Neighborhood Potluck – Free
What does this neighborhood mean to you?
Sunday, March 10, 5:00-7:00 pm at Elliot St Café, corner Elm and Elliot, 134 Elliot St.
Join your neighbors for a potluck and discussion to create a vision for this neighborhood.
Bring a dish, bring ideas or just bring yourself!
If you live, work or play in and around the Frost Elliot and Elm Triangle (F.E.E.T.), then you are a F.E.E.T. Neighbor. Find F.E.E.T. on Facebook.
Please post the F.E.E.T. facebook link. Thanks!
I looked for it and couldn’t find it.
FEET facebook page
Here is the link, for now, if you want to join, just let the administrator know, we are working to get it opened!