Town of Brattleboro to Revise FY26 Budget Following RTM Vote

Following the Representative Town Meeting’s (RTM) vote not to approve the Town of Brattleboro’s proposed FY26 budget, the newly seated Selectboard will begin work to revise and resubmit a new budget proposal.

“We stated our reasoning and knew it was an uphill climb,” said Selectboard member Peter Case, “but we live in a community that still respects democracy, so now it’s back to the drawing board.”

The original FY26 budget included a combination of strategic investments to address community safety concerns and build long-term capacity. It proposed funding for additional police officers to respond to sustained increases in crime, while also supporting the behind- the-scenes work needed to launch One Brattleboro—a collaborative initiative that brings together public safety, social service providers, and community partners to reduce future reliance on police through prevention, outreach, and coordinated response.

“These two efforts were designed to work together,” said Town Manager John Potter. “The new police positions would help stabilize the current situation, while One Brattleboro builds a stronger, more connected system that keeps people from falling into crisis in the first place.”

The original FY26 budget also included a new Solid Waste contract that, although awarded to a sole bidder, would result in services townwide that cost far less in property taxes than each homeowner privately contracting for waste removal on their own.

The Selectboard and Town Manager acknowledge the importance of structural balance in long-term financial planning and agree that financial sustainability remains a critical goal.

Town staff will work with the Selectboard to develop a revised proposal that maintains as many core services as possible, reflects the community’s priorities, and is feasible to implement within the short timeline available.

Residents are encouraged to stay engaged in the budget process. Information about upcoming meetings and opportunities for input will be shared soon.

For more information, contact the Town Manager’s Office at 802-251-8102.

230 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301
Town of Brattleboro to Revise FY26 Budget Following RTM Vote
Date: March 24, 2025
(802) 251-8151

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