New Brattleboro Selectboard members Oscar Heller, Amanda Ellis-Thurber, Isaac Evans Franz were sworn in by Town Clerk Hilary Francis to begin the organizational meeting.
Peter Case nominated a slate of candidates: Elizabeth McLoughlin as Chair, Oscar Heller as Vice Chair, and Isaac Evans-Frantz as Clerk. The board voted 5-0 to approve the slate.
Returning Chair Liz then took comments from the board and public participation.
Amanda Ellis-Thurber offered gratitude and thanks for being elected and said they would be listening, learning and offering compromises.
Oscar agreed . “We have a challenging year aead, but I’m up for it.”
Isaac offered appreciation for the opportunity to serve and to everyone who participated in the democratic process.
Peter said that they have some work to do. “I’m looking forward to finding the middle ground.”
The public offered congratulations, and some suggestions.
“I want to point out what an important occasion this is,” said Franz Reichsman. “A lot could be said, but on reflecting there may be one thing that needs to be said and that is congratulations and best of luck.”
Gary also offered congratulations “to the newly elected body and a new beginning – you have our devotion and support in District 8.”
Dick Degray didn’t like that Town Meeting Representatives had decided to keep Human Services funding at 2% of the total budget. He asked the board to put it to a town wide vote before Saturday. The new Chair pretty much ignored him and suggested that other board members not engage with him. (Note to new board members – you are completely allowed to converse a bit with the public during public participation. What you can’t do is make a decision on an item that hasn’t been warned, and it is good practice to wait have an extended discussion on something until you warn it. But you can talk a bit, ask questions, and so on.)
Fric S. teased him a bit. “I’d like to reassure Dick that 2% of zero is zero. He should be happy.” He encouraged the board to reach out to him if they wanted to brainstorm.
Abby M.asked the board to begin the practice of non-gendered honorifics at selectboard meetings, pointing to the ease and success at Representative Town Meeting of calling people Representative rather than Mr. or Mrs. “I also couldn’t disagree with Dick Degray more” about revoting on human services.
Paula M. pleaded with the board to return to Long Term Financial Plans, the Comprehensive Review of Town Operations, and an annual budget memo from the Town Manager. Without these, she said, civil discourse devolves to yelling because no one has a shared context, goals, or vision. She said the selectboard could delegate the work to a committee, similar to the Finance Committee. “It is up front work and can seem heavy. But it builds goodwill and consensus.”
Former Chair Ian Goodnow got the last word, telling the board “good luck”.