“Thinking Outside The Box”

We often talk about the merits of “thinking outside the box,” yet the reality is, we live within the confines of culture, experience, tradition and . . . the law.

But there are some unique individuals who can think creatively while both recognizing those boundaries and working to change them in meaningful ways. I believe that David Gartenstein is one of those individuals.

This is particularly evident in the area where criminal justice and mental health issues intersect.

In a “difficult case” of a defendant facing “more than 80 charges” David Gartenstein, as the Assistant State Attorney, was able to navigate an interim resolution. While the defendant was “discharged from the Vermont state psychiatric hospital” he remained in a “secure residential treatment facility”. [“Local man to finally get in-patient mental health care” May 19, 2023, Brattleboro Reformer]

I have personal knowledge of a less sensational case which occurred some years ago where David spent the time to work on a disposition that took into account the safety of the community and the needs of the defendant.

From his involvement in such cases, David has articulated principles that promise to effect legislative change. His article which appeared in the Reformer on May 6, “Criminal justice and mental health laws in Vermont are broken” he had submitted as testimony to the House Committee on Judiciary on May 2 in connection with S. 192 (Act 137).

This is only one area of concern that David has articulated. His website covers housing, taxes and public education issues as well. The read is worth your attention.


I believe we, as voters in Brattleboro District 9, should leverage David Gartenstei ‘s 20+ years of thoughtful consideration to these issues of concern and give him our vote in the upcoming Democratic Primary on August 13.

NB: Early voting has started; absentee ballots are available online https://mvp.vermont.gov/ or from the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office.

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