The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is currently involved in a project with multiple large planning/engineering companies to gather public input regarding existing infrastructure concerns as they relate to bicycling. The state has limited funds to make improvements so they want to focus what they do have available in the locations that people use the most. In order to prioritize specific routes they are using WikiMapping to allow people to go onto a map of Vermont and put comments on particularly tricky sections of road OR entire routes.
There is not a guarantee of funding or projects at this time. It is simply a means for VTrans to gather information on where the biggest problems are and prioritize them. Let’s get Brattleboro heard!!!
Visit to read more about the project and use the interactive WikiMapping Tool.
If there is anyone who isn’t comfortable with the technology, they can forward their comments to Hannah O’Connell at 254-4255 or
Comments will be accepted until February 14, 2015.