together we can and must build a movement capable of delivering a Vermont whereby the needs of working people come first.”

Work To Do Before Labor Day

Labor Day is Monday, and mail-in or drop-off ballots for the November election will be sent to all registered voters well in advance of the election. If you are not registered to vote in Vermont, you can do so online at any time of day. If you are registered, it’s probably a good idea to go check your registration status at the same web address to verify your voter information so as to ensure that your ballot is delivered to you.

Be a good citizen, and then relax and enjoy the day.

The Post-Trump World

Many Americans harbor a mix of fear and superstition when it comes to talking about a world where Donald Trump is no longer president. Our worst fears were realized when he was elected in 2016 and it just didn’t seem possible that such a flawed human being could win an election. But it happened, and too many of us are living in fear of the possibility of another four years of misery.

It might be best for us to move past the fear and superstition and start to talk publicly about what a world without Trump would look like. Instead of listening to the back and forth accusations between Trump and Biden and having to swim in the cesspool that political debate is mired in, we can make an effort to change the discussion.

Town Clerk Letter to Brattleboro Voters

Dear Brattleboro Voter,

For the November 3, 2020 Presidential Election, you will be receiving an absentee ballot. This ballot will also contain on the reverse the local Justice of the Peace ballot.

I strongly urge you to review the ballot, make your choices and return it to the Clerk’s Office as soon as possible.

There is a secure drop box in the Municipal Center parking lot where voters themselves, or a friend or family member may return their ballot in the signed certificate envelope that will be sent with the ballot.

A View From The Undecided Left

Our voting choices this year are many or few depending on who you ask. For those who’ve already decided, there’s really only one choice — their candidate. Some will vote Trump. Some will vote Biden. But for the unlucky few who haven’t sorted out their vote yet, it’s not that simple.

Americans Can Imagine How Non-Nazi Germans Felt As Their Soldiers Murderously Invaded 22 Nations

Germans witnessed their radio and newspapers hail the Nazi invasion and occupation of most of Europe while praising fallen German soldiers for their service to the fatherland; a fatherland representing the world’s most wondrously superior people. Sounds similar to the indiscriminate praise monolithic US corporate media heaps upon exceptionally marvelous and righteous USA and her many proud invasions and occupations.

Unofficial Brattleboro Primary Results

Good evening,

Please see here for the “unofficial results” for Brattleboro’s State Primary election. These are the results from the ballot tallies, not including write-in votes, and not including other towns’ results for the Primary races.

Thanks to the amazing poll workers and the American Legion who made today possible! Considering our number of absentee voters, we had a lot of voters coming through the doors, and record voter participation for a state-wide primary. The day was smooth and safe!

The Narcissist

Narcissist Trump very, very badly wants to be re-elected.
He has the means (wealth) to pull it off via a full-court press.
And he loves dirty tricks.

Helpful Brattleboro Election Information for August 11 State Primary

Good morning,

Below is information that might be helpful to know for August 11th State Primary elections.

Polling place for all three districts in Brattleboro is the American Legion, 32 Linden St., from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm. 

Due to COVID-19, masks will be required (and provided if needed) to enter the American Legion for voting, and hand sanitizer or gloves will also be provided. If you are unable to wear a mask and did not vote absentee, there will be a space outdoors for you to vote. Due to social distancing and reduced capacity indoors, please be prepared for potential wait times.

David Zuckerman and Brenda Siegel

David Zuckerman and Brenda Siegel would make the team Vermont needs to move the state forward with vision, compassion, and commitment.

Most of us know what Zuckerman stands for. He has been a longtime surrogate and worker for Bernie Sanders and represents those ideals – economic and social justice, respect for the environment and the urgency of consequences of climate change.

Brenda Siegel is a less known figure, but is increasingly having an impact on what goes on in Montpelier. She’s been working tirelessly to find compassionate solutions to the opioid crisis, which we are still grappling with; and is firmly on the side of a livable wage, and Medicare for all. She is a passionate voice for the struggling, the marginalized in our society.

View the Cris Ericson Candidate Videos Town Meeting TV Refused To Air!

“” of CCTV Town Meeting TV single handedly decided on July 20, 2020 to NOT allow Vermont voters to see 6 videos of candidate Cris Ericson who is on the 2020 Progressive Party primary election ballot for 7 offices. This person did allow one video in June of Cris Ericson’s campaign for Representative to Congress.

Here are the 6 videos that “” under “color of authority” deprived Vermont voters from viewing on July 20, 2020!