Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Brattleboro Town Selectboard will hold a pre–town meeting information forum on Wednesday, March 9 via
Zoom beginning at 7:30pm. Representative Town Meeting articles will be discussed, including the budget.
Beginning at 5:15pm (District 1), 6:00pm (District 2), and 6:45pm (District 3), town meeting members of each
district will be available to meet with constituents to offer residents an opportunity to share their views and
discuss articles to be voted on at the annual meeting. Also, at those times, each district will be accepting nominations to fill meeting member vacancies for 1 year.
District 1, 5:15–5:45pm
District 2, 6:00–6:30pm
District 3, 6:45–7:15pm
Informational Forum, 7;30pm
The Informational Forum and all 3 district meetings will use the same link.
RTM Members will join the meeting from a computer, tablet or smartphone, using the following link:
2. Click on “Join”
3. Enter the “Meeting ID” for the meeting: 864 4868 0971
4. Enter the “Passcode” for this meeting: 12261753
The public will only be allowed to join the meeting via telephone:
833–548–0282US Toll–free
877–853–5247 US Toll–free
888–788–0099 US Toll–free
833–548–0276 US Toll–free
Meeting ID: 864 4868 0971
Find your local number:
The meetings will be carried live on BCTV:
On Cable TV: Channel 1085 or Channel 10
Streaming Online:–10–stream
Facebook Live:
Brattleboro Districts 1, 2, & 3 will hold district caucuses on March 9, 2022. District 1 will meet from 5:15–
5:45pm and will be accepting nominations to fill and appoint seven (7) town meeting member seats for this
year. District 2 will meet from 6:00–6:30pm and will be accepting nominations to fill and appoint one (1) town
meeting member seat for this year. And district 3 will meet from 6:45–7:15pm and will be accepting
nominations to fill and appoint two (2) town meeting member seats for this year. All district caucuses will be
held via the Zoom meeting platform at the links listed above. Current Town Meeting members have received
instructions for how to join using the app.
Any members of the public from districts 1, 2, or 3 that are interested in being considered for this position
should be present at their district’s caucus on March 9. The public is invited to attend their district’s caucus.All
members of the public, including those interested in a seat at Representative Town Meeting, must do so by
calling in via phone.
Hilary Francis
Brattleboro Town Clerk
230 Main Street, Suite 108
Brattleboro. VT 05301
ph 802-251-8129
cell 802-490-9835
fax 802-257-2312