We Need A New COVID World View

One of the consequences of this lingering pandemic is a lack of perspective by too many people. Forget about the 30 percent of American sycophants of Trump because they never had a healthy perspective to lose.

What I am talking about is the ability of caring human beings to forget about how they fit into the overall scheme of things when it comes to daily life. As we temporarily lose some of the freedoms we once enjoyed we tend to forget that most of us really do not have it that bad compared to many other people in this country and around the world.

Scott vs Zuckerman

I’m generally not critical of Governor Phil Scott, but he HAS been using his veto pen a little too much.

Governor Phil Scott’s recent vetoes :
• Global Warming Solutions Act
• Minimum wage increase
• Reduction in penalties for possession of marijuana
• 24-hour waiting period for handgun purchases
• Family and medical leave
• Systemic Racism Mitigation Oversight Act
• Regulation of toxic substances

Vermont AFL-CIO To Hold General Strike Authorization Vote In Event of Trump Coup – Labor Will Defend Democracy

10/25/2020, Montpelier, Vermont – The Executive Board of the VT AFL-CIO, representing 10,000 unionized public and private sector workers across Vermont, shall hold a General Strike Authorization Vote at its November 21, 2020, Convention should the U.S. Presidential election deliver a winner, but should the losing candidate refuse to commit to a peaceful transfer of power on Inauguration Day, January 20th, 2021. To our west, In New York, the Rochester and Troy Central Labor Councils of the AFL-CIO have already called for the National AFL-CIO to call for a General Strike in the event of a coup.

For months, Donald Trump has repeatedly refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the event that Democrat Joe Biden wins the election. Trump has also made the irresponsible claim that the only way Biden can win is if the election is “rigged.” Trump is presently losing in the polls to Biden in a majority of battleground states, and is behind in national polls by 8.1% (with a national approval rating of just 44.4%). Trump has also told violent neo-fascist organizations to “stand by” while previously saying that “good people” marched with the KKK and other extreme right groups in Charlottesville. It has further been reported by The Atlantic that Republican officials in a number of states, including Pennsylvania, are discussing having state legislators send pro-Trump delegates to the Electoral College even if voters in their state give Biden the win. Together, these actions give the appearance of what amounts to a potential Trump led coup attempt following a Biden win on November 3 (or when all the votes are counted thereafter).

The Word “Race” Has Two Definitions!

Wow, the word “race” has two definitions!

When, Why, Where and How did the Democrats change from being pro-Slavery while the Republicans were anti-Slavery? This topic is going around the internet now that we are so close to the November 3rd pre-climax of the 2020 Presidential race, waiting in agony for all of the many law suits filed in different states about mail-in ballots to be resolved in the months to come before we have a certified winner.

Fraudulent Election?

It’s less than 3 weeks to Election Day, and polls indicate that Biden is leading by double digits.

Trump hates to lose, and he is acutely aware of these polls.

In these days before the election, we hear allegations that Trump will attempt to retain power through voter suppression. There is a strategy to suppress voter turnout by purging voters – especially inner-city voters – and to suppress mail-in voting.


At a White House news conference, (Monday, Oct 5 ), President Donald Trump said that top Defense Department leaders want to keep waging wars in order to keep defense contractors “happy.”

“The top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t (happy) because they want to do nothing but fight wars so all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”

Does David Zuckerman Have a Sense of Self?

I just received the following solicitation from David Zuckerman’s campaign. Below it is a copy of the email that I sent in response:

On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 8:01 AM Emilie, Zuckerman for VT wrote:


I have worked with David for many years. Throughout that time, Vermonters have often asked me, “Why doesn’t David cut his hair?”

From COVID-19 To Picket Lines – One Year of Building Progressive Union Power Within The Vermont AFL-CIO

We have a long way to go before we can claim the transformative victories for Organized Labor and the working class that our dreams, desires, and needs demand. And we know that with the continuing pandemic and the economic crisis we will have many challenges before us. Even so, over the last 365 days we have made tremendous progress in making the Vermont AFL-CIO a more powerful labor organization and the most progressive State Labor Council in the North America. We have done this by diligently advancing the goals and principles articulated in our Ten Point Program For Union Power [https://vt.aflcio.org/news/vermont-afl-cio-ten-point-program]. Since your new leadership came to power in September 2019 [and again through a special election in 8/20] we have taken the following actions:

COVID-19: From the start of the pandemic we aggressively advocated for immediate actions at the State level to mitigate the worst potential consequences of the virus and the subsequent shutdown. As part of this effort we, working with allies, saw through expanded access to unemployment insurance, free childcare for essential workers, free food provided to working families, a moratorium on evictions, and crisis pay being provided to many Vermonters including the 8000 home healthcare workers organized into AFSCME Local 4802. We also stood with our healthcare workers from AFT and OPEIU when they demanded adequate PPE and safe working conditions.

Governor Scott Did What He Should Have. Is That Exceptional?

It’s true that, given the limited extent of impact and damage in Vermont from the virus, Scott has done a proper job. However he only did what any of us would do. If you recall, one of his earliest public statements was that he was in completely uncharted territory with the pandemic. He didn’t know anything more about it than any of us in the state. So he called the state’s medical team together, got a bit of an education and followed their advice. I’d like to think that all of our governors would have done the same. He was very lucky in this particular crisis to have had the federal government step in fairly quickly with a huge cash infusion that gave us all time to understand and assess the situation and choose our actions under less stressed conditions.

Oct 7 — > Nov 3

Wednesday, October 7

The Secretary of State’s Office advises [1] that if you have not received a ballot in the mail by Oct 7, contact the Town Clerk. In Brattleboro, that would be Town Clerk Hilary Francis. [2]

If you are not registered, you can do so online. [3]

Chris Winters, the Deputy Secretary of State for Vermont spoke on VPR about the process: “When Vermont Towns Should Expect Ballots In The Mail” [4]

Here’s a great explainer [5] on following the instructions to make your vote count!

Be Informed with BCTV’s “Meet the Candidates 2020”

Vermont citizens can stay informed about the upcoming local and statewide races in Vermont with Brattleboro Community TV’s half-hour interview program “Meet the Candidates 2020”. So far, host Marty Cohn has interviewed Rep. Peter Welch, Christopher Helali, Peter Becker, Lt. Governor David Zuckerman, Emily Peyton, Erynn Hazlett Whitney, Molly Gray, Ralph Corbo, Pamala Smith, Sen. Jeanette White, Rep. Emilie Kornheiser, Richard Morton, and Michelle Bos-Lun. Scheduled for the next two weeks: Auditor Doug Hoffer, Sen. Becca Balint, Marcus Parish, John Lyddy, Rep. Laura Sibilia, Rep. Mollie Burke, and Rep. Mike Mrowicki.

Landlords Need to Share the Risk That Tenants Bear

Over the past few weeks, we have seen many landlords taking a stance against the Tenants Union of Brattleboro’s (TUB) recent proposal to limit tenant move-in costs to a maximum of two month’s rent (first month plus security deposit). In a housing shortage that’s only getting worse and an environment where over half of Vermonters are rent burdened, this is an important and simple step toward making housing accessible and affordable for all people in Brattleboro. 

Yet, we continually hear confusion from landlords about why we can’t just get along and why they are perceived as “mustache twirling villains”.

Donald Trump’s October Surprise

Donald Trump, the President of the United States, has Covid-19. That this happened on a full moon was weird, almost spooky and very Octoberish.

I noticed no other omens however.  Last night, we watched Stella Dallas on tv and then checked news wherein we saw that Trump was on a short list to have Covid-19.  In one of those “this changes everything” ways, that news instantly blew up all conventional thinking about everything.  Not that it was unexpectable — but definitely unexpected.  We were expecting him to try to keep the White House by force, not catch Covid and potentially die.  Like I said, Octoberish.

Helpful Information for the November 3 General Election and Absentee Voting in Brattleboro

Good morning,

Below is information that might be helpful to know for the November 3rd General Election.

Due to the pandemic, there is no in-person early voting in Brattleboro. However, all active registered voters were automatically mailed a ballot. Please make sure to follow the instructions included with your ballot, including SIGNING THE CERTIFICATE ENVELOPE and making sure your ballot is INSIDE that envelope. Please use a BLACK PEN OR PENCIL to mark your ballot. DO NOT USE A MARKER as it can bleed through to the back of your ballot and require you to need a replaced ballot. If you have not received your ballot, or if you have any questions about your ballot, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 251-8157.

A Trump Coup?

Two nights ago, at the first 2020 U.S. Presidential debate, Americans of all political leanings should be alarmed and sickened by the spectacle that was Donald Trump. Trump, when asked point blank if he condemns white supremacists, refused; instead he told an armed neo-fascist organization to “stand-by.” He further verbalized a series of lies seeking to undermine confidence in the U.S. election system. Together these assertions give strong inclination that Trump expects to lose the popular vote & the electoral college, to be defeated by Joe Biden, and yet to position himself in a way that will allow him a public argument as to why he must remain in power. Never in modern U.S. history has such an extreme rightwing Presidential candidate come so close as to telegraph a coup.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden, for his part called for massive re-investment in America’s infrastructure, building out our renewable energy production, for the creation of millions of new prevailing wage jobs, and for a collective effort to find redress to systemic racism. Biden, who is endorsed by the National AFL-CIO, presently leads Trump in national polls by 6.4%.

Landlords & the Vermont Housing Crisis: A Response from TUB to Brandie Starr’s “Be Part of the Movement Towards a Sustainable Brattleboro”

Brandie Starr of the Brattleboro selectboard recently wrote an article titled, “Be part of the movement towards a sustainable Brattleboro” in which she directly addresses community members and, more specifically, landlords. The article is in reaction to and support of a, now notorious, proposal written by the Tenants’ Union of Brattleboro (TUB) which limits security deposits to an amount of one month’s rent or less.

Since the proposal was added to the last selectboard meeting agenda and since Starr has voiced her support, there have been rumblings of discontent from the landlord community. From voices of opposition at the selectboard meetings, to local landlord Deedee Jones’s rebuttal piece, to emails sent directly to the tenant’s union.

I am a member of TUB and a tenant who has rented four apartments in Brattleboro. On behalf of myself and the tenant’s union, I would like to elaborate on Starr’s points and examine the conditions that make a proposal like this reasonable, necessary and, quite honestly, not very radical. I would also like to address some of the voiced and rumored concerns from our local landlords.

October Surprise?

The polls so-far don’t look too good for Trump’s re-election.

His ego will not accept a defeat. He WILL go to extreme measures to prevent this.

One extreme measure might be a war.