Towering Deceptions – Attack From Within and Without

At 5pm on September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Towers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were damaged but still standing. Nevertheless, earlier that morning the lower Manhattan skyline had changed forever. The smoke, fumes and dust of Towers 1 and 2 had already firmly established in American minds the smoke and mirrors affect designed and desired by the brainchildren of the attackers.

The two main objectives of any building demolition in populated areas are, one, to break up and pulverize the building into small manageable pieces of dust and debris, and, two, to put the building debris into its footprint. That’s why demolition experts can pull down buildings that stand close to other buildings without damaging them.

There was no question in the minds of the “planners” that it was crucial that the idea of “demolition” not be allowed to be planted in the public’s mind. It was essential that the idea of “collapse” was firmly planted and take root. The planners needed to buy valuable patriotic time and would deal with the obviousness of the demolition characteristics of the attack at a later time. The planners were banking on the patriotic gullibility and instilled fear and anger of most Americans to censor and demonize those who would disagree with the official report. The planners understood us better than we understand ourselves.

It’s easy to say that we were attacked from without. The reality is that we attacked from within and without.

It’s easy to write-off 9/11 theorists as conspiracy-nuts, but the people who attacked us had to be a part of their own conspiracy plan, otherwise they would not have been able to engineer an attack. Of course, no one calls the attack conspirators conspiracy-nuts. Only the people who question the “official story” are called that.

Such are the complications, obfuscations and deceptions of that day, that it’s no wonder too many people cannot see the forest for the trees. The obtuse thinking around Building 7 is a good example. At 5:20pm on September 11th, Tower 7 in an identical manner to Towers 1 and 2 was pulled into its “footprint” in ten seconds.  Yet, Tower 7 escaped a direct fireball impact.

Could a planned special ops have wired those three towers for expert demolition to coincide with their advanced intelligence of an imminent low-tech plane-impact attack? You bet they could.

I certainly understand that terrorists attacked the United States on 9/11. Although, I should point out to our readers that I have refrained from mentioning Mr. Bush, et al. That’s for a real re-investigation to decide. It is the composition of the terrorist cabal which must be the point of the discussion at hand. There are terrorists, and then, there are terrorists.

It’s a terrible irony that during the Clinton administration the Congress approved upwards of 100 million dollars to investigate the president’s sexual proclivities in the White House. On the other hand, following 9/11, the Congress authorized a paltry 4 million dollars to investigate the so-called truth in an “official report.”

After all, seeking the truth of why three massive Manhattan towers were pulverized into dust, the murder of nearly three thousand New Yorkers, the violation of what was obviously militarily unprotected American airspace, the destruction of life and government property within the icon of American power at the Pentagon, the mysterious downing of the fourth hijacked plane over Pennsylvania with yet more American lives lost, may seem trivial compared to presidential sexual antics to our U.S. Congress but many of us take it very seriously when our Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states are so ferociously attacked.

At the beginning of each year we resolve to make changes to better ourselves and our world. Of all the chances to change we have missed in life, it is terrible to think that, now when we are besieged by loss of freedoms and under surveillance beyond anything even Orwell could have imagined, that the naked truth of what happened that day escapes us in the shadowy mists of patriotisms borne of deception.

~Vidda Crochetta

Comments | 28

  • A non-partisan organization of 9/11 family members

    Remember Building 7 is a non-partisan campaign led by 9/11 family members to raise awareness of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 through television and other forms of advertising, and to shift public opinion such that the New York City Council and Manhattan District Attorney will be compelled to open an investigation into Building 7′s destruction.

    • Building 7 Is Odd

      WTC Building 7 is discussed at the beginning of this film:”9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out”

      On Hulu.:

      It’s the opening section of a rather long film, with physicists and architects offering their views on the building coming down despite not being hit by anything significant. Regardless of your views about the Trade Center towers, WTC 7 leaves almost nothing but questions.

      This story wraps around to the NSA. In their open letter to the president, former whistleblowers said that there was ample indication that 9-11 was being planned (the NSA was monitoring the communications of the hijackers), and that the failure to act on the information led to covering up what they knew and when. Hayden and Cheney were directing things.

      • Read This and Look at Photos of Fire from WTC side

        • A Sophisticated Neocon Propaganda Site

          Something kept nagging me about the above debunking link Rosa provided in her reply to my op-ed piece. So I thought I’d check “Who Is” GoDaddy to find out about Didn’t get much except to see they are a Utah outfit of some kind. Next I checked with Alex Jones’ and came across this debunking of the site. Of course, poor Alex takes a beating in this “war of words” but it gives an alternative view:

 A Sophisticated Neocon Propaganda Site
          Lataan Blogspot | June 30, 2008
          A website calling itself ‘Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories’ seems to have certain characteristics that look suspiciously like neoconservative propaganda websites. Even the opening background colour is almost identical to the old Project for the New American Century website indicating, perhaps, that the same webmaster is behind this website.

        • Fires Versus Steel Buildings

          The official explanation that fires caused the collapse of Building 7 is incredible in light of the fact that fires have never caused a steel-framed building to totally collapse, before or after September 11th, 2001.

          Steel-framed high-rises (buildings of fifteen stories or more) have been common for more than 100 years. There have been hundreds of incidents involving severe fires in such buildings, and none have led to complete collapse, or even partial collapse of support columns.

          Recent examples of high-rise fires include the 1991 One Meridian Plaza fire in Philadelphia, which raged for 18 hours and gutted 8 floors of the 38-floor building; and the 1988 First Interstate Bank Building fire in Los Angeles, which burned out of control for 3-1/2 hours and gutted 4 floors of the 64 floor tower. Both of these fires were far more severe than any fires seen in Building 7, but those buildings did not collapse.

          • If you look at the photos

            If you look at the photos from the WTC side you will see that not only are fires raging but that there was considerable structural damage from debris that fell when the towers fell. It wasn’t a case of just fire, the building lost structural integrity from the debris. I can only surmise that you didn’t bother to read the article or look at the photos.

            As for Alex Jones debunking the debunkers. I’ll consider the source in all cases. That’s all I will say about this post except that if tomaidh would look at the photos and article he will see that there is a logic to the explanation that WTC7 fell due to fires which were much more substantial than debunkers claim since they only look at the side facing away from the towers. And then there was the loss of structural integrity, not just fire.

            But then who would we believe, the NYC fire department or Alex Jones. I’m all for having an open mind but I also know that the “how could that small fire take down a building” belies the fact that the fires were extensive as was the structural damage. But you have to look at the NYC fire dept. photos facing the towers. Enuff said.

          • I cannot state who put up the

            I cannot state who put up the web site I linked to. I used it because it shows the NYC fire department photos from the side facing the towers which are difficult to find since most photos are from the far side. I think it gives a clearer picture of how intensive the fires and damage were. Also I think Structure magazine is a credible journal. Okay now I’m done except to say that I really hate it when I have to agree with Putney Reject, no offense Putney.

      • Only an planned demolition could have pulverized three towers

        GC: “…there was ample indication that 9-11 was being planned (the NSA was monitoring the communications of the hijackers), and that the failure to act on the information led to covering up what they knew and when.

        If you follow though with this idea, and see that only an planned demolition could have pulverized three towers, when, in fact, only 2 of the 3 buildings were struck by planes, and taking into account the buildings were built to withstand “multiple” airliner impacts…then as I wrote above: “Could a planned special ops have wired those three towers for expert demolition to coincide with their advanced intelligence of an imminent low-tech plane-impact attack? You bet they could.”

  • It is simple common sense; the key word is "pulverize"

    Something else to consider: There are conspiracy theorists and there are anti-conspiracy-theorist and then there are simply “theorists” like me. As I stated above I do not or try not to point fingers at a specific conspiracy target and do not name names. I am an observationist only. Trying to assimilate my personal perceptions and intuitiveness with what observations and information is available is not a walk in the park for me. Nevertheless, from 09/11/2001 I have not shaken my observation of seeing 3 towers “pulverized” a la Las Vegas style into bits of debris. The key word there is “pulverize.” I do not need to be an engineer to know that the original impact fireballs would pulverize 3 massive towers. It is simply unbiased common sense.

  • Thinking the unthinkable

    When I grew up in New York City, we had just won a horrible war. Pretty much everyone believed that America won because God was on our side. The Nazis were the spawn of the devil!

    It was dogma that America is the richest and most powerful nation on earth: It has the most perfect form of government, the most exciting sporting events, the tastiest food and amplest portions, the largest cars, the cheapest gasoline, the most abundant natural resources, the most productive farms, and the friendliest, most decent and most patriotic folks on Earth. Countries just don’t come any better.

    When you think like this, it’s easy to be blind to reality. I want to reject any thought that an American would even think of an atrocity like this.

    And it’s difficult to conceive that any American would consider any form of American world domination.
    No! That was the province of “Godless Communism”.

    And then I read “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” which can only be described as a Blueprint of the PNAC Plan for U.S. Global Hegemony.
    (For those who don’t know, PNAC is the “Project for a New American Century” and the “New American Century” is nothing more than a roadmap for American world domination).

    Is this really the path we’re on? And is 9/11 one of the pieces of the puzzle?
    I really don’t know, but it certainly seems that certain Americans, collectively known as “Neocons” are advocating exactly that.

    Did they have the power to pull it off? It’s fact that during the Bush/ Cheney administration, neoconservatives played a major role. Besides Rumsfeld, and Cheney himself, these included Paul Wolfowitz, James Woolsey, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby and Elliot Abrams.

    Recently evidence has been surfacing that governments of certain foreign powers may have had advance knowledge of the events, including Saudi Arabia and Israel (Strange bedfellows).

    Remember – Even the official story is a “Conspiracy Theory”.

    As the 2014 Super Bowl approaches, you might find this story interesting:

  • Congratulations

    You two are no different than creationists and climate change deniers.

    • DK if family members were creationists or climate deniers, but

      Anyway Rosa and Putney Reject lay it out, questioning the “official” report is rife with justification. As far back as 2002-2003 significant numbers of family members who lost loved ones in those towers and elsewhere were ahead of many in the country because they understood that the investigation was not an investigation at all when significant players like Bush and Cheney were allowed to so-called testify in secret, behind closed doors with their comments never reported to the family members or the public.

      I don’t know if the family members are creationists or climate deniers, but I stand with them in their call for a real investigation.

    • Omissions

      How could you be so careless?
      You forgot to mention the flat earthers and the hollow earthers

  • C's the day

    An aspect that I continue to question is how an event of this magnitude cannot have myriad witnesses, or people who know people behind the scenes? And how can so many people be cowed, coerced, complicit, culpable?

    When you consider other major atrocities that don’t quite add up, or events closer to home which seem to subvert common cause, a unifying thread emerges. Fear can construct and reconstruct a reality. But on a massive scale, how can the seams all be so tight? So tight, that people will forgo their own best interests?

    I guess only time will tell?

    • How many were involved?

      Regarding Spinoza’s comment:

      Has any demolition experts calculated the number of individuals who would have had to have been on site in advance, planting explosives to bring down three buildings; how long it would would have taken to get the explosives and triggering mechanisms in place; and by what method they could have done this unobserved?

    • The Manhattan Project

      The Manhattan Project to develop the Atomic Bomb began modestly in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people. Research and production took place at more than 30 sites across the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.(Repeat: ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND PEOPLE!)
      Knowledge was kept close through compartmentalization.
      A 1945 Life article estimated that before the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings “probably no more than a few dozen men in the entire country knew the full meaning of the Manhattan Project, and perhaps only a thousand others even were aware that work on atoms was involved.” The magazine wrote that the more than 100,000 others employed with the project “worked like moles in the dark”. Warned that disclosing the project’s secrets was punishable by 10 years in prison or a $10,000 ($130,000 today) fine, they saw enormous quantities of raw materials enter factories with nothing coming out, and monitored “dials and switches while behind thick concrete walls mysterious reactions took place” without knowing the purpose of their jobs.
      In August of 1945, the newly ascended President Harry S. Truman ordered the first two bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
      It has been reported that even he did not know of the bombs while Roosevelt was alive.
      Source: Wikipedia

      • People, those buildings were pulverized...

        Tom’s example of the Manhattan Project is just one example of how and where secrecy was effectively employed to move large-scale disparate operational personnel and materials to meet a high-planned objective.

        I find it interesting that in all of my posts about 9/11 here (and elsewhere) I describe the towers as being “pulverized.” To-date, not one respondent has ever directly addressed that.

        The buildings were pulverized people. Employ any theory, conspiracy, schematic or plot that you want, but no matter what any of us think or believe, those buildings were pulverized into smithereens.

        One fireman describe never finding body parts larger than a half of a person’s foot. No crumpled file cabinets, no crumpled or broken desks, no intact safes, no chairs, no coat racks, no intact or smashed computer terminals, etc., were there to be found. Whenever body parts were found they were described as a part of a finger or smaller.

        When a building collapses and crumples it does not blow the entire contents of the building and its interiors into small fragments and dust.

        No has to be a rocket scientist to make that observation and conclude that a likely scenario of some kind of pre-installed demolition was employed.

        As I wrote above” “Could a planned special ops have wired those three towers for expert demolition to coincide with their advanced intelligence of an imminent low-tech plane-impact attack? You bet they could.”

        As for Rosa, I lost two friends in those towers. When we lost 3000 people that day, there is no such thing as “nuff said” !

        • Are you trying to shame me by

          Are you trying to shame me by that comment? Ridiculous. You speculate about body parts, pulverization of people and yet find it tasteless if someone says they are moving on from the topic. You seem to feel that because you knew victims, as many of us did, you can use that cloak if this topic isn’t going to your liking, yet you have the right somehow to say whatever you wish when speculating about this topic, no regard to what others might find painful or tasteless. You’re right, you own 9-11, it’s all yours. I am moving on, enough said.

          • I wasn’t speculating

            There’s nothing wrong with moving on, so not shame you…but, yes, I do think “nuff said” is a “tasteless” way to move on. (It’s also a tad overused on these pages.) You write: “You speculate about body parts, pulverization of people…” I wasn’t speculating. It’s in the fire department reports.

            I know you may find it “painful” and “tasteless” that many people seek the truth through a real re-investigation, and you disparage them as merely conspiracy (nuts, theorists, etc.) so I guess you have your own cloak to use.

            By saying that I “own” 9/11 suggests that you are correct in deciding to move on.

          • Assorted Nuts

            It’s reasonable to ask questions. What did we know before attack? What was done (not done) with that information? What were the failures of the preparation and response?, etc.

            It’s not reasonable to spew bullsh*t about the building being pre-wired with explosives and remote control planes being piloted into the buildings.

            If anyone is being tasteless and insensitive. it’s the conspiracy nuts.

          • Dear Putney Reject…

            Perhaps you should stop living up to your name.

            First you say that it’s reasonable to ask questions. Okay.

            So, we ask questions.

            Then, when we ask questions, you step in between us and our questions and the answers, and, before we even get to indulge ourselves in hearing the answers for our own edification, you imperialistically step in between us and our answers by deeming those questions as merely “tasteless and insensitive bullshit.”

            Now, you wanna say what? To who?

            How on earth does (or did) our dear old Putney community ever stand you?

          • Perhaps I was wrong...

            I should have lumped you in with the hollow earth crowd.

          • Demolition, from day one

            I’ve not heard of anyone espousing remote control planes, but if there was indeed a demolition of the towers, they had to be prewired. There was plenty of time and opportunity, and apparently more than enough of malicious motive.

            In the first 2 days following the attack, Dan Rather and other news people made recorded comments that the tower collapse’s looked a lot like a Las Vegas casino demolition.

            Mysteriously, those types of comments were never heard again in mainstream news casting. The idea of demolition began day one, and it’s still with us.

  • 9/11 Truther at Super Bowl

    Coach Pete Carroll is one too: The Murdered 3,000 Are Not Forgotten

  • Graphic views of the “pulverization” of the South Tower

    I’m surprised these are still available on the Internet, but here are two graphic views of the “pulverization” of the South Tower:

  • "Soft" Evidence More Compelling

    I think we’ve all heard claims about thermite traces found in the demolition and around the WTC area. We’ve heard about little puffs of smoke showing at the corners of the buildings as they fall. And we’ve heard about the mysterious building 7 collapse. Now Vidda makes his point about the buildings being pulverized.
    These are are all facts that need to be analyzed by experts to mean anything to a lay person like myself.

    For me, the more compelling information is the political tidbits that I have read:
    – PNAC (Project for the New American Century) paper that talked about the need for a “Pearl Harbor event” to give cause to attack Iraq – well before 9/11.
    – PNAC having met with president Clinton to urge him to attack Iraq.
    – PNAC members being in the Bush-Cheney administration.
    – Bush-Cheney’s first cabinet meeting in Feb 2001 where the President showed a map of Iraq and asked them all to consider how they could make a case for an assault of Iraq.
    – Cheney’s meeting at the White House with oil company CEOs where he presented a map of Iraq’s oil reserves. Summer 2001.
    – July 10, 2001 with Bush in Crawford, Texas on vacation Condaleeza Rice in his stead met with Cofer Black, Director of Counter Terrorism for the CIA and George Tenet, Director of the CIA. According to Black: “Our assessment that morning was that “the ceiling was falling in,””
    ( doesn’t “remember” the meeting (
    – the non-appearance of Norad aircraft on the morning of 9/11 is the biggest mystery of all to me. The lack not only of a coherent explanation for Norad’s no-show at the worst possible time, but the response from the White House and friends is telling. There wasn’t any. What you would expect is a thorough investigation and clear explanation. We never got the clear and truthful explanation.
    – Bush-Cheney used 9/11 as a reason to invade Iraq. They used our war footing as a cover for myriad changes in operating procedure throughout the government. The fact that there are 2,000 security contractors taking NSA, CIA and DIA money to surveil the globe is just one small change.


  • Office of Independent Counsel: Appoint a Special 9/11 Prosecutor

    There is a wealth of information, evidential, or otherwise, that based on the Tower’s destruction alone, demands that the Office of the Independent Counsel be empowered to appoint a Special 9/11 Prosecutor to investigate all government and non-government forensic crime data related to Towers 1, 2 and 7.

    Its focus should be targeted to the intra and extra crime field analysis around those Towers.

    What happened to the Towers is germane to all that happened that day. Establish what was behind the attack of Towers 1, 2 and 7 and you will establish the relevancy and the culpability.

    This PDF link “provides information on the procedure for the appointment of an “independent counsel,” a “special prosecutor,” or a “special counsel” to investigate and prosecute potential or possible violations of federal criminal law by officials in the executive branch of the federal government and in federal agencies.“

    This clip is worth watching because it was filmed on August 18, 2001. It was filmed on a summer evening around 7pm taken of NYC tourists, but it shows stunning up close views of Towers 1 & 2. The scenes you see here I am quite familiar with, having visited those Towers, from the observation deck to the ground plaza.

    Any rational sense of things can see that there is no way that one plane impact each could bring down or pulverized those two Towers.

    Note the sheer, almost unbelievable immensity of those buildings.

    I tell you again, the bottom line is that whatever hit the Towers, they were pulverized in smithereens! Plane impacts could not have done that alone.

    The video is 6:56 minutes but you should begin the tape at 4:00 minutes:

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