New POLL statistics for candidates for U.S. Representative to Congress Oct. 22, 2014. Please keep in mind that the Republican and Democrat candidate have been invited to many debates which the other candidates were wrongfully excluded from. This is how corporations have taken control of America, because Corporations control newspapers, radio stations and television stations, and they only invite candidates who will do their bidding in Washington, D.C. to debates. It’s up to you to chose betewen government of, by and for the Corporate “Person”, or government of, by and for we the people., 9th Add,400By Associated Press
Published: 12:39 EST, 22 October 2014
275 of 275 precincts – 100 percent
x-Peter Welch, Dem (i) 98,083 – 44 percent
Mark Donka, GOP 87,107 – 39 percent
Jerry Trudell, Ind 16,643 – 7 percent
Cris Ericson, Ind 14,800 – 7 percent
Randall Meyer, Ind 2,799 – 1 percent
Matthew Andrews, LUn 2,778 – 1 percent
In the above debate, held Oct. 17, 2014, for U.S. Congress, Vermont seat for
House of Representatives, there were four main views on abortion – and remember,
the Republican and Democrat candidate claim they’ll meet in the middle of the isle,
so there is nothing so clear as the abortion issue to prove that they certainly will not do that.
(1) Democrat, incumbent U.S. Congressman Peter Welch, is in favor of
(2) Republican, challenger Mark Donka, Woodstock, Vermont Police Officer,
is entirely and completely opposed to abortion.
(3) Cris Ericson, independent, is the only candidate who truly goes to the middle of
the isle. She states that she will write up a Bill in the United States Congress
House of Representatives demanding Equal funding for
Adoption, the same dollar amount as given to federally subsidized abortions,
and, not only that, she wants the adoption clinic and the abortion clinic in the
same building, in fact, in the same office waiting room, so people can have
a last minute change of heart. Why shouldn’t adoptions be free? Abortions
are free to low income women; right?
(4) Jerry Trudell, Energy Independence candidate, moves the abortion debate
onward to the defense funding debate, because he states that Republicans
are so ready to deny people abortions, but once a baby is born they suddenly
don’t have the same concern for the life of babies anymore, and babies grow
up to be soldiers, and the Republicans
treat the deaths of soldiers with comparable less concern;
so the gas corporations can use the U.S. Military to fight wars
to give the gas corporations more control
of world wide gas resources.
In the discussion of defense funding,
Cris Ericson, independent for U.S. Congress,
House of Representatives, accuses Democrat,
incumbent U.S. Congressman Peter Welch,
of what she calls campaign finance money laundering:
(1) Elected officials in U.S. Congress vote to
give Billions of dollars to the Pentagon.
(2) The Pentagon gives Billions of dollars
to Defense Contractors.
(3) The Defense Contractors give literally millions, out
of the billions, to Lobbyists. The Lobbyists
wine and dine the elected officials.
(4) The high paid employees of the Defense
Contractors give money to Political Action
Committees (PACs) which give money to
elected officials campaign funds.
(5) Your taxpayer dollars have come full circle,
into the million dollar campaign accounts the
incumbent politicians are bragging about.
Cris Ericson calls this campaign finance money
laundering, which she feels should be
considered a crime.
Democrat, incumbent U.S. Congressman Peter Welch,
denied taking a big check from Lockheed Martin.
Cris Ericson stated that she saw him in the Burlington Free Press
with U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy waving their campaign
donation checks from the defense industry.
Lockheed contributions follow F-35 contract
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., received $12,000 and
Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., received $5,200
Cris Ericson, independent for U.S. Congress, House of
Representatives, complained that the members of U.S. Congress
vote to give funding to NPR which gives money to VPR,
Vermont Public Radio, and that during the 12 years she has
been a perennial political candidate, she has never been invited
to a general election candidate debate on Vermont Public Radio (VPR).
Cris Ericson stated that Vermonters have never voted to send a woman
to the U.S. Congress before.
Click on the photo link, at least Cris Ericson got a seat at the table.
She is seated on the far left.
Incumbent, Democrat, U.S. Congressman Peter Welch (D) faces
Matthew Andrews (LU), Liberty Union Party,
Mark Donka (R), Republican, Woodstock, Vermont Police Officer,
Cris Ericson (I),
Randall Meyer (I),
Jerry Trudell (Energy Independence)
for Vermont’s lone seat to the
U.S. House of Representatives
in the United States Congress.
Please call in to ask a Car Surveillance question,
(suggested by Rosemarie Jackowski, Liberty Union Party
candidate for Vermont State Attorney General,
for more information on that subject),
Environmental, Ebola or F-35 Strike Fighter Jets
question for the candidates in Vermont for U.S. Congress,
Debate Oct. 23, 2014.
U.S. House Debate – Vermont PBS Election 2014
Live on air and online!
Joe Merone, Executive Producer (802)655-8051
Judy Gordon, Production Associate (802)655-8044
Candidates for Vermont’s lone U.S. congressional seat
debate the issues, live from the Vermont PBS studio.
All candidates on the ballot have been invited to participate.
Also webcast live at
The public is welcome to submit questions
in advance to
Check out our Election 2014 page for live web streaming
of the debates, live Twitter feed, and Candidate Commentaries
2014 Vermont Candidate Cris Ericson for U.S. Congress will speak up on her favorite
(1) Out-law motorboats on Lake Champlain because they drip drops of oil and gas
which contain lead, while simultaneously one-third of Vermonters draw their
drinking water from Lake Champlain.
(2) Out-law dumping Monsanto chemicals in Lake Champlain to “treat” (kill)
invasive aquatic species because these chemicals are harmful to people and
one-third of Vermont residents draw their drinking water from Lake Champlain.
Monsanto has taken legal action against Vermont for the GMO labelling law, but
we’re paying Monsanto’s legal fees by buying their poisonous chemicals to “treat”
invasive species.
(3) Stop the environmentally disastrous idea of running a natural gas pipeline underneath
Lake Champlain because there is no way to build it without stirring up the water and making
a muddy mess, and denying 1/3 of the people who live in the State of Vermont clean drinking
water. Furthermore, natural gas pipelines are in the news nationwide, year after year,
for pipe leaks, pipe bursts and pipe explosions, and children swimming in
Lake Champlain could get killed.
(4) Stop dumping treated sewage into Lake Champlain because one-third of the people
who live in Vermont draw their drinking water from Lake Champlain and Lake Champlain
is grandfathered in as drinking water – people have always drawn their drinking water from
Lake Champlain.
Furthermore, with the Ebola crisis in the news, if a person comes to the Burlington
International Airport from Africa and it takes 3 weeks for Ebola symptoms to emerge,
they could be using toilets which flush out to the sewage treatment plants which dump
treated sewage into Lake Champlain and there is no guarantee that their bodily fluids
will be “treated” enough to stop one-third of the population of Vermont from getting
exposed to Ebola or a mutation of Ebola.
(5) Stop the F-35 strike fighter jets from being based adjacent to the Burlington International
Airport in Chittenden County because they are designed to be dual capable to carry
nuclear bombs, and they are not safe to base in the largest population area of Vermont.
I notice poll results are quite peculiar
Hi! I just wanted to note that the poll results are suspicious.
On Oct. 15, 2014 incumbent U.S. Congressman Peter Welch
polled at 39 percent and a figure of 87,106.
On Oct. 22, 2014 Mark Donka polled at 39 percent
and a figure one point different, at 87,107.
On Oct. 15, 2014 Cris Ericson polled at 7 percent
and a figure of 16,644.
On Oct. 22, 2014 Jerry Trudell polled at 7 percent
and a figure one point different, at 16, 643.
It looks like the people taking the polls for Associated Press
are switching candidates
around to achieve their desired multi-national mega-corporation
desired results.
Oct. 22 poll
US-House-All, 9th Add,400By Associated Press
Published: 12:39 EST, 22 October 2014
275 of 275 precincts – 100 percent
x-Peter Welch, Dem (i) 98,083 – 44 percent
Mark Donka, GOP 87,107 – 39 percent
Jerry Trudell, Ind 16,643 – 7 percent
Cris Ericson, Ind 14,800 – 7 percent
Randall Meyer, Ind 2,799 – 1 percent
Matthew Andrews, LUn 2,778 – 1 percent
Updated: 12:36 EST, 15 October 2014
x-Mark Donka, GOP 98,084 – 44 percent
Peter Welch, Dem (i) 87,106 – 39 percent
Cris Ericson, Ind 16,644 – 7 percent
Jerry Trudell, Ind 14,799 – 7 percent
Randall Meyer, Ind 2,799 – 1 percent
Matthew Andrews, LUn 2,778 – 1 percent
They look suspicious because
…they aren’t poll results.
Here are AP polls that have been done in 2014.