Water-Cooler Diplomacy

I liked the forced integration in the 50’s and 60’s because it had a jarring affect on American consciousness. Segregation was outlawed, and integration became the rule of the land. And, that watershed moment is a mighty and essential part of what changed our country for the better. Integration-by-law had and has a widespread effect on changing attitudes to this day.

No matter what blacks and whites thought of each other, the lawmaker’s gave them a way to violate their own bias behavior. Many American’s immediately became aware of how their thinking was changing.

What the Lincolnesque 1964 Civil Rights Act elementally did was take starkly dissimilar peoples and said, “Yes, you must be allowed to drink from the same fountain!”

What we need is not solutions or agreements to the Israeli-Hamas type world problems.

We need water-cooler diplomacy.

We need the chance to talk face-to-face. We can reach agreement amongst us, one at a time or in small groups, but we usually face agreements and disagreements better when we have to look each other in the eyes. It’s there where we find our real similarities.

Establish a water-cooler zone. Yes, instead of an iron dome, the Israeli-Hamas should build a water-cooler zone.

Mr.Netanyahu, tear down this damn Iron Dome, and build a water-cooler zone.

Vidda Crochetta

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