Opinion = Emotion | We Are Not Required To Have Opinions

As a person whose political views center around ways to foster peace, harmony, fairness, and nature, I’ve been struggling lately with all the things there are to feel terrible about in our difficult and unpeaceful world.  I disapprove of so many things.  I deplore, dislike, even despise a growing number of things, all of which fill me with dismay.  In short, I’m mired in the D words.

As I was thinking this morning about yet another thing that makes me feel lousy, there came, out of the blue, this thought: I’m not required to have opinions.  And I thought about this, because on the one hand, it’s true and I would probably be calmer if I didn’t; on the other hand, I would feel like an unfeeling creep not to have them.  Shouldn’t I care?  Shouldn’t I show that I care by forming opinions and stating them?

Acres of Dead

I wrote today’s date in my date book and suddenly it clicked — 11/11, Veterans Day. I knew that it was Veteran’s Day, but somehow I didn’t know it. I had forgotten what it meant. So I opened a book and then I remembered — “acres of dead.” That kind of put things in perspective for me.

How To Survive The Next Four Years

Now, more than ever, is a time for those of us who are experiencing difficult emotions to move on. It is not that easy, but if we let immoral, unethical and brain-dead people climb into our consciousness then we will lose whatever sanity we have. It is a new world and we have to find ways to protect ourselves from things that should not be.

I am finding a great deal of comfort in being around people who are feeling the same things as I. We do not have to speak directly about what has happened to our psyches and we can indulge in activities that create distractions for us. It is almost the same as someone who has experienced a traumatic event and who finds comfort in being around those who have experienced the same thing.

Brattleboro Election Night Results November 2024 – Unofficial

Good evening,

Please see attached for the “unofficial results” for Brattleboro’s General election. These are the results from the ballot tallies, not including write-in votes, and not including other towns’ results for the State and Federal races.

Thanks to the amazing poll workers and the American Legion who made today possible! The day was smooth and safe, with a lot of voters casting their ballots both early/absentee, and in-person today!

Thank you,


What’s Next?

There are two possible scenarios that could play out after the November 5 election that are causing a lot of anxiety for a lot of people. Then there is one outcome that would ease some of the psychic pain many of us have been feeling and that is the election of Kamala Harris as President.

A Harris win would mean that the specter of fascism and rule by a deranged egomaniac would not happen. But what worries me is that there are so many Americans who have bought into the evil plans that Trump has proposed for this country. If Trump loses I don’t think that he will walk away with his tail between his legs and quietly drift off into the sunset. His ego is too big and his need for recognition is too great. He will seek out a new way to spew his poison to anyone who will listen.

There is a plan (Project 2025) in place for the Trump cabal to totally restructure American government if he wins, and I think the people who crafted this insane plan will find a way to at least keep the issues alive even if they cannot take the reins of the federal government. They are already working to push their agenda in states in the same way they are trying to make abortion illegal.

2024 Election Forecast Updates

https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/ is the current home of 538, Nate Silver’s project to provide statistical insight into politics and specifically the electoral college.

On Sunday the forecast was 52% Trump, the first forecast I’ve seen favoring him.  Just now, 50-50, hence this post.

538 started forecasting in 2008 and has been rather good.  In 2008 Obama was 90% late and in the last few days became 99%; nonetheless they did not see Indiana turning blue.  In the 2016 election Trump was given 11-16% until the last few days when it screamed up to 24%–when working with chess engines the trending can be more important than the evaluation, and I think that’s what happened then.

Commander in Mischief

In the light of Trump’s most recent campaign shenanigans, seemingly more outré each day- foul language, falling asleep, working the fryer, false accusations, disquisitions on phallus size, dance performance- this on top of his long string of unusual practices- mocking disabled people, belittling war victims, sexual assaults, absconding with secret documents, etc…it occurs to me this display clearly derives from the archetype of the Trickster.

The Trickster appears in various guises in almost all cultures throughout history. Shape shifting, boundary busting, upsetting the status quo by way theft, subversion, unorthodox behavior, inexplicable alliances, and undermining established morality. There’s always an element of twisted humor; Bugs Bunny, the Joker, Brer Rabbit, Loki, the incarnations are varied and always idiosyncratic, the energy irrepressible and unpredictable.

Brattleboro November 2024 General Election Information

Below and attached is information that might be helpful to know for the November 5, 2024 General Election.

Fill Out Your Ballot
All active registered voters in Vermont were automatically mailed a ballot in early October. Please make sure to follow the instructions provided with your ballot, including: 

Signing the certificate envelopeand ensuring your ballot is insidethe certificate envelope.
Using ablack pen to mark your ballot.
Do NOT use a markeras it can bleed through to the back of your ballot, requiring a replacement ballot.
If you have not received your ballot, or if you have any questions about your ballot, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 802-251-8157. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Many News Media In Vermont Are Reporting On the Homeless Crisis, Here Are My Ideas For Solutions

Many news sources in Vermont are reporting on the homeless crisis. People are being kicked out of hotels or motels they have stayed in because there is a new cut-off limit of 80 days.

I have added up how much money the state of Vermont spends, and in this video I offer alternative ideas to solve the problem that we are violating the United States Constitution, in my opinion, because twice in the U.S. Constitution it says the purpose is to promote the general welfare.

No End In Sight

It has been a year of continuous warfare in the Middle East. The spark that started the conflagration happened when Hamas killed 1200 Jews in a bold and ruthless attack. Many of the hostages they took a year ago have either died or not been heard from and families of the hostages are living in a constant state of frustration.

Israel responded to the attack predictably and over 41,000 Palestinians have been killed and much of Gaza has been destroyed. The Israeli bombing of Gaza continues and over 1.9 million people (90% of the population) have been displaced from homes that no longer exist. Famine and disease are daily reminders of just how hopeless the situation is for Palestinians.

Most of the leaders of the civilized world have been calling for a cease fire in Gaza but their pleas and diplomatic efforts are falling on deaf ears.

It has been impossible to craft a deal acceptable to Hamas and the Netanyahu government.

Write-in Candidate, Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator, Discusses Medicare For All

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has promoted a Medicare for All bill starting in 2017, re-introduced in May 2024, and it has not passed.

Write-in candidate, Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator, discusses Bernie’s bill and how she would amend it so it will pass.

The big hang up is money, honey. Where does money come from? It doesn’t come from the United States Senate, those fine folks just vote to spend it!

So, where does money really come from? Cris Ericson discusses the United States Treasury and how they manufacture money by the billions.

The Other Presidential Candidates

November election ballots arrived in the mail and there are some candidates that are lesser known. I know many of you are going to vote for one of the two major party candidates, but it doesn’t hurt to see what those other folks would like to do.  Here’s your guide to the other names and parties on the ballot, and issues they care about.

Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia, Socialism & Liberation

“End Capitalism before it ends us. We will end the rule of the billionaires once and for all” is the big message of the “Vote Socialist” campaign site homepage.  Their plan:

A Unique Political Position

The selectboard of a small town is one of the most unique aspects of democracy. There are many similarities between a selectboard member and a state representative or senator as well as a federal politician, but I think the level of accountability on the most local of levels is unique.

I have only been in the selectboard position for six months and I am trying to understand what accountability means. We have meetings where the people who live in our community can come and face us directly and question and criticize us. They have access to us by phone, e-mail and perhaps, most importantly, on the street.

We do not travel somewhere to do our political business and we engage in our community on a daily basis. People learn to recognize us and feel comfortable engaging in conversation whenever they see us. This is about as pure as democracy gets.

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders New Bill S.4406 “End Polluter Welfare Act of 2024” Concerns All Of Us!

Well, I think U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders went too far with this bill, S. 4406 “End Polluter Welfare Act of 2024” because it appears that it will raise home heating fuel prices and car gas prices sky high for those of us who rely on such products.

Page 12, Section 115 explains that any amounts made available to the Department of Transportation, including the Federal Railroad Administration, MAY NOT BE USED to provide financial assistance to any project that transports fossil fuels.This apparently means that Railroads will be cut off from this type of funding, and that would raise our fuel and gas prices because most fossil fuel products are moved to Vermont by train.

November 5, 2024, General Election for Brattleboro Voters

Dear Brattleboro Voter,

You will be receiving an absentee ballot in the mail for the November 5, 2024, General Election. The State of Vermont will be mailing ballots during the week of September 23. The local Justice of the Peace ballot will be on the reverse side. 

If you have not received your ballot by October 7, please contact our office at 802-251-8157 or townclerk@brattleboro.gov. Otherwise, please wait for your ballot to arrive.

Selectboard Rejects Downtown Protections (re Homeless)

BCS started a low-cost semi-private community-based true emergency shelter in RVs In Brattleboro in 2022. “Community-based” is not a buzzword here. This shelter model relieves downtown of hosting many homeless and provides a healing space away from crowding and drugs and away from downtown. “True emergency” means it is a cheap — not pretty — solution for the poorest victims of the housing crisis.

We asked town officials several times to start a permitting process to fit the new kind of shelter, and after one told us to go ahead without a permit, the planning board sued to evict us for zoning (parking) violations, and the local health board (selectboard) sued to evict us for violations of rental safety codes. In April, 2023 a Superior Court Injunction said the shelter was safe and could continue under easy conditions. In almost all trials the Town has relied on rumor and technicalities and excluded much of our evidence. The Town wanted fines of $72,000, and the court decided on only $9828, but the court approved the notion that individuals can be sued for actions of corporations that they work for ! We thought we had a plea-bargain to remove the RVs and drop all the charges, but the Town is still threatening to take our home and fine us $4M.